View Full Version : Burping food hours later??

29-10-20, 12:42
Please answer guys. Does anyone else have where you eat hours ago but can still burp and taste what you ate hours later?? And if so how many hours would you say?? I keep having gastroparesis fears and it’s breaking me down. The other day I was able to eat an entire large pizza from papa johns and I was fine. But tonight I had a hotdog and felt sick after and heavy and full and then I burp it still hours later and want to know if anyone else experiences this???

29-10-20, 13:51
want to know if anyone else experiences this???

Almost everybody.

Would probably help if you stopped eating crap.

29-10-20, 15:11
^^^^^^^^^^^^ What Joe said. :D

29-10-20, 17:46
Yep it’s nothing to worry about and can happen randomly, even if you were fine with different food, or you were fine with that type of food before xx If you feel a bit sick after food, try sucking on an extra strong mint or chewing some gum, that usually settles my tummy as mint is good for that

29-10-20, 19:01
Please answer guys. Does anyone else have where you eat hours ago but can still burp and taste what you ate hours later?? And if so how many hours would you say?? I keep having gastroparesis fears and it’s breaking me down. The other day I was able to eat an entire large pizza from papa johns and I was fine. But tonight I had a hotdog and felt sick after and heavy and full and then I burp it still hours later and want to know if anyone else experiences this???

Without preaching unlike some posts; yes, it's quite normal for this to happen. Don't worry, enjoy your food.

29-10-20, 19:28
Absolutely normal. I burp constantly and anxiety makes it much worse . Xx

30-10-20, 06:46
Without preaching unlike some posts; yes, it's quite normal for this to happen. Don't worry, enjoy your food.

This lady is scaring herself silly over a gut issue and she's eating junk food?

I think Joe's response was bang on myself. :shrug: