View Full Version : Bbq gone wrong

25-10-20, 20:54
Hey I honestly don稚 even know what I知 scared of right now. I知 at an event and they are roasting a pig. So there is a lot of smoke being given off from the pit. They are also grilling a lot of other foods too. I ate some rice, and chicken. The chicken was brutally charred to be honest. But good. Anyways. After eating I feel a slight headache. Idk if it痴 because I知 dehydrated or tired. But then my husband and myself went to sit down and we sat in close proximity to the bbq pit. We sat there for about 20 minutes (it was out in the open/open air/outdoors) but I知 really sensitive to the smoke. So we had to move. I知 not sure if this exacerbated the headache or caused it to be honest. I just felt unwell. Anyways we moved and now I知 feeling better and my headache seems to have gone away. But I知 really scared. Was I experiencing carbon monoxide poisoning or something like that? Maybe smoke inhalation damage? Idk it痴 just freaking me out. And I知 also pregnant. BTW.

25-10-20, 21:50
Nah it’s more than likely just the smoke. Is it cold where you’re at? Sunny? Both of those things will sometimes bring on headaches in me as well.

For what it’s worth I’ve sat by a bbq pit for hours being exposed to the bbq smoke. Smells so good lol. And I’m fine, you will be too!