View Full Version : SSRIs dont appear to be working, would Burspar be next?

28-10-07, 13:05

I have posted quite a few times about my horrible side effects while taking SSRIs and the fact that they dont appear to be working.

Im going to see my psychiatrist tomorrow, would it be a good idea to ask for Burspar and to stop the ADs.

Im really struggling at the mo, Ive tried sertraline and escitalopram, and both have made me feel awful and the side effects, well, they just make my anxiety go through the roof!

Would a tricyclic suit me better? ANy ideas please. I just cant seem to tolerate any meds and get awful side effects too.


Liz xx

28-10-07, 13:12
I don't think anyone on here can answer that question better than your psychiatrist. Be upfront with him/her - maybe even print out your post and ask advice. Good luck and let us know how you get on. It's horrible not to have medication settled but sometimes it does take time and then it's worth it, in my experience anyway.There are very many options out there other than SSRIs, there are new generation SNRIs, atypical antidepressants, mood stabilisers etc.