View Full Version : Mosquito bite.. fever 😳

26-10-20, 01:07
Just wondering if anyone’s had anything like this

Got bitten on my foot. I did scratch it a bit. It swelled to golf ball size, red and hot to touch. Foot hurt to walk on / felt like someone trod on it. Swelling was pressing on the nerves I think. Lump swelling went down - but left a red patch, that spread to most of my foot. And I now have a fever of 38.3 and resting heart rate of 71 (normally 60ish)

That foot feels cold to touch, also, and the leg. Other one is fine.

Just thought if anyone has had a similar experience and didn’t end up in hospital, I’d calm down. 🥺

26-10-20, 01:26
Did you see the bug? You’re sure it was a mosquito? I’m allergic to mosquitoes so I do get above average reactions when bitten, that’s the only reason I ask. I’ve had them swell up and get red and such, not usually painful though. I’m just wondering if you maybe got stung by something?

26-10-20, 02:24
Thank you for your reply xx Definitely a mosquito, landed on my computer, foot started itching just after and found a google photo of it. The foot pain has subsided, since the fever started, but it’s the fever that most worries me, like why is my body going that nuts 😳 The rash is on my toes now too, I wish it’d stop spreading lol. Have you ever had fever with it?

27-10-20, 21:38
I’ve never developed a fever with a mosquito bite. I do get really large swollen welts that itch like crazy. I usually put ice on them and they go down quickly. But no, I’ve never had a fever from one.

27-10-20, 22:01
Thanks again for your reply xx I found on google it’s ‘Skeeter Syndrome’ and it can cause a mild fever also. Your post and this info helped xx

27-10-20, 23:56
Good I’m glad! Are you feeling better today?

28-10-20, 17:13
Everything seems to have healed and fever is gone thank you 😊 just a tad anxious now as the mosquito hasn’t been found yet (it was my room) and I’m anxious over another bite, more so about it setting off possible anaphylactic shock. As I read someone allergic can have an even more extreme reaction. And since my body already thought it was bad enough to produce a fever 😳 I just wanted to put my mind at rest. Is there anything you use to keep them away? Room sprays or shock lamps or whatnot? I don’t really know what works, so am just researching some solutions

28-10-20, 19:47
I seem to attract mosquitos like Candy lol. They just love me. I must be super sweet :roflmao:There are sprays that you can use, I tend to steer away from those as they’re full of other chemicals. There are old wives tales out there that some swear by, like a dryer sheet kept in your pocket. Me personally, haven’t had much luck repelling them. I just keep getting bit and dealing with the resulting welts and itching lol. Hopefully others can chime in with some tips!

28-10-20, 20:03
An insect byte can cause secondary bacteria infection, so best to go to your doctor in case you need antibiotics. Developing an allergy to an insect byte is very rare as most beekeepers are bitten on a daily basis yet it doesn’t affect them.

29-10-20, 14:04
A pharmacist told me it sounded like an allergic reaction, when I had the original swelling. I also looked up cellulitis but my leftover rash wasn’t hot to the touch, didn’t spread past my foot, and fever only lasted a night - so it didn’t seem to be that. Thank you tho! I read some old threads on here too and It seemed anxious people can react badly to mosquito bites as their immune systems are over sensitive. I’m probably gonna call my doc and tell him what happened tho, just to get a proper medical confirmation.

Glassgirlw- Oh no! I don’t know if it works but “Avon skin so soft” spray seems to also repel mosquitos for people so maybe it’s worth a try for both of us!

29-10-20, 19:44
Glassgirlw- Oh no! I don’t know if it works but “Avon skin so soft” spray seems to also repel mosquitos for people so maybe it’s worth a try for both of us!

I actually did try that a couple years back. Unfortunately I have super sensitive skin and broke out in hives as a result lol. I want to say I read somewhere that tea tree essential oil can be used as a natural repellant? We’re into late fall where I’m at now so thankfully the skeeters have gone. But I may do some reading up on that before spring!