View Full Version : I have a question

24-10-20, 14:41
Do you guys ever look at non-anxiety people and feel completely detached? I don't mean depersonalisation, I mean that you ever wonder how they are able to live their life free of anxiety? Lately I'm now hyper-vigilant about my heart health and it makes wonder how non-anxiety people live their life without worrying about a heart attack, their heart stopping, or anything else about their health. It kinda freaks me out to think this way. Anyone else? Thanks

24-10-20, 15:54
You would be amazed at the amount of people who suffer from anxiety that you have no idea they are suffering.

Those people who you look at and think they are free of anxiety probably aren't at all and have some sort of anxiety about lots of different things.

People with mental health problems are very good at hiding it from the outside world

24-10-20, 17:53
We all think other people are "fine" and without a care in the world..The truth is probably very different and not everyone is vocal or confident to speak about their issues, especially older people.

24-10-20, 18:07
Yes, there are a lot of "closet" anxiety sufferers. A lot of them stay super busy to deal with their anxious energy. Some of them are also exercise junkies, I think.

But there are some people who just don't have those intrusive thoughts that we have. They think about other things...not just worries. I know it's possible. With medication, a lot of my intrusive thoughts disappear.

24-10-20, 19:56
I stay super busy but I know the dangers of exercise addiction as a way to stave off anxiety.

27-10-20, 14:24
Do you guys ever look at non-anxiety people and feel completely detached? I don't mean depersonalisation, I mean that you ever wonder how they are able to live their life free of anxiety? Lately I'm now hyper-vigilant about my heart health and it makes wonder how non-anxiety people live their life without worrying about a heart attack, their heart stopping, or anything else about their health. It kinda freaks me out to think this way. Anyone else? Thanks

If my husband gets any more laid back, he'll be horizontal. Nothing fazes the git. Blood in his poo, severe anaemia and an emergency colonoscopy? (several years ago now) no problem. He just carried on with his world domination online game...

I asked him. 'Why are you not totally losing your shit over this?'

He answered. 'There's no point'. When they tell me I have cancer, then I'll worry'.

Fair enough. I did his worrying for him. :scared15:

When it comes to appearances, I'll tell you the story of a lovely human being who always had a smile on his face. Life never seemed to faze him either. Sweetest guy you could ever hope to know. He drove to a disused petrol station and killed himself - leaving a wife and two children. He was the last person on the Earth who I would expect to do this. It just shows you that the outside doesn't always reflect what's on the inside.

I sometimes wonder what life would be like without the crippling ball and chain that is anxiety, but the honest answer is that I don't know because I've never been anxiety free.

At the moment, I am health anxiety free. (GET IN!!!) :yahoo:However, I still have all my other mental health disorders and a brain that's not wired up for this world, but it is what it is. I can't change it, so I have to accept it.

I no longer fear my heart stopping. In fact, the older I get, and the more tired I become, the more of a comfort the thought actually is. Does that sound weird? :unsure: I'm not in any hurry, like, but I'm just saying that I'll be ready for a nice long kip!

I just hope that I'm wearing clean undies when it happens. :shades: