View Full Version : twisted my ankle and now my anxiety is out of control

22-10-20, 00:09
i went on a walk yesterday and twisted my ankle and why i scared myself with that i had no pain or problems walking so i didn't think about it
went to sleep that day, woke up, started to walk and noticed that my foot hurted whenever i took a step
i can move my foot normally, i can feel everything but it just hurts when i try to walk normally
now i'm so scared that it's something serious and i think my anxiety is making thinks worse (as it always does) because it didn't hurt that much
is there something i can do to calm down? i never twisted my ankle so i'm lost

22-10-20, 09:00
Why would you even begin to think that twisting your ankle is something serious?

It could be very painful for a few days, so try and let it heal. It's normal.

22-10-20, 10:16
As Joe said above, and - you did something that most people do multiple times in their lives, and by the sound of it, not even that badly ! Rest it, let the ligaments and muscles heal and repair, (which can take some time in the ankle area, I did it once badly where I was strapped for a month and hobbling) and don't think about it. Its parts of living, its part of being an ambulant human being, it happens - as for something serious - like what ? What could be serious that didn't even hurt that much when you first did it ?

23-10-20, 23:15
Thank your for this!
i have a friend who plays football so he knows quite a bit about different things that can happen from sprained ligaments to a ligament rupture and so on and that got me to google and that always gets out of hand :doh: i‘m pretty sure that i twisted my ankle before but it never hurted multiple days like it does now so that‘s what also got me worried. But i‘m feeling a bit more relaxed now and will continue to rest and hope that it‘ll feel better next week