View Full Version : Twitching constant in bag under eye!

25-10-20, 04:06
Hey all, so here we are again! I’ve now got a constant - like it doesn’t let up at all - it’s like a fast pulsing twitch in the bag under my eye! Anyone else had this? I’m trying to not fall into the ALS rabbit hole again!!! I’ve just an MRI done so surely it can’t be anything neurological but it just won’t let up! A normal eye twitch comes and goes, this is all the time! Anyone had that??

25-10-20, 05:43
Twitching constant in bag under eye!
Hey all, so here we are again! I’ve now got a constant - like it doesn’t let up at all - it’s like a fast pulsing twitch in the bag under my eye! Anyone else had this? I’m trying to not fall into the ALS rabbit hole again!!! I’ve just an MRI done so surely it can’t be anything neurological but it just won’t let up! A normal eye twitch comes and goes, this is all the time! Anyone had that??

25-10-20, 06:08
It's worth noting that anxiety can cause this twitching symptom which can affect every part of the body. It's due to the stress response and nerve impulses firing erratically.

I've had twitching in my eye that turned out to be blocked tear ducts and also twitches on several parts of my body - including my buttocks. :huh:

Given your obvious HA, I'd imagine this is another anxiety based symptom.

25-10-20, 06:37
You've started another thread on this same symptom? Are you kidding me?! :huh:

I answered you on the other one.

Give HA my regards.

25-10-20, 06:50
Haha no one responded - this is the old one!! Thank you

25-10-20, 07:07
Haha no one responded - this is the old one!! Thank you

I'm confused! :scared15:

Well, I replied on the other one.

My brain malfunction aside, there appears to be a time difference of just over an hour between you starting the original thread and starting a new one on the same subject. Give people chance cocker!

25-10-20, 07:08
My anxiety needed attention so I wasn’t patient x

25-10-20, 08:05
I thought you said you were going to challenge your HA after that "incidentaloma" scare a few weeks ago?

25-10-20, 10:41
A few weeks ago my boss mentioned her eye was twitching.

Next day, my eye starts twitching.

Anxiety never misses an opportunity.

25-10-20, 12:07

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

25-10-20, 20:22
Thank you. So has anyone else had this? Like a constant eye twitch - never gives up???

25-10-20, 20:44
I thought you said you were going to challenge your HA after that "incidentaloma" scare a few weeks ago?

What happened?

25-10-20, 21:39
This twitch happened!! I’ve been really good for about 1 whole year so give me some credit.

26-10-20, 00:02
When mine starts twitching it doesn’t quit for weeks sometimes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

26-10-20, 01:09
I’ve had it, for quite a while. It did eventually go away. Can be anxiety and/or minor injury related from touching or rubbing there. But mostly anxiety xx

26-10-20, 02:27
This twitch happened!! I’ve been really good for about 1 whole year so give me some credit.

Twitching can happen when you are magnesium deficient, it's not that uncommon for it to happen to most people and pretty easy to solve. You can buy soluble magnesium tablets in most pharmacists and stores, I normally take 1 tablet ever few days and that has kept any twitching away. However if you want a healthy natural alternative then an avocado will do too. Of course it could be very well be linked to anxiety or an injury....

26-10-20, 02:30
Thank you ..... I haven't hurt my eye, it's not as strong now but its still there!

26-10-20, 02:40
I had this and it lasted for weeks, I was 24 at the time. I'm 63 and still here. Hope you are enjoying our lovely Spring weather :flowers:

26-10-20, 05:13
Thank you! Funny that you remember back to then!

26-10-20, 06:52
Thank you! Funny that you remember back to then!

Yep teachers are good at that! I was boarding with an older teacher and her family, I was just married but only went home in the weekends because it was too far for me to travel from our home and back every day!

26-10-20, 07:36
This twitch happened!! I’ve been really good for about 1 whole year so give me some credit.

Threads started by you this year...

Green poo
Wound won't heal
Mouth ulcer lasting too long
Twitching eye
Lump in neck
Feeling of a hot face but it's not hot to touch.
Incidental findings on MRI
Muscle between thumb and index finger larger on dominant hand
Anyone had a finger move by itself?
Tender spot on head
Waiting to find out if I have cancer.

This is you being really good? :huh:

You have a total of nine pages of threads going back to 2010.

Health anxiety is running, and ruining, your life, and it will continue to be your life until you address this condition!

26-10-20, 08:07

Just to remind you..

26-10-20, 19:15
I don’t know if you’re being kind or mean but thank you for the reminder - and my understanding is that this is a page where we can come and be ourselves in our fear sometimes - and yes those threads were started as sometimes this is the only group I can chat too! Outside of that - I’ve still been pretty good!

26-10-20, 19:52
I'm trying to keep you on track, Tan. You were so adamant that you wanted to put a lid on your HA because you saw what could happen with over- testing.

You could have more unnecessary tests and face more risk of benign incidental findings or you could accept that this is a common anxiety symptom which most people have and which is annoying but harmless.

26-10-20, 19:59
I do appreciate it - thank you. I wish it was that easy - anything like this just triggers me.

26-10-20, 20:51
Of course it's not easy and of course it triggers your HA ...but what do you actually want people to say on your thread? What would "reassurance" entail?

27-10-20, 06:39
I don’t know if you’re being kind or mean but thank you for the reminder

I don't know if that was aimed at Pulisa, me, or us both. :unsure:

RE my comment, I proved to you that your health anxiety is currently not as insignificant as you are making out. I don't do mean (not intentionally anyway) I do honesty.

Your HA is controlling you now just as much as it always has, and every time you come on here to symptom dump you are fuelling it.

my understanding is that this is a page where we can come and be ourselves in our fear sometimes - and yes those threads were started as sometimes this is the only group I can chat too!

This isn't you being yourself. This is you with a mental health condition which still hasn't been addressed. Or are you happy with HA defining who you are?

I'm not interested in fuelling your condition, Tan. I was as ill as someone can get with health anxiety and I got myself better with graft and determination. I can help others too, but only if they're willing to put the effort in.

If you don't want to help yourself, that's up to you. You get to use this forum however you wish to, and that's very obviously for symptom dumping and sympathy. It won't beat HA - I can tell you that much!

The forum's name is NO MORE PANIC and I take that literally. Come on here, be among people who know what severe anxiety feels like and support each other towards recovery. That's how I see this forum.

Outside of that - I’ve still been pretty good!

11 threads (at least) in 2020 and the year isn't done yet? I call that a raging case of HA myself...:huh:

There's a life out there Tan. You didn't ask for this condition - nobody does - but recovery lies with you and the determination to be well again.

I'm not interested in pandering to your HA. That's not my way, so you'll hear no more from me. My inbox is always open to you though. (not a euphemism) :ohmy: if you decide that you've had enough of HA running (and ruining) your life.

27-10-20, 06:49
Thanks guys - I just come here to look for support and understanding. I appreciate the time and effort to respond to me xo thank you and yes I’d love to get rid of this anxiety!!!!

27-10-20, 06:53
Thanks guys - I just come here to look for support and understanding.

You've got both. But what are you doing to support yourself?

Oops, I commented. :zipit:

28-10-20, 10:54
I am new to this forum and I have exactly the same thing, pulsating below my eye constantly. Being going on now for almost 2 weeks. Any help and advice greatly appreciated. Not your normal eye twitch but like I say pulsating just below eye. Thanks all

28-10-20, 19:50
Yes! That’s me. Did you find a way to stop it? Mine is now on and off but mainly on And main issue is that everyone can see it! It’s like my eye is having a constant spasm in the bag area! Did you find relief?

28-10-20, 20:26
No mine is still pulsating 24/7 plus top lid is also twitching though that is not constant. Really anxious about it. Has yours improved at all? How long have you had yours? I have had eye twitches before but not the pulsing��

29-10-20, 00:55
YES same as mine!!! 24/7

Is yours like this?!

That's what mine is like but up higher to the tear duct - 24/7 why!!
I went to the Dr and she said it's stress but I've had it 4 days now NON STOP - non stop not even let up once and normal twitches let up

What are you doing for it?

29-10-20, 09:51
YES same as mine!!! 24/7

Is yours like this?!

That's what mine is like but up higher to the tear duct - 24/7 why!!
I went to the Dr and she said it's stress but I've had it 4 days now NON STOP - non stop not even let up once and normal twitches let up

What are you doing for it?

Didn't you complain about the same twitch a few years ago?

29-10-20, 10:57
Didn't you complain about the same twitch a few years ago?

Yep... (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?217431-Eye-still-twitching-after-a-year-what-woul-you-do)

And Yep... (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?215457-Eye-twitching-for-a-year-what-would-you-do)

Positive thoughts

29-10-20, 12:41
Yes that’s what mine is like almost 2 weeks now. Can’t feel it just see it. What about you can you feel it?
has anyone else had same thing and know what it is? Really anxious��

30-10-20, 06:03
I can’t feel it either! And I’ve had it 5 days now but now my fingers are moving by themselves and I feel like I’m twitching all over the place! I went to the dr and she said it was just normal. She checked for Parkinson’s - which I didn’t know about and she said it would be rare for it to be that - but now, of course, I’m worried about that now with my twitching fingers!!!!
Have you found anything to stop it?? Mine is 24/7 never gives up!

30-10-20, 07:44
Mine is 24/7 never gives up!

So, you're saying that you are twitching 24 hours of the day, every day?

Do you think you may be exaggerating slightly? :huh:

30-10-20, 08:21
So, you're saying that you are twitching 24 hours of the day, every day?

Do you think you may be exaggerating slightly? :huh:

Or is Tan describing her HA thoughts?

30-10-20, 08:26
Or is Tan describing her HA thoughts?

Nice one P!:yesyes:

24/7 of relentless shit is how I would have described what was happening in my head when I went loco with health anxiety. :scared15:

30-10-20, 19:08
You guys are invading my post - go hassle someone more worthy. It is 24/7 that means it doesn’t give up once - this twitch is weird - it’s constant under the eye and constant means constant - x

30-10-20, 20:23
Hi tan l have twitching on my eyelid and leg on and off it's more annoying than anything, try not focusing on it hopefully if you try and relax it will go take care xx

31-10-20, 06:30
You guys are invading my post - go hassle someone more worthy. It is 24/7 that means it doesn’t give up once - this twitch is weird - it’s constant under the eye and constant means constant - x

Tan, with respect, this is bullshit.

Unless you are saying that you never sleep?

Maybe this is one of those things where I'm too literal and this simply feels like it's happening 24/7 to you? It's like when people say they never sleep, but actually they do.

If you learn some relaxation techniques, this symptom will eventually go.

If you stop focusing on it, this symptom will eventually go.

This symptom is caused by anxiety - by an overstimulated system - so the answer is to calm your system down.

Understand this twitching as an anxiety symptom where your body is hyperstimulated and the nerve impulses are firing erratically. This can affect any part of the body, and most commonly, the eyes.

When my anxiety is high, never mind the twitching which is hardly visible - I have a tic where people think I'm winking at them! :ohmy:

As has been pointed out, you've had this symptom before (2018) and you were told then it was nothing, and this time is no different. Yet here we are on HA thread number 4763 (or feels like) going over the same symptom.

With respect, it seems to me that you want the sympathy and the 'me too' comments but you don't seem to want to engage with people who are trying to help you. You see this as being hassled? I see it as trying to pull you out of the hole you're in. :shrug:

I've given you the explanation of why this symptom happens with anxiety and how you can stop it. Take the advice. Don't take the advice. It's your ride.

31-10-20, 07:48
This forum shouldn't JUST be about comparing symptoms and loads of sympathy etc. There is the option for constructive advice and support from people who know what HA is all about but who also know how to manage it and how to rise above it but of course it's your choice as to what approach you prefer.."Hassling" is challenging your thoughts.

02-11-20, 01:04
Thank you - I appreciate what you're saying, it's hard to hear things that don't necessarily make you feel better straight away yet in the long run are what you need to hear ... so thank you - my eye is still twitching but yes you're right, hearing others are like me doesn't necessarily 'fix' the issue, the issue is a long withstanding anxiety disorder that needs 'order'. - I appreciate your help Nora and Pulisa.

22-01-21, 16:30
Can anyone help me please. I have got constant twitching under my eye, not eyelid but in the eye bag/eye socket area
please reply if anyone else has had this as it is really worrying me. I had it constant 24/7 for a week a few weeks ago, then it was intermittent and stopped. Now back constant again. Anyone please!, thanks

21-06-21, 07:20
Hey ya Solly,

Just got it too. But i think it's just anxiety symptoms. I mean, If it was anything serious it'd not just pulsate. It'd hurt. If it went away, it's fine. Get it checked. I figure that's the best assurance u can get.