View Full Version : Logical conundrum

04-11-20, 22:58
There is good and bad, and there is also equality.

For equality to exists bad must always defeat good because Good is better than bad. Good is rewarded with heaven or something after death. Bad is punished with more bad and a vicious bad vs bad hellish struggle until they die and are punished by a hellish afterlife maybe, but bad is equal to bad and not to good, so they're all equally bad, and piling up over each other to try to be better than equal.

So if to be good, you have to die or run away from everything forever, what's the point of life? Shouldnt good just all be dead right now and let bad eat each other? Does good not really believe in heaven and therefore they're not good? Therefore the only good are a few select dead martyrs, who had miserable lives, but no more miserable than sadistic bad.

So if life is always miserable, why fight for better especially if everything is equal?

Can we all admit that equality is a totally stupid uneducated idea?

Can we strike "all men are created equal" from the constitution?

Or can we say we all suffer equally and therefore there's no reason to pursue imesurable equality, which has not been defined except for clones and neuro link covid cure borgs.

We're all at the edge of an eternal darkness right now and I'm going to get locked up and murdered for not doing something wrong in the immediate past.

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04-11-20, 23:30
And other reasons religion is a waste of time.

Chill dude, way to overthink.