View Full Version : How are the early dark nights affecting your anxiety?

20-10-20, 19:32
Some years I've noticed my anxiety improves when it gets dark early and other years it worsens. This year so far it's been a struggle with the early dark nights. I think a lot of it for me this year is dealing with flashbacks to recent times when I struggled and had my worst panic attacks which happened to be night. I've noticed I can feel good all day but as soon as the sun starts to set, my anxiety becomes sky high and I feel like I'm on the verge of going crazy, the night will never end, I'll die before morning or I'll become hysterical. Typical anxiety feelings and worries, I know. My DP/DR seems worse at night too but I suppose that's a given when my anxiety is higher then.

I usually start to feel a bit better about an hour or 2 after the sun goes down and then realise that I'll just have to get through the night again as I always have done and remember morning will come again. I feel better if it turns dark when I'm outside. Maybe it's because when you are out you have more to distract you. When I'm at home and especially in the bath which faces the window, when it's nearing sunset, I am 'waiting' for it to happen and sit in dread.

Anyone else relate?

20-10-20, 19:49
For me my anxiety tends to improve. For me I think it's for a few of reasons ...

1. There's less people outside. I can go for walks in the evening with the dogs and feel comfortable.
2. I can control the heat. Summer is terrible because it gets so hot you can't cool down.
3. I like the dark

In general I tend to sleep when the sun comes up and I wake up mid day so I miss out most of the daytime. I stay awake at night because it's more peaceful for me to do my work from home.

20-10-20, 19:57
I prefer the dark too and am looking forward to the clocks going back on Sunday.

20-10-20, 21:33
I prefer the dark too and am looking forward to the clocks going back on Sunday.

Is it this Sunday? I thought it was the following one! That'd be the 1st November though so no, it wouldn't be.

This is my time of year. The nights draw in and I can draw the curtains and shut the world out. The rooms in the house can me my choice of temperature, not Nature's; and I can put the electric fire on and the lovely warm orange glow of the elements and the flicker effect bulbs just make me feel cosy and safe, especially when it's the only light in the room. Chuck in a bit of Radio 3 where appropriate, and I am in a happy place.

21-10-20, 01:32
Autumn is my season. (apart from the fact my fibro hates it - boo)

Draw the curtains..

Log burner on..


Can't beat it.

21-10-20, 08:58
l love Autumn nights days are not as long, nothing nicer than a hot drink a good film and snuggle on the setee with a fluffy blanket 🤗 xx

21-10-20, 09:50
I agree.

Once the curtains are closed you can cocoon yourself to snuggle down with blankets, cosy lamps, warmth, a good film, comforting food and you sleep better too.

Although I don't like the dark mornings.

21-10-20, 13:32
I think we'd all do pretty well living in Canada :roflmao:

03-11-20, 09:21
Is it this Sunday? I thought it was the following one! That'd be the 1st November though so no, it wouldn't be.

This is my time of year. The nights draw in and I can draw the curtains and shut the world out. The rooms in the house can me my choice of temperature, not Nature's; and I can put the electric fire on and the lovely warm orange glow of the elements and the flicker effect bulbs just make me feel cosy and safe, especially when it's the only light in the room. Chuck in a bit of Radio 3 where appropriate, and I am in a happy place.

Seconded PM.

I was going to reply with the very same thing but I've already been beaten to it!