View Full Version : Watery throat

26-10-20, 19:12
Hi I have a constant feeling of water in throat and when I swallow saliva it gurgles a little. The feeling dosent choke me and I can eat and talk fine . Its a horrible feeling and makes me so anxious. Anyone else have this ?

27-10-20, 11:43
Hi Molly, this is the reflux you have been getting. I’ve got the same. If meds are not working, following FODMAP has not helped, I would suggest getting scoped. They will probably be able to pin point the issue and treat it. As you know, mine is a hernia and boy it’s making me miserable as it’s not controlled by drugs. I would never had believed acid can cause so many issues.

Hope you bc are well besides this. Take care

27-10-20, 13:05
Hi pc sorry you are still suffering its so miserable...Ive just got my results back from helicobacter blood test it is positive I had been asking for 5 months to be tested and my doctors kept saying they dont have access to it and the only test was the stool test but I couldn't do that as on ppi so I ended up getting the blood test done in my work I work in doctors surgeries. I know the blood test dosent tell you if its live but I was negative via blood test in January so this Could be the cause. Im starting antibiotics triple therapy. I had it 9 years ago and the meds worked so I'm hoping this is the cause and I can get rid of it. The watery feeling is awful but it dosent burn anymore so wasn't sure if it was acid or not.

I spoke with gastro again and asked for the scope and she said I dont fit the criteria and I have no red flag symptoms and I have applied with her in January. If this misery dosent end with the treatment im going to call my own gp and insist on the scope.

27-10-20, 21:28
I’m glad something has shown up for you. I hope the treatment works and you get back to full health.

I’m in constant pain with my chest and back in the morning. It’s the acid. None of the meds have worked. I’m doing more exercise than I have have for ages but piling on weight. I look 6 months pregnant. Not sure if this is the hiatus hernia or the antral erosive gastritis. I was fine and in good health at the beginning of the year! My blood sugars have gone to ore diabetic level, which I’ve never had. I don’t eat bad stuff or take sugar. My thighs have become massive, my arms have increased in size too but flabby. I feel funny sensations in my legs and arms which feel like fluid retention or air. Not sure if this is acid or could be due to blood sugar having an affect on the veins. My face also looks puffy and chubby. I actually feel really down and angry about it! I thought that I may have water retention in my stomach as if I do a sit up my tummy goes into a pyramid shape. This I read is usually as cities but the CT & US would have picked this up.

I have a call booked with the GP about the meds on Monday. If they can’t get something to work I will get the Gastro to repair the hernia. I dont fancy being put out but I cannot carry on like this.

Hope you are well

27-10-20, 21:34
I'm sorry you are feeling so bad . This whole acid reflux is no joke its a misery . Make sure the doctor gives you something to try and hopefully something works for you. The weight gain could be retention but I would ask doc.

My worst symptom is the burning throat and feeling like their is water at back of it i am constantly swallowing. It really unnerves me .

I really hope the antibiotics work too as I cant bear this much longer. Like you ppi dont work great for me either.

Let me know what doc says . Just keep trying thats all you can do . Xx