View Full Version : Insomnia - Out of the blue

21-10-20, 16:26
Hi people. It's been a long time since I've needed to come here. Life has been bobbing along fine, even through Covid which I had back in March. However, as you are going to read, things have taken a slight downturn.

Within my much-expanded boundaries, I have been happily going places and enjoying myself. I have noticed for maybe a week now that I've not felt my usual self, and although not anxious, my self-confidence has slipped.

Last night (Tuesday 20 - Weds 21) I went to bed as normal, but for some reason, I couldn't get to sleep. 1, 2, 3 and even 4am came and went and this is just not like me. Usually, I have trouble staying awake. Even in the afternoons, I struggle to stay awake.

Today I have managed about 20 mins. I don't feel sleepy or tired, but I know it's on my mind. I'm feeling hot, but don't have a temperature, a slight headache that comes and goes and a few shooting pains in the head too. I know I'm worrying about it.

Why should I get a bout of insomnia out of nowhere? I used to get the odd sleepless night when a lot younger but nothing for many many years. Anyone else had something similar? Of course, the answer is yes.

This is probably going to lead to some general anxiety for a few days or weeks till I can get back on an even keel.

I also suffer with Catastrophic thinking and looking at the reasons for insomnia (apart from the obvious non-threatening ones) it can be a sign of Alzheimer's which my mother suffered with. Having just turned 59 it's playing on my mind.

Any thoughts and comments would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

22-10-20, 03:46
I'd recommend going to see a healthcare professional. But something from personal experience that has helped is to find something to focus your mind on, for example puzzle games, video games, music and writing have all helped calm things down (at least a little bit at times). I hope that helps.

22-10-20, 08:44
Why should I get a bout of insomnia out of nowhere?

You're not. Insomnia doesn't just happen. The cause can be physical or psychological and it can be something as simple as your bedroom being too warm or too cold or noise.

I had severe insomnia a few years back. I still have it to some degree now, but I found it helpful to go through my day and write down everything that I did, thought, or ingested.

Things like caffeine and when you have your last drink, or using electronics before bed. You have to go through things with a fine tooth comb...

I've had some success using the sleep stories on the Calm app. I put my phone on the floor, so it's not near my head, and I go to sleep listening to Harry Styles or whoever. I notice the difference when I don't do this..

This is probably going to lead to some general anxiety for a few days or weeks till I can get back on an even keel.

Worse thing you can do - it will keep the cycle going.

I also suffer with Catastrophic thinking and looking at the reasons for insomnia (apart from the obvious non-threatening ones) it can be a sign of Alzheimer's which my mother suffered with. Having just turned 59 it's playing on my mind.

Where there is family history, I think it's common sense to see a GP, but in all likelihood this is anxiety or stimulant based insomnia.