View Full Version : The constant feeling of needing to urinate

Nico Bellic
30-10-20, 17:41
I’ve been doing so well up until now, for the last 5 days my bladder constantly feels full it’s sending me into a pit of despair. Had a blood test a month ago everything came back fine. I’ve had this before a few times and it’s gone away but this time it’s worse and it’s really having an impact on my daily life and mental health. I’m stressing so much about it I’m self harming again. Has anybody had anything like this before and please does anybody have any tips or tricks to get over it. Many thanks

30-10-20, 18:27
Yes, I had this when I had a UTI. Do you have any pain in your lower back? Any smells or itchiness down there?

Nico Bellic
30-10-20, 19:49
Nope. No pain whatsoever or smells

30-10-20, 22:35
Well, anxiety also causes frequent urination and BMs.

30-10-20, 23:36
I had this about 6 months ago it drove me absolutely mad and set this current anxiety off. If you search my name im sure I posted about it on here. I needed to go 24 hours as soon as I went I needed straight away it was horrendous I had tests done and nothing wrong . I took 2 different antibiotics it never helped . Eventually it started to ease after a few months . I still don't really no what triggered it maybe it was anxiety im not sure. I was near a breakdown because of it so I completely understand how bad it feels.

31-10-20, 06:54
Nope. No pain whatsoever or smells

This is a common symptom with anxiety and it's due to fight or flight. (stress response)

When the stress response is triggered - whether it's actual danger or just your scary thoughts - your body will naturally eliminate anything that will hinder a swift getaway or the ability to stay and beat the crap out of that bear/tiger/axe murderer. This includes having a wee, pooing, or vomiting up a kebab etc.. With most people this response settles down when the danger/situation has passed. However, for anxious people whose bodies are hyper-stimulated - there isn't a full recovery - which is why this symptom persists.

Simplified: the body is always in a state of preparation for fight or flight.

Like any symptom, the more we focus on them, the worse they get, and they 'miraculously' improve once we stop focusing on them.

You say you've been doing well up until now? I'd look at what else is happening in your life right now. What's ramping up your stress levels?

31-10-20, 19:06
I get flare ups of this! I think it’s “Chronic cystitis” There’s no infection, it’s just caused by stress/anxiety. Best thing I found for it was CBD tea (the loose leaf ones you can get online) I just put a few spoons of leaves in water, leave it 5 minutes, then sive/strain the leaves out and drink it. One or two cups usually sorts mine. If not, it helps, and eventually goes.Xx

01-11-20, 06:30
I get flare ups of this! I think it’s “Chronic cystitis” There’s no infection, it’s just caused by stress/anxiety. Best thing I found for it was CBD tea (the loose leaf ones you can get online) I just put a few spoons of leaves in water, leave it 5 minutes, then sive/strain the leaves out and drink it. One or two cups usually sorts mine. If not, it helps, and eventually goes.Xx

CBD tea? Where do you get yours from?

01-11-20, 14:59
CBD tea? Where do you get yours from?

Vitalabo, this one works best for me


CBD bud (That you get in packets, at some vape shops) also works for me

Stress/anxiety is probably my biggest trigger for a flare up, but caffeine and bubble baths can trigger one for me too. So I switched to showers instead and drink a cup of water after a cheeky caffeinated beverage 😂 and generally just try to drink a good amount of water daily

02-11-20, 07:58
Vitalabo, this one works best for me


CBD bud (That you get in packets, at some vape shops) also works for me

Cheers. :yesyes: