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23-10-20, 08:55
Hey, first time today on my own with my son since my anxiety has been at its worst.. feel abit scared already almost like im tensing my arms so then when there not tense they feel abit weird which then scares me.. i dont want to be scared i wanna be a good Mom again :( i feel like im not breathing properly also its just horrible. How can i just feel normal for once and not like my arms are gonna stop working.. is this even a normal anxiety symptom its been my qorst onr for a while now. Thanks for reading xx

23-10-20, 09:36
Hey, first time today on my own with my son since my anxiety has been at its worst.. feel abit scared already almost like im tensing my arms so then when there not tense they feel abit weird which then scares me.. i dont want to be scared i wanna be a good Mom again :( i feel like im not breathing properly also its just horrible. How can i just feel normal for once and not like my arms are gonna stop working.. is this even a normal anxiety symptom its been my qorst onr for a while now. Thanks for reading xx

We naturally tense our muscles with anxiety because it's part of the stress response (fight or flight)

We are essentially preparing to move really fast, or stay and beat the crap out of something or somebody. For this, our muscles need to tighten because we need all the power we can get in order to come better off in a fight for survival. This is your body doing what it is meant to do except your brain doesn't know the difference between an actual threat and your scary thoughts.

For most people this muscle tension is temporary. For people who suffer from anxiety, the body is always in a some level of stress response. We become hypersensitive - meaning that we get these symptoms even when we are not freaking out over something. You get me?

First, you accept that this is not dangerous. It's very common. There is nothing to fear whatsoever.

Then you need to try and loosen those muscles. So maybe take a warm bath or do some gentle stretches. Massage can be helpful as can getting out for walk.

I hope this helps you.

23-10-20, 15:38
Thank you for your reply. I just hate all of this so much :( my symtoms atm is chest tight/heaviness, out of breath.. hoping its anxiety relatef but im petrifed :(

23-10-20, 16:17
my symtoms atm is chest tight/heaviness, out of breath.. hoping its anxiety relatef but im petrifed :(

Again, it's fight or flight (stress response) which is causing these symptoms. They're 'scary' because it feels like we're having heart issues, and this adds more fear to the mix creating more stress hormones.

Try some deep breathing. Maybe try the free breathing exercise on the Calm app?

You're fine. It just feels very uncomfortable. Stop adding fear to the situation and things will calm down.

23-10-20, 17:56
Thank you again for the reply, when i distract myself i find it easier and its almost like ny chest is tensed up :( i an absoloutly sick of this now!!!! Hope your well?

24-10-20, 08:06
Thank you again for the reply, when i distract myself i find it easier and its almost like ny chest is tensed up :( i an absoloutly sick of this now!!!! Hope your well?

Your chest is tensed up. There are loads of muscles in the chest. The more anxious you are, the more these muscles will tighten. You need to relax the muscles.

24-10-20, 13:02
I am trying its isnt so bad today, but when i stand up and do things I feel out of breath and my heart beats fast so im terrified again. I dont know if i need to go to the walk in or not. I dont feel poorly etc but im really scared. When im sat relaxing its fine.

24-10-20, 13:02
Ps sorry im so annoying

25-10-20, 03:16
I feel like this quite frequently. I got a check up at the doctor and had a clear ekg, blood pressure was perfect and my oxygen saturation was 100%. So clearly nothing is wrong with me but I still get the feeling that I cant breath and get out of breath easily. The more I focus in it the worse it gets. Then I have panic about it. Try not to think about it and distract yourself. I promise its anxiety.

25-10-20, 05:58
I am trying its isnt so bad today, but when i stand up and do things I feel out of breath and my heart beats fast so im terrified again. I dont know if i need to go to the walk in or not. I dont feel poorly etc but im really scared. When im sat relaxing its fine.

Your heart is designed to beat fast. It's part of the stress response which can be 'good stress' like when you see someone you fancy, or bad stress when you imagine you're having a heart attack.

The heart normally beats between 60 and 100 beats per minute for adults - faster for kids. When a person is very anxious, we feel them more because we are hyper focused on them. When I have a panic attack, my heart races at 145 bpm, but it's temporary. You can stop your heart from racing by triggering the PNS (parasympathetic nervous system) which turns off fight or flight - you do this by slowing your breathing down and breathing into the abdomen. But you need to understand that it's not dangerous for your heart to race because there is nothing wrong with your heart. If anything it's getting a workout. It just feels weird when our heart race, as if we're running for a bus, only we are still.

A month ago you started a thread about these symptoms fearing you were having a heart attack. Then you had tests which reassured you that you were not having a heart attack, but the symptoms of a sensitised body don't disappear overnight. It takes time, and that's providing you're NOT adding fear to them - which you clearly are.

Go for a walk. Don't sit in a chair because that won't diffuse those stress hormones. Get up. Move about.

You are simply hypersensitive and hyper focused on your heart - which is essentially working as it should.

I'd also question your fitness levels?

I got quite unfit after years of fibro and I got breathless. This went after a few months of exercising.