View Full Version : Brain Tumour…..

28-10-07, 17:57
Hello everyone, I still can’t get the thought out of my head that I’m dying of a brain tumour, its driving me crazy. Below I have listed every single symptom I have been experiencing over the past three weeks, I just wondered if I could have as many opinions as possible about weather you think I might have a brain tumour? Or is it all In my head? I’m really scared, please give me as much advice as possible?
- headaches
- occasional migraine
- dizzy spells - especially at night
- light headed - especially at night
- feeling on edge
- twinges in eyes
- twinges in head
- aches and pains around eyes
- face ache
- itchy eyes
- eye ache
- ache at back of head
- headache in eyes
- brain tends to feel tight and strained
- eyes feel strained
- eyes feeling sensitive and tender
- palpitations in leg
- weird sensations in my brain
- occasional earache that lasts a few minutes
Please Please reply
Luv Louise xx

28-10-07, 18:09
All of these are anxiety symptoms too.

Have you had your eyes checked recently?

Why not take this list to the doc and ask him for reassurance as well.

28-10-07, 18:17
i havn't had my eyes checked for about 6 years, but my vision is fine. i'm really worried about going to a doctor in case its serious. i'm also terrified of having lots of tests.
Please reply
Luv louise

28-10-07, 18:26
Sometimes you feel your vision is fine, but once given glasses makes you realise it wasnt so, like Nic said I would visit optician first, then if not happy GP.
I think if you dont go to a GP, the worrying will become worse.xxx

28-10-07, 18:27
Sweetie that list is classic Anxiety and Tension ,

forgive me for being upfront here but i WONDER do u always feel these symptoms or are you finding that your looking for them then finding them ??

As nic suggests why not check out the forums I am sure you will find others with the same symptoms and fears ..

hope this helps

michelle xxxxxx

28-10-07, 18:28
If they check your eyes then they can make sure there are no problems there.

Trac had headaches etc and it was her eyes in the end and she needed glasses. I will ask her to reply about that as she didn't think it was her eyes either.

So if you don't go to the doctor then you will never know and you will worry yourself sick etc :shrug:

28-10-07, 18:32

I was getting terrible headaches and kept putting it down to my anxiety, but then decided to go and get my eyes tested, and sure enough I needed glasses for close work, since having the glasses, I have not had a single head ache.

I think sometimes its too easy to put everything down to the anxiety, so go and get your eyes checked mate, I wish I had done it sooner.


Trac xxx

28-10-07, 18:42

I would agree with the advice given. A lot of the symptoms do sound like eye strain, maybe also sitting too close to a PC screen? Then a few symptoms can trigger off loads more because of the anxiety.

Take care and hope you're feeling better soon.


28-10-07, 19:11

I could have written that list myself!!!!!!!!!!!!
Same symptons - I do get migraines and always think the worst about them.

Health Anx is a terrible thing - but I have to say that when I have been to the docs they have said it is stress/anxiety!

I have had tests and stuff too and only thing that came up was that my sinuses were blocked - he gave me a spray and thats ok now.

I hope you feel better soon


28-10-07, 19:56
The other great thing about getting your eyes tested is that you also get a health mot as huge amounts of illnesses including brain tumours can show themselves in the eyes which your optician can pick up.

I know two people who had their brain tumours picked up at eye tests and have to say they are both alive and well and a neighbour who was fit and well had eye test and was told he had dangerously high blood pressure and sure enough he was rushed off to docs and his blood pressure was very high so all in all opticians are good for mini health mots and reassurance without the need for nasty tests.

28-10-07, 20:35
The main reason I’m really worried is because I’m getting a lot of aches and pain in and around the eyes,, I read a news story a couple of years ago about a women who was getting pains in her eyes and it turned out to be a brain tumour.
Please reply
Luv louise

28-10-07, 21:16
I had a very achey eye and to cut a long story short after an eye test was sent to eye casualty, it turns out I have drusen in my eye which is calcium deposits, harmless.

I am still suffering aches and pains around my eyes and head, but its actually from clenching and grinding my teeth, I do it nearly all the time, without realising. I am off to be fitted with a mouth guard this week which should help.

I doubt it is anything serious but a check up at the doc's for sinus' etc will help put your mind at ease. x

28-10-07, 21:52

Get an test done for reassurance and/or see doc.

Just because you read about someone else having a brain tumour in no way means you have one ok?