View Full Version : Convinced I have ovarian cancer

24-10-20, 23:58
Hi all,

I have been experiencing lower abdominal and pelvic pain since Saturday of last week. This pain will come out of nowhere like a pinching pain that makes me want to squirm and shift around. I can feel pain too when I press on these areas at times. I started experiencing these symptoms two days before my period. At first, I did not panic. I thought this was just my period coming. I'm on day 5 tho now of my period and the pain is still occurring. It feels like cramps sometimes. Along with this pain, I've also started experiencing nausea, back pain,urges to feel like I have to pee,hardly any appetite, and a soft stool.

I have decided to set up a doctor's appointment on Monday to get things checked out. My mind is also running rampant though with the possibilities of what it could be. My mind has already determined its ovarian cancer. Other people like my mom are telling me it could be an ovarian cyst or a kidney stone. I can't help but think of the worst though. This constant contemplation is making me depressed and even more nauseous. I am really scared and have been crying.

Someone in our family passed away of this cancer. Her symptoms presented as harmless IBS symptoms, including bloating. All the doctors kept telling her it was just IBS and acid reflux. By the time she was diagnosed, it was too late. So, I'm quite scared. This person was not too close to me in relation. I believe she was my mom's aunt. She was in her 60s when diagnosed. I am 25. I have been told by mom that the cancer is quite rare and that it would be even more rare for me to have it at my age. I can't help but think the worst though.

Has anyone ever experienced these symptoms and it turned out to be something less harmless? I'm just needing some piece of mind, even if temporary.

25-10-20, 00:47
Yes I have experienced it.. it was a spasm in my colon.

I thought my dr was crazy.

She was right.

25-10-20, 06:33
Someone in our family passed away of this cancer. Her symptoms presented as harmless IBS symptoms, including bloating.

My mother had ovarian cancer. I got a bit freaky over it for a while, then I got rational. My mum had cancer, yes, but it was caught early thanks to yours truly being on the ball with things not being as they should with a 65 year old woman with a tummy like a beach ball and brown discharge in her knickers. Because my mother had it, and her sister, I am screened for it. This is sort of happening now actually. This week I had an ultrasound (abdominal, but it includes the ovaries) and today I'm going for the CA125 blood test. This isn't my usual two yearly routine screening, it's happening because I have symptoms like you. Next step is the good old transvaginal ultrasound (cam up the vag) depending on what the ultrasound shows, or doesn't.

So it's time for you to be rational...

Your mum's aunt was a similar age to my mum - in her 60s. This is the age group where it is common to get this cancer. In that respect, I should be worrying more than you because I'm 50 with an early menopause.

Your mum's aunt, I take it, didn't have any kind of scan?

Ovarian cancer is a 1 in 95 risk and in a much higher age group than you.

I had ovarian cancer fears long before my mother got the cancer because I was always having lots of pain, bloating and cramping around my monthlies. All the tests I had showed nothing more than 'a' fibroid, that's now disappeared as they generally do after the menopause.

Even when I had post-meno bleeding and a thicker than normal womb lining in 2011 - there was nothing sinister. I got the all clear on Christmas Eve - the best present that year for sure!

I have experienced all your symptoms before, and it's been nothing but IBS.

The reason I'm not freaking out is because I worked hard on my health anxiety issues. Plus, I have lost count at the amount of times that I have almost lost my mind fearing the worst, and in the end - I did lose my mind - albeit temporarily.

You don't need reassurance lovely. You need to work on your health anxiety, otherwise this is a cycle which will keep going..

16-11-20, 21:43
Hi Nora,

Thank you for your reply. I went ahead and saw my doctor who scheduled me an ultrasound and an uranalysis. Both were normal. I think you are right from what you said about it being IBS as strangely enough, I haven't experienced any of these symptoms since. However, something is wrong which I surely believe is my health anxiety. Every week it seems to be something new with me. I absolutely hate living this way and can't do it anymore. This week, it's heart problems because I've had a racing heart and tingling over my body. So, I'm going back to the doctor again. I feel embarrassed and like the doctor must be sick and tired of seeing me. The person I should be seeing next is a therapist more than likely.

17-11-20, 06:23
However, something is wrong which I surely believe is my health anxiety. Every week it seems to be something new with me.

Which is classic health anxiety. You get the all clear on one symptom and your HA mind will summon up another one for it to feed on.

I absolutely hate living this way and can't do it anymore.

Yet, here you are at the doctors again with symptoms which are nothing more than your body working normally in response to your anxious thoughts. (fight or flight)

I feel embarrassed and like the doctor must be sick and tired of seeing me. The person I should be seeing next is a therapist more than likely.

Don't be embarrassed about mental health conditions because that's what this is.

Your GP may say this is anxiety from the beginning but they might also send you for tests. I had lots of tests on my heart and they all came back clear. Don't wait for the all clear. Sort out seeing a therapist. X