View Full Version : How am I ever going to get away from valium?

20-10-20, 16:54
I've been on valium now for around a year and a half. 6mg daily. I came off the promazine it was making me sleepy all the time and I've been fine without it. Still on my proxitine.

But I'm concerned over the valium now. I have to take it daily and if I don't the anxiety is so high that it's unbearable to live with. I've tried cutting down, I've tried cold turkey, and now I'm back to just taking my prescribed dose.

My anxiety is hard even with the valium, I still get worry and panic but it doesn't turn into an attack. I feel like I've built up a tolerance and sometimes I do have to take 1 or 2 more valium. Doctors won't up them, which is a blessing in disguise maybe?

I can't live with panic attacks all day. No amount of relaxation, exercise, or "keeping the mind busy" settles the panic attacks which is why I was put on valium in the first place. Living with a fast heartrate all day because of panic is no way to live.

I want to come off these things now, but I'm finding I can't.

Who's been there and done that? Any advice?

20-10-20, 17:48
Probably shouldn't be commenting here as I have nothing constructive to add, but I just want you to know I'm thinking of you and cheering you on, atheist-style.

I can't imagine how tough it must be, but you've proved time after time how resourceful you are. You've got this.

20-10-20, 19:10
Thanks Blue. Today wasn't good. I put off taking the valium, started cleaning and felt out of breath and panicky. I had my valium and within 45 minutes I was up and about and cleaning. It's horrible Blue. I don't know how I'm going to make the transition.

21-10-20, 00:37
I've been on 10mg for 17 years.
I have no intention of giving them up as they're the only thing that will stop my palps.

21-10-20, 01:22
I've been on 10mg for 17 years.
I have no intention of giving them up as they're the only thing that will stop my palps.

Ah that's another thing Phil. When I don't take them my palps are like crazy. You're right they stop mine too. I don't have any while taking them.

17 years is a very long time. What would happen if you was to stop taking them? Would you have bad withdrawal? I'm assuming you've had times when you've had non for whatever reason.

21-10-20, 01:57
Luckily I've never had to go without.
My Dr gives me a script for 100 5mg with 3 repeats.

21-10-20, 02:50
I really wish I had something constructive to say, but you sound like a real champion. As cheesy as it sounds, the fact that you are fighting through it shows mountains of strength and I completely applaud you for it. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and apologise for not having anything helpful to say.

21-10-20, 11:36
Quite pleased to come across this thread. I was too scared to take diazepam (Valium) however I needed 4 a day in May/June/ July to help me through. Anyway I was scared I was becoming addicted to them however the GP said it was a psychological addiction because I took them at the set time everyday, don’t ask me how that is psychological addiction. Anyway now if I take one it knocks me out cold. So I only literally take it as and when. The thing that has helped my anxiety the most and lowering my HR and BP is except use healthy eating plenty of water and SSRIs. Maybe the peroxitine isn’t working for you? Maybe you have been experiencing an excessive amount of stress recently? I think it’s best to knock the diazepam on the head if possible because if taken for long enough it can actually worsen anxiety or you need more of it to work it’s a bit of a vicious cycle. Drugs are tools and an insurance policy alongside the battle we walk alone.
Talking therapies?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

22-10-20, 01:36
Glad to say that hasn't happened to me.
I think it depends on the individual.

26-10-20, 04:52
The first thing to say is you MUST make sure your doctor is in agreement before reducing meds..........I used to take valium for about 3 years but I managed to come off them but it took me several months though. Valium works in a totally different way to anti-depressants. It's a sedative so is very effective and works fast at reducing anxious feelings but the downside is that it's highly addictive so that the longer you take it, the harder it becomes to stop until you might reach a point where the ordeal of coming off them makes your anxiety sky rocket in which case it may be better just to keep taking them.

My feeling about valium is that they're most effective when taken "as and when" anxiety feels really bad but not taken daily because in this way they remain very effective but may prevent you from becoming addicted. The other problem with taking them daily is that your body becomes used to the dose so the dose may be continually increased until you reach a point that they can actually cause panic attacks. However, I do feel when taken "as and when" they are much more effective than taking anti-depressants because ad's lift your mood but don't have the sedative effect of reducing anxious feelings.

If you do feel you want to stop them, you have to reduce them very gradually by remembering "percentages". For instance, if you're on 30 mg, reduce by 10% to 27 mg but Not by 50% to 15mg because of the withdrawal symptoms. In my case, I reduced by small percentages giving myself 1 - 2 weeks between each reduction. If I suffered any withdrawal symptoms I simply went back up on the dose then reduced by a smaller amount. If you can't reduce the size of the tablet, use gaps in the days between taking them so that the dose averages out. I noticed that even from 2mg to 1mg I still suffered bad withdrawal symptoms because it was a 50% drop so you must take care throughout.

I haven't taken any meds (ad's or valium) ever since which is now over 20 years so it is definitely possible to cope with anxiety without the need of meds IF the doctor agrees and it's the route an anxiety sufferer wishes to take. The reason being is that meds often, but not always, only treat the symptoms of anxiety but not the causes but if you reduce the stress in your life and learn how to manage anxiety by using knowledge and therapies, it can be possible to find enjoyment in life without the need of daily meds if a sufferer wishes to or doesn't need meds.

26-10-20, 22:09
Hi Wired, a little late replying. I've been taking diazepam since 1992. My GP prescribed it to get me back to work. It did start on 2mg a day but crept up to 10mg where it has stopped. Ideally I would love to be off it altogether, but being a carer for my wife I can't let it interfere with my duty of care towards her.

If you want to come off them, try reducing them but very slowly, you're not on a huge dose by any means. Though I understand the transition you referred to, the being valium free. Its another reason I'm reluctant to come off them.