View Full Version : Urine analysis

29-10-20, 18:16
I had to drop a urine sample into my gp today as I have been suffering some symptoms the last few days.

I called this evening for results as it’s just a dip stick test and was told if infection found she would do me a prescription but the reception told me they have had to send it away to a lab! I know I shouldn’t let my imagination run wild but it’s worried me!

Does anyone know roughly how long results take to come back?

Thank you xx

29-10-20, 19:26
Don't worry its protocol to send to the lab to make sure the antibiotics given to you are the right ones to kill off the bacteria.

I do lots urinalysis at work and any I dip that show signs of infection are sent to lab.

I promise you absolutely nothing to worry about.

I had a urine infection in April and had to take antibiotics. Drink plenty of water to help flush the infection out whilst taking the meds.


29-10-20, 19:33
Thanks Molly!

The receptionist said not enough showed on the dipstick test to give me a prescription so they have sent to the lab.

You really have put my mind at rest, thanks again xx

29-10-20, 19:36
No problem im glad I could help you xx