View Full Version : Is Acid Reflux a symptom of Bowel cancer?

05-11-20, 10:35
For the past few months I have started getting very mild acid reflux, I never used to have issues with reflux before but I do have IBS. I’ve stupidly read some patient stories about people with stage 4 Bowel cancer that mentions acid reflux and I’m in such a panic.

Also, would red sauce cause a red tint to your BM? I had enchiladas for dinner last night that have a strong red sauce and loads of roasted red peppers in them. This morning I’ve been 3 times and it has been full of red bits but also that actual BM itself is a reddish brown. Nothing is coming out into the water or transferring any redness to toilet paper.

I have extreme worries about colon cancer and just feel like I’m on route to be diagnosed with a very late stage BC. I’m 26 y/o female so doctor says that’s very unlikely.

05-11-20, 11:23
For the past few months I have started getting very mild acid reflux, I never used to have issues with reflux before but I do have IBS. I’ve stupidly read some patient stories about people with stage 4 Bowel cancer that mentions acid reflux and I’m in such a panic.

Cancer stories? :huh:

This is like, throw the petrol bomb, stand back, and watch the explosion..

Also, would red sauce cause a red tint to your BM?


I have extreme worries about colon cancer and just feel like I’m on route to be diagnosed with a very late stage BC. I’m 26 y/o female so doctor says that’s very unlikely.

I concur with your GP.

05-11-20, 11:31
[QUOTE=NoraB;1972888]Cancer stories? :huh:

This is like, throw the petrol bomb, stand back, and watch the explosion..

I know it’s not a sensible decision, but I was hoping to find that symptoms of BC had much more extreme symptoms than what I’m experiencing. I’m really not sure what is causing the acid reflux :(

Do you think it would be obvious if it was blood I.e transfer pink onto paper when dabbed or diffuse in the water?

05-11-20, 11:56
[QUOTE=NoraB;1972888]Cancer stories? :huh:

This is like, throw the petrol bomb, stand back, and watch the explosion..

I know it’s not a sensible decision, but I was hoping to find that symptoms of BC had much more extreme symptoms than what I’m experiencing. I’m really not sure what is causing the acid reflux :(

Do you think it would be obvious if it was blood I.e transfer pink onto paper when dabbed or diffuse in the water?

Sorry I didn't mean to delete my post 😁 l agree with Nora and as for reflux your anxiety will cause it as your stomach will be all churned up, you are very young to have this and l can tell you my friend had this awful disease believe me it wasn't acid reflux now stop overthinking you need to trust your doctor take care xx

05-11-20, 12:38
I know it’s not a sensible decision, but I was hoping to find that symptoms of BC had much more extreme symptoms than what I’m experiencing. I’m really not sure what is causing the acid reflux :(

94% of bowel cancer cases are in people over 50, so it's highly unlikely that you (at 26) will have bowel cancer. But, I've had HA and I know that your mind will focus on that 6%. Right? Well, it will until the doctors and tests finally convince you, and then your HA mind will move onto another symptom.

Acid reflux though? This is very common - especially with people who suffer from anxiety.

Do you think it would be obvious if it was blood I.e transfer pink onto paper when dabbed or diffuse in the water?

My Husband had blood in his poo and it was obvious. (he didn't have bowel cancer btw)

You don't need to be faffing about with bits of toilet paper, Olive..

Stop Googling. Stop reading cancer stories. Stop obsessing over your poo.

05-11-20, 15:11
I'd also point out that even Stage IV bowel cancer is survivable. A close friend was diagnosed with it last year, along with lesions on his liver and bladder. Doesn't sound good, does it?

Eighteen months on, after surgery, chemo and radiotherapy he's as clean as a whistle. He's 59.

06-11-20, 00:17
Hi everyone. I should have started a new thread for this but I just want someone to see this ASAP. Ok so here's the story...
I just had a bit of bright red blood on my poo. Not much, but of course me being me.. alarm bells started to ring. This isnt uncommon for me to be honest. Anyways the issue is; I was referred to a gastroentologist. I've had a sigmoidoscopy (she advised that most of my symptoms were lower down so she didnt think a full colonoscopy was necessary, and I think she was right!). Anyways so she said she saw nothing at all, but she took 3 biopsies in different areas to be safe. I have an appointment again in December, but she said she wouldnt contact me unless it was urgent (so I can assume the biopsies were normal!). She also sent me for a SIBO test, which came back positive. So BASICALLY she has unofficially diagnosed me with IBS and SIBO. Neither of these conditions should have blood though.. to be fair I am ALWAYS constipated!!! But I don't think there's any more I can do. She wants me to see a dietitian for the FODMAP diet, but other than that there appears to be nothing wrong. I have seen the sigmoidoscopy photos and they do look completely normal to me, a very big overthinker. This woman is so highly accredited and she is the best in the business, so I know I should feel at ease. But I don't. Can someone confirm that this is my anxious wired brain and not actually an issue??? BTW I have been clinically diagnosed with H.Anxiety and OCD and have been on 200mg sertraline for 3 years. I am just scared but deep down I know there isnt anything to worry about... I hope. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!:doh:

06-11-20, 08:42
I'd also point out that even Stage IV bowel cancer is survivable. A close friend was diagnosed with it last year, along with lesions on his liver and bladder. Doesn't sound good, does it?

Eighteen months on, after surgery, chemo and radiotherapy he's as clean as a whistle. He's 59.

My Aunty had BC and went onto live for another 40 years. Mind you, she was a battle-axe. BC wouldn't have killed her off - it wouldn't have dared. :roflmao:

06-11-20, 08:45
to be fair I am ALWAYS constipated!!!:doh:

You could have piles from straining. This is the most likely cause. Or a fissure.

I presume you've had full blood tests done?

06-11-20, 09:00
Thank you for all your replies. I didn’t realise acid reflux could be caused by anxiety so that’s made me feel a little better as my anxiety levels are very high at the moment.

Also reassuring to hear about your stories of those that have survived BC, I’ve always thought of it as one of those cancers that’s pretty much a death sentence. Although my fear is always that if I don’t thoroughly inspect all my symptoms I wouldn’t catch it until a very late stage.

This morning my BM had a tiny piece which had the red colour and was full of peppers (sorry tmi!!) and the rest was a normal colour, which i presume was from yesterday’s food as I made sure not to eat red food yesterday. Would you say that’s adequate to confirm it was the tomato sauce causing it? I want to stop looking but also don’t want to miss something important that needs to be reported.

06-11-20, 09:37
This morning my BM had a tiny piece which had the red colour and was full of peppers (sorry tmi!!) and the rest was a normal colour, which i presume was from yesterday’s food as I made sure not to eat red food yesterday. Would you say that’s adequate to confirm it was the tomato sauce causing it? I want to stop looking but also don’t want to miss something important that needs to be reported.

You have to stop rooting through your poo mate! :huh:

Poo, wipe your bot-bot, courtesy glance as you flush, wash hands, and go.

What we ingest dictates the colour of our poo. You know this.

You most likely don't have cancer, but you do have a very unhealthy relationship with your faeces.

For what it's worth, I earned my poo-checking badge when I was unwell with HA. I used to shit on loo roll and lift it out of the toilet to inspect it up close. I had a special poo prodder (an old toothbrush) But once my brain re-engaged, I could see how utterly ridiculous it was.

My BIL has bowel cancer. And no, I won't tell you his symptoms because your HA mind will fixate on them and within a few hours you'll have those symptoms. What I will tell you is that his tumour was so large it blocked his colon. They got the entire tumour out (and some lymph nodes) and with a bit of chemo to tidy up any microscopic bits of cancer, he's going to be good to go.

Point is, even when this shit does get real - it's not the death sentence you imagine it to be!

When I went loco with HA, I used to stalk the cancer forums because it's what raging HAers do. Anyway, I came across an interesting bloke who was told to go home and put his affairs in order because he was riddled with cancer and he literally had weeks to live. Yeah? Well, up yours cancer, because the bloke lived for SEVEN YEARS and in that time - with the help of a few daily puffs on the happy fags - he and his good lady wife drove round America in their camper van! :yesyes:

06-11-20, 09:58
If ya puff a lot on the happy fags you get the munchies and then you shit:winks:
Constipation solved.

06-11-20, 11:35
If ya puff a lot on the happy fags you get the munchies and then you shit:winks:
Constipation solved.

I could do with the munchies right now...:unsure:

06-11-20, 13:29
You have to stop rooting through your poo mate! :huh:

Poo, wipe your bot-bot, courtesy glance as you flush, wash hands, and go.

What we ingest dictates the colour of our poo. You know this.

If I did that, do you think it would be easy to tell if there was an issue going on? There are thousands of people on forums saying they noticed blood in there poo but I don’t know how close they would have been looking to see it. I’m guessing most people don’t look right up close it on the TP.

For what it's worth, I earned my poo-checking badge when I was unwell with HA. I used to shit on loo roll and lift it out of the toilet to inspect it up close. I had a special poo prodder (an old toothbrush) But once my brain re-engaged, I could see how utterly ridiculous it was.

How did you get over it? I get so scared to go to sleep at night because I always have to go at 4-5am when I wake up with extreme anxiety. I literally am terrified to look into the toilet in case I see blood and it means I’m dying.

My BIL has bowel cancer. And no, I won't tell you his symptoms because your HA mind will fixate on them and within a few hours you'll have those symptoms. What I will tell you is that his tumour was so large it blocked his colon. They got the entire tumour out (and some lymph nodes) and with a bit of chemo to tidy up any microscopic bits of cancer, he's going to be good to go.

Sorry about your BIL, I hope he has a smooth recovery.

Something I’ve been meaning to ask, is indigestion and acid reflux the same thing? I have no stomach pains at all just a burning in the top of my throat sometimes and feel a little burpy.

07-11-20, 09:15
If I did that, do you think it would be easy to tell if there was an issue going on? There are thousands of people on forums saying they noticed blood in there poo but I don’t know how close they would have been looking to see it. I’m guessing most people don’t look right up close it on the TP.

Hubs had blood in his poo and it was obvious. The blood was in the loo even after he'd flushed. You know like when you have a period? (he didn't have BC)

How did you get over it? I get so scared to go to sleep at night because I always have to go at 4-5am when I wake up with extreme anxiety. I literally am terrified to look into the toilet in case I see blood and it means I’m dying.

I got over it by accepting whatever life has in store for me. This happened the day before my colonoscopy. I didn't have bowel cancer, but I was prepared to accept it if that was the case. In doing this, I lost the fear.

When there is actual blood in poo (especially if you have constipation and strain) the most likely cause is piles or fissures. Blood will be bright red and very visible.

It's very different from having to peer in closely to make out undigested bits of tomato, and this is because, we as humans, do not have the enzymes to break this type of fibre down.

Sorry about your BIL, I hope he has a smooth recovery.

He's very chilled about it all - very matter of fact - that's how he's wired (I wish I had his brain lol)

Something I’ve been meaning to ask, is indigestion and acid reflux the same thing? I have no stomach pains at all just a burning in the top of my throat sometimes and feel a little burpy.

They are different conditions, but there is a connection. What you're describing sounds more like silent reflux and people don't tend to get the indigestion/heartburn symptoms with that..

11-11-20, 14:18
Since last posting I feel like I am going downhill. I have been up all night with acid reflux and nausea and I’m terrified this means I have some serious advanced illness.

I can’t get the reddish BM out of my head since reading cancer patients saying they wish they had acted sooner. What if it was blood and I just leave it! My partner keeps saying blood would be obvious, you wouldn’t need to hold it up under a torch to guess if it’s red or brown, and it would have a liquidy ness to it that transfers. I’m just so scared I have these awful scenarios going through my head of being referred to colonoscopy and being told I have stage 4 Bowel cancer and leaving my partner behind when we are supposed to have a whole life left to live together.

Seeing a gastroenterologist on Monday and I’m so nervous

Not sure what I’m trying to achieve with this post, more reassurance I suppose. Finding life hard right now

11-11-20, 14:24
I have awful acid reflux. I just finished antibiotics for helicobacter but still have the reflux. I think anxiety can really play a part in it. Most of my symptoms are in my throat.

11-11-20, 14:29
I have awful acid reflux. I just finished antibiotics for helicobacter but still have the reflux. I think anxiety can really play a part in it. Most of my symptoms are in my throat.

Mine are in my throat too, no indigestion in my chest. Do you ever get nausea with yours?

11-11-20, 15:00
I sometimes feel a bit sick after breakfast in the morning. My symptoms are sore throat, a mucus watery feeling in throat and sinus pain. Are you on any meds for it ?

11-11-20, 15:06
I sometimes feel a bit sick after breakfast in the morning. My symptoms are sore throat, a mucus watery feeling in throat and sinus pain. Are you on any meds for it ?

No it only started last week just out of the blue I’ve never had it before! I have no idea what’s causing it! Do you usually have to have tests for it?

11-11-20, 15:20
Since last posting I feel like I am going downhill. I have been up all night with acid reflux and nausea and I’m terrified this means I have some serious advanced illness.

If you had advanced cancer, there would be a lot more going on inside your body. You are terrifying yourself. You are ramping up your stress levels which is creating the acid that's keeping you up!

I can’t get the reddish BM out of my head since reading cancer patients saying they wish they had acted sooner.

Your HA mind is making a connection from bits of tomato in your poo (normal) to somebody who actually has cancer talking about actual blood in their poo that they didn't immediately act upon.

Have you ever done a FIT test?

I’m just so scared I have these awful scenarios going through my head of being referred to colonoscopy and being told I have stage 4 Bowel cancer and leaving my partner behind when we are supposed to have a whole life left to live together.

Seeing a gastroenterologist on Monday and I’m so nervous

I've had abdominal pain for two months and a load of other symptoms since February. I can't get into my surgery, let alone see a specialist, and I've just been told I could be waiting for up to a year for a colonoscopy!

At least, you are being seen. A lot of people are just having to suffer on at the moment, so at least look at the positives.

Not sure what I’m trying to achieve with this post, more reassurance I suppose. Finding life hard right now

I really hope the gastroenterologist can alleviate your fears on Monday. You'll just have to do your best until then. Stay on the rollercoaster or use this time to try and calm yourself or work on the health anxiety because this really is the best time to start.

Good luck.

11-11-20, 15:42
It depends on what the gastro doc thinks is causing your symptoms whether you would need tests but my guess is probably not . My reflux has been going on for 5 months and no one is very bothered but me . You might get a blood test for helicobacter to rule that out . And if it was that a course of antibiotics get rid of it . Ive honestly never heard of reflux being connected to the bowel as such . In fact the gastro doctor i spoke to a few weeks ago didn't even ask about my bowels . I know how easy it is to let this all get to much believe me im the same . Hopefully you will feel better after seeing the doctor. Xx

11-11-20, 16:54
If you had advanced cancer, there would be a lot more going on inside your body. You are terrifying yourself. You are ramping up your stress levels which is creating the acid that's keeping you up!

I know, I feel terrified and I know it’s all my own doing. I’ve had this obsession since developing IBS. Acid reflux is a new symptom for me and I have had bad anxiety for a while. Not sure if it’s something I’ve read about. I read a lot of the ‘young people with Bowel cancer’ on cancer UK is the website and they had a whole manner of symptoms, some people none at all which is just terrifying!! I’m so mad at myself for doing it but I thought it would make me feel better by reading the symptoms are a lot more severe than IBS.

Websites like that make it seem like it’s a really common occurrence for young people to get it. My doctor has told me that it’s extremely rare and most people my age with BC (under 30s) have a family history/genetic condition that increases the chances, but it mentions that rarely in the stories. He said the guidelines for people with lynch syndrome don’t even start colonoscopies until age 25 so it would be very rare for a 26 y/o with no family history to have BC. I try to use these things to reassure myself but reading lots of stories makes it seem untrue.

Your HA mind is making a connection from bits of tomato in your poo (normal) to somebody who actually has cancer talking about actual blood in their poo that they didn't immediately act upon.

Have you ever done a FIT test?

I worry blood in poo wouldn’t be obvious, as it says it could be occult. I haven’t had a FIT test since my first stool sample in 2017 when diagnosed with IBS. However for some reason any time I’ve had to have a blood test the doctor always checks for anemia so I know since I started worrying about blood in poo around this time last year, I’ve been checked for anemia 4 times and have never had low iron at all. My doctor thinks this is reassuring. The last test was end of August.

I've had abdominal pain for two months and a load of other symptoms since February. I can't get into my surgery, let alone see a specialist, and I've just been told I could be waiting for up to a year for a colonoscopy!

At least, you are being seen. A lot of people are just having to suffer on at the moment, so at least look at the positives.

That’s a crazy waiting time! I’m lucky to have private health insurance through work so wait time’s are pretty quick. I hope you manage to get an appointment soon.

13-11-20, 08:03
I worry blood in poo wouldn’t be obvious, as it says it could be occult. I haven’t had a FIT test since my first stool sample in 2017 when diagnosed with IBS. However for some reason any time I’ve had to have a blood test the doctor always checks for anemia so I know since I started worrying about blood in poo around this time last year, I’ve been checked for anemia 4 times and have never had low iron at all. My doctor thinks this is reassuring. The last test was end of August.

Checking for anaemia is routine - especially with IBS type symptoms. No anaemia is a good sign - as is a clear FIT test. This applies to me, but then I'm not making the cancer connection because it's not very likely given a clear colonoscopy in 2017. If it was clear then, it's highly unlikely that I will have developed colon cancer in 3 years. However, I am in pain all the time and it's dragging me down because that's what being in constant pain does - even with the best intentions. I did have a good cry yesterday and it helped - even if I did look like a pig afterwards with my nose all massive and puffy. :ohmy:

That’s a crazy waiting time! I’m lucky to have private health insurance through work so wait time’s are pretty quick. I hope you manage to get an appointment soon.

It is crazy mate. Obviously it's due to Covid because normally I'd be having the colonoscopy within a couple of months - max. I almost fell off my chair when the Doctor said it could be a year! :ohmy:

This might sound bonkers but I'm almost hoping my Calprotectin test comes back showing inflammation because at least that gets me seen sooner and I will be closer to an explanation for why I'm in pain. However, gut feeling (soz) is that it's going to come back clear as all the other tests have done, except Vit B12 - which was low.

On the one hand another clear test is good, but I'm still in pain and this means I will have to struggle on, you know?

I can honestly say that I'm not scared, but I am very frustrated. :scared15:

16-11-20, 16:28
Adding to this thread rather than creating a new one for context.

Just had a phone consultation with a gastroenterologist. He said he thinks it’s IBS and if there is blood it’s most likely caused by little blood vessels in the colon but he wants to do a colonoscopy. He said it isn’t something he feels he has to do but that I won’t stop worrying unless he does... and now I’m worried!!! My brain is now thinking he clearly thinks there’s a chance I have Bowel cancer and he needs to check! I asked him directly how likely it is to be BC and he said minuscule like 0.something %.

He left the choice of the colonoscopy up to me, and said we could just try and tackle the IBS and see if that helps and that it’s up to me. Is this because it’s private? Do they just hand out colonoscopies? I’m freaking out!!!

It’s non urgent so have to wait 4-6 weeks.

16-11-20, 16:58
he wants to do a colonoscopy. He said it isn’t something he feels he has to do but that I won’t stop worrying unless he does

It’s non urgent so have to wait 4-6 weeks.

So he obviously knows of your HA, gave YOU the choice of doing it or not and offered an alternative to treat the real issue, AND its non-urgent. What about that at all is concerning?

Positive thoughts

16-11-20, 19:40
So he obviously knows of your HA, gave YOU the choice of doing it or not and offered an alternative to treat the real issue, AND its non-urgent. What about that at all is concerning?

Positive thoughts

Because if the chance of me having something seriously wrong was really that low I wonder why they would offer to do it so easily, probably just my brain being irrational

16-11-20, 19:45
I wonder why they would offer to do it so easily

He said it isn’t something he feels he has to do but that I won’t stop worrying unless he does...

Positive thoughts

16-11-20, 19:49
Because if the chance of me having something seriously wrong was really that low I wonder why they would offer to do it so easily, probably just my brain being irrational

Because you are paying for it.

16-11-20, 20:10
Because you are paying for it.

I did wonder if that would have a part to play but I’m not sure, do they generally just do want you want privately? I haven’t really used my insurance up until now as haven’t had medical tests in years, apart from a rigid sigmoidoscopy but that gastroenterologist didn’t want to do a colonoscopy!

Thankfully he’s also referred me to a dietitian and for CBT to try and combat what he suspects the issue is - IBS.

I asked about CC and he said ‘no one can be 100% sure without a colonoscopy.. but it’s exceedingly unlikely like 0. Something %’ I know it’s mad, but really latched onto the no one can be 100% thing.

16-11-20, 21:13
Of course you did. Any uncertainty is dynamite for someone with an anxiety disorder.

A colonoscopy is not without its risks and shouldn't be performed for reassurance purposes.

16-11-20, 21:20
I know it’s mad, but really latched onto the no one can be 100% thing.

Classic HA! :lac:

Positive thoughts

17-11-20, 06:26
Of course you did. Any uncertainty is dynamite for someone with an anxiety disorder.

A colonoscopy is not without its risks and shouldn't be performed for reassurance purposes.

Completely agree which is why I’m worried.. my symptoms obviously warrant investigation in some way as I don’t believe he would just do one for no reason

17-11-20, 06:34
Thankfully he’s also referred me to a dietitian and for CBT to try and combat what he suspects the issue is - IBS.

Hurrah! :yesyes:

The dietician was a monumental waste of time with me because I have so many over-lapping issues where I can't eat certain things (I did her head in I think lol) but you might fare better. :whistles:

I asked about CC and he said ‘no one can be 100% sure without a colonoscopy.. but it’s exceedingly unlikely like 0. Something %’ I know it’s mad, but really latched onto the no one can be 100% thing.

Realistically, what do you expect him to say? I would be very dubious of any doctor who was 100% without sticking a camera up there!

Your HA has latched onto this and is having a good feed. This 'what if' scenario is the full 12 course meal! (nomnomnomnom)

Meanwhile, on Planet Rational, the rest of us who are not currently being held hostage by HA can see what you are failing to see - which is that it's exceedingly unlikely that you have BC - but you do have severe health anxiety which I very much hope will be successfully addressed with therapy.

17-11-20, 08:31
Adding to this thread rather than creating a new one for context.

Just had a phone consultation with a gastroenterologist. He said he thinks it’s IBS and if there is blood it’s most likely caused by little blood vessels in the colon but he wants to do a colonoscopy. He said it isn’t something he feels he has to do but that I won’t stop worrying unless he does... and now I’m worried!!! My brain is now thinking he clearly thinks there’s a chance I have Bowel cancer and he needs to check! I asked him directly how likely it is to be BC and he said minuscule like 0.something %.

He left the choice of the colonoscopy up to me, and said we could just try and tackle the IBS and see if that helps and that it’s up to me. Is this because it’s private? Do they just hand out colonoscopies? I’m freaking out!!!

It’s non urgent so have to wait 4-6 weeks.

That "I won't stop worrying until he does a colonoscopy" is not a clinical reason to do a procedure which has risks. He has said it's not something which he feels he has to do so how does this equal bowel cancer in your mind? HA is making you think like this.

17-11-20, 09:37
That "I won't stop worrying until he does a colonoscopy" is not a clinical reason to do a procedure which has risks. He has said it's not something which he feels he has to do so how does this equal bowel cancer in your mind? HA is making you think like this.

Which is why I think there must be a reason, a responsible doctor wouldn’t perform a procedure with risks just for someone’s sanity surely. I have had a couple of red BM which i am not sure if they were blood or from eating pasta sauce/roasted red peppers. So he said it would check for any sign of bleeding which he believed would be most likely from something harmless like small blood vessels if it was blood. I’ve never heard of this and it doesn’t come up in google search for blood in poo. Has anyone else heard of this?

I’m very worried and have a million horrible scenarios running through my mind about the procedure, everything going quiet and them telling me they found something.

17-11-20, 09:39
Hurrah! :yesyes:

The dietician was a monumental waste of time with me because I have so many over-lapping issues where I can't eat certain things (I did her head in I think lol) but you might fare better. :whistles:

Realistically, what do you expect him to say? I would be very dubious of any doctor who was 100% without sticking a camera up there!

Your HA has latched onto this and is having a good feed. This 'what if' scenario is the full 12 course meal! (nomnomnomnom)

Meanwhile, on Planet Rational, the rest of us who are not currently being held hostage by HA can see what you are failing to see - which is that it's exceedingly unlikely that you have BC - but you do have severe health anxiety which I very much hope will be successfully addressed with therapy.

Thanks NoraB

I know he can’t say 100%, not even to someone without symptoms, but often doctors are very dismissive and will outright say no it’s not cancer don’t worry. I guess it’s just a different approach.

Excited to start the therapy, really want to get rid of this

17-11-20, 11:46
Excited to start the therapy, really want to get rid of this

And with positivity like this, I'm sure you will succeed. :shades:

17-11-20, 17:27
Hi, me again lol

Just spoke to my mum on the phone and mentioned that I had been referred for colonoscopy. She mentioned that my Nan (on mums side) had had one for bleeding and they found quite a few polyps in her colon. As far as I’m aware they were not even pre-cancerous, she definitely didn’t have Bowel cancer, but they did remove them. The bleeding was found to be caused by diverticulitis. I should probably mention she was in her mid 70s at this point.

Last year my mum had a polyp on her womb removed, it was completely benign. She was 58 at the time.

I know Bowel and womb cancer are both common in Lynch Syndrome - could this be a connection or are these things common! I feel like what are the chances they’ve both had polyps!? Although both at over 50.. is lynch syndrome when it actually causes cancer?

Advice would be welcome.

18-11-20, 07:21
Hi, me again lol

Just spoke to my mum on the phone and mentioned that I had been referred for colonoscopy. She mentioned that my Nan (on mums side) had had one for bleeding and they found quite a few polyps in her colon. As far as I’m aware they were not even pre-cancerous, she definitely didn’t have Bowel cancer, but they did remove them. The bleeding was found to be caused by diverticulitis. I should probably mention she was in her mid 70s at this point.

Last year my mum had a polyp on her womb removed, it was completely benign. She was 58 at the time.

I know Bowel and womb cancer are both common in Lynch Syndrome - could this be a connection or are these things common! I feel like what are the chances they’ve both had polyps!? Although both at over 50.. is lynch syndrome when it actually causes cancer?

Advice would be welcome.

Polyps are very common. I had one in my uterus. Hubs had one in his stomach (no longer there) neither of us have cancer.

Diverticulitis is common in elderly people.

Lynch Syndrome? You've obviously been Googling. :unsure:

Thing is, your nan didn't have bowel cancer and your mother didn't have womb cancer, so why are you even going down this cancer route?

You are ABSOLUTELY feeding your HA.

18-11-20, 08:13
My advice would be to stop googling and to remember what your gastroenterologist said about YOU and YOUR symptoms. He reckons you have IBS.

18-11-20, 13:36

Just trying not to completely spiral even further waiting 4 weeks for a colonoscopy. Have a lot of very scary scenarios of how it could play out in my head right now.

To top it off, I now need to go to the toilet constantly all day, my partner thinks it’s because I’m a nervous wreck.

18-11-20, 13:47
Do you think he is right?

Having to wait 4 weeks for a colonoscopy when you are a private patient shows there is no urgency. You can choose to imagine scary outcomes or you can be reassured because you haven't been booked in as a priority case.

18-11-20, 15:43
Do you think he is right?

Having to wait 4 weeks for a colonoscopy when you are a private patient shows there is no urgency. You can choose to imagine scary outcomes or you can be reassured because you haven't been booked in as a priority case.

I hope he is right. It’s quite hard to believe stress can have such an impact on your gut.

I know you are right - the health anxiety part of me thinks that’s just due to my age, and there’s a never too young campaign for a reason!

18-11-20, 18:00
You'll always find a reason to justify your fears with HA and of course you ARE never too young to get any form of cancer. You HAVE seen a gastroenterologist who is unconcerned about your symptoms though but I realise that this won't satisfy your HA. Do you think you'll accept the results of the colonoscopy?

26-11-20, 15:51
Okay so I’m back.. since I stopped eating red sauces I haven’t seen any more redness in my stool.. phew. HOWEVER.. this morning was the third time I have seen a slight pinky tinge to the toilet paper after wiping. (Like an organy brown with a slight pinky tinge to it in a few places, not everywhere)! And now I’m freaked out! The first 2 times I had consumed a berry squash the day before, thought it could be that, but haven’t drank that in a week and there it was this morning.

I have eaten reducrrent jelly and roasted sweet potato yesterday.. could that have that effect?

Also have this stabbing pain in my mid abdomen, high up under the ribs (about 4 fingers down from where a bra ends).. do your intestines go up that high? Or is this another issue?

This is exhausting. I have my first session with a councillor on Tuesday but in the meantime I’m so worried :(

27-11-20, 05:53
Okay so I’m back.. since I stopped eating red sauces I haven’t seen any more redness in my stool.. phew. HOWEVER.. this morning was the third time I have seen a slight pinky tinge to the toilet paper after wiping. (Like an organy brown with a slight pinky tinge to it in a few places, not everywhere)! And now I’m freaked out! The first 2 times I had consumed a berry squash the day before, thought it could be that, but haven’t drank that in a week and there it was this morning.

Why are you still scrutinising your poo?

I have eaten reducrrent jelly and roasted sweet potato yesterday.. could that have that effect?

Come on Olive...:whistles:

This is exhausting. I have my first session with a councillor on Tuesday but in the meantime I’m so worried :(

Therapy can't come soon enough eh cocker?

Hope it does you some good. X

07-12-20, 16:58
Okay so I’ve had one session so far and was feeling OK. Read a post on here recently referring to a lady who has posted here worried about her symptoms and sadly turned out to be BC. I hadn’t read the thread myself but I had been thinking about it and today I totally caved and found it and read it.

Now I’m so freaked out - negative thoughts going through my head, that what if my story goes like that. Everyone was telling her it was really unlikely to be anything bad (which I know it was unlikely) but it did happen!

My bowel movements have returned to just once (at most twice) in the morning since starting 10mg amitriptyline, is that a good sign? They are now solid.

They’ve also calmed down in terms of timing, it’s not at 5am anymore, in fact I am waking up at around 7:30 and going at about 8am, so I guess that’s not considered urgent anymore.

Any time I’ve seen red ‘blood’ in my stool, it has been around a grain of rice size. Although I have occasionally had pink on the paper like the other poster :(

My colonoscopy is next week and I just feel so badly about it.

PS. I do hope the poster I referred to is OK. She hasn’t written anything since 2018 although I can see from her profile she did log in this year.

07-12-20, 18:04
You must have really searched hard for her thread? Why be so determined to find someone who was unfortunate enough to be diagnosed with BC?

07-12-20, 18:15
You must have really searched hard for her thread? Why be so determined to find someone who was unfortunate enough to be diagnosed with BC?

Dragons have a ravenous appetite ;)

Positive thoughts

07-12-20, 18:22
You must have really searched hard for her thread? Why be so determined to find someone who was unfortunate enough to be diagnosed with BC?

Because I’m stupid quite honestly.

My anxiety brain wanted to check our symptoms aren’t similar.

09-12-20, 10:14
Does anyone know if tomato in stool smears when pressed into toilet paper??

Yes I know, looking through poop is disgusting and shouldn’t be done, but anxiety makes us so funny things

Looking through my poop with a cocktail stick to check for blood, inside a solid piece (type 2 on Bristol stool chart) there was a bright red bit, about the size of one lentil, embedded into it. I was able to remove the red thing but when I squished it down onto the paper it just smeared like bright red flesh.

I have eaten tomatoes and berries

Inside the red was a seed. (A tomato seed maybe?)

Would blood behave this way? My OH said bright red blood would not behave like this or be found inside the middle of a fairly hard BM.

Please someone help me rationalise this, I’m loosing my freakin’ mind and just feel like I can’t cope right now

09-12-20, 13:42
Yes I know, looking through poop is disgusting and shouldn’t be done, but anxiety makes us so funny things

WOlive.... Nothing written in a post can rationalize, advise or stop you from engaging in what is an irrational and yes, quite frankly disgusting behavior. Only you can stop yourself from doing that. You don't have cancer but you do have an extreme case of HA. I know you're on medication (and btw, Sertraline/Zoloft can and does cause digestive issues) but perhaps you should reach out to your doctor about the dosage or a change. Is there someone in real life you can reach out to about your mental health? I truly hope you find some relief.

Positive thoughts

09-12-20, 15:35
I agree with Fish. This particular behavior is not only unhealthy but also dangerous. Someone with actual BC is not digging through their poo. It is evident and obvious. Your issue is not BC, it is severe HA. I would also encourage you to contact your doctor, let him/her know about your behavior and have a very frank discussion about how to manage your anxiety.

Best Wishes.

09-12-20, 18:18
I have started with a therapist but I’m too scared to tell her of these extreme behaviours in case she thinks I’m just awful.

My partner knows and gets mad at me if I do it.

I’m currently in a phase where I just don’t trust my own instincts to know if something is blood or red food. I know the vast majority of BC sufferers did not sift through/chop up there BM to find the blood, or look at it closely with a torch.

I guess I just want to know if red food can look like blood and how are you supposed to know if you’re getting blood in your BM.

My partner thinks it is bad I told the gastroenterologist it is blood when I’m not actually sure. I have a colonoscopy next Tuesday and I’m so scared

09-12-20, 19:58
I have started with a therapist but I’m too scared to tell her of these extreme behaviours in case she thinks I’m just awful.

Your recovery depends on you being completely open and honest with your therapist about these behaviors. She will provide you with the tools necessary to stop this behavior when you have the urge to do it.

I guess I just want to know if red food can look like blood

The direct answer is yes. Tomatoes and red peppers always show up after I eat them. I've gone down this exact path and have even done what you are doing.

I have a colonoscopy next Tuesday and I’m so scared

Excellent. This will put the whole thing to rest.

I realize you are scared but digging through your poo will literally tell you nothing. Even IF (huge IF) it were blood, what could you do about it? Nothing because you'd still need a colonoscopy to find out what's going on. You've got that scheduled already so there is not need to do your own investigation. I would really challenge you to spend the next several days learning how to challenge your thinking. Don't even look at the toilet or the toilet paper when you use the loo. You have that power, even though you don't' feel like you do. Get your colonoscopy and your clean bill of health and then get help with your HA.

Best Wishes.

09-12-20, 23:00
Hi olive just jumping in here as I was in the same boat as you. I'm 34 next week and I spent the last 6 months rooting through my poo, analyzing the shape every day and even analyzing how much or little I was farting. It was extremely taxing on my mental health and life and I nearly lost my job because it was all I could focus on. Multiple doctors told me colon cancer does not present the way you and me are thinking. The shape of the poo, that stupid bristol scale all have nothing to do with it. The only exception is when its advanced and people have way more symptoms.

I too got a totally unnecessary colonoscopy and I am still very much ashamed of myself for getting this and wasting government time and money. Not to mention the stress and the fact that the prep left me feeling like I had the worst hangover of my life. This pandemic has affected me more than I thought . Is it possible that's the case for you?

I put so much stock in reading people's tragic stories that I blew everything out of proportion and made it seem to me that all my doctors were totally ignorant and couldn't recognize red flag symptoms. Yes there are going to be the outliers who say they had no symptoms but who knows. Take it with a grain of salt. Maybe they ignored stuff. Not to blame the victim but please listen to your doctor.

And yes red things show up in poop. I've seen red when I wiped and it was just red lint frrom my sweatpants. On the day of my colonoscopy my gi doc (very cute and nice doc, even more embarrassing) said if he had seen my bloods (no anemia) he would have rejected the referral. I only managed to get the scope due to a rogue nurse who listened to my sob story and send the referal in. We both live in developed nations with solid health care. Trust your medical team. Where has trusting yourself gotten you? I mean that kindly.

You are going to be fine. Thinking of you next week. This is what it took me to move on from this fear and I hope it does for you.

10-12-20, 01:32

Beautifully said!! What a perfect contribution to this thread!

10-12-20, 08:52
Your recovery depends on you being completely open and honest with your therapist about these behaviors. She will provide you with the tools necessary to stop this behavior when you have the urge to do it.

I know. I will try to open up to her about these behaviours.

The direct answer is yes. Tomatoes and red peppers always show up after I eat them. I've gone down this exact path and have even done what you are doing. just makes me wonder why everyone isn’t freaking out all the time. I’m scared to eat anything that’s too red whereas my partner eats so much red stuff I just think, how are you not gonna freak out when there’s red in your poo.

I realize you are scared but digging through your poo will literally tell you nothing. Even IF (huge IF) it were blood, what could you do about it? Nothing because you'd still need a colonoscopy to find out what's going on. You've got that scheduled already so there is not need to do your own investigation. I would really challenge you to spend the next several days learning how to challenge your thinking. Don't even look at the toilet or the toilet paper when you use the loo. You have that power, even though you don't' feel like you do. Get your colonoscopy and your clean bill of health and then get help with your HA.

Best Wishes.

You’re right, it won’t make any difference to the outcome. Just desperately trying to not be so fearful by the time I get to the procedure, I have to go in by myself because of Covid and I have all these scary visions of them telling me something is wrong.

10-12-20, 08:56
Hi olive just jumping in here as I was in the same boat as you. I'm 34 next week and I spent the last 6 months rooting through my poo, analyzing the shape every day and even analyzing how much or little I was farting. It was extremely taxing on my mental health and life and I nearly lost my job because it was all I could focus on. Multiple doctors told me colon cancer does not present the way you and me are thinking. The shape of the poo, that stupid bristol scale all have nothing to do with it. The only exception is when its advanced and people have way more symptoms.

I too got a totally unnecessary colonoscopy and I am still very much ashamed of myself for getting this and wasting government time and money. Not to mention the stress and the fact that the prep left me feeling like I had the worst hangover of my life. This pandemic has affected me more than I thought . Is it possible that's the case for you?

I put so much stock in reading people's tragic stories that I blew everything out of proportion and made it seem to me that all my doctors were totally ignorant and couldn't recognize red flag symptoms. Yes there are going to be the outliers who say they had no symptoms but who knows. Take it with a grain of salt. Maybe they ignored stuff. Not to blame the victim but please listen to your doctor.

And yes red things show up in poop. I've seen red when I wiped and it was just red lint frrom my sweatpants. On the day of my colonoscopy my gi doc (very cute and nice doc, even more embarrassing) said if he had seen my bloods (no anemia) he would have rejected the referral. I only managed to get the scope due to a rogue nurse who listened to my sob story and send the referal in. We both live in developed nations with solid health care. Trust your medical team. Where has trusting yourself gotten you? I mean that kindly.

You are going to be fine. Thinking of you next week. This is what it took me to move on from this fear and I hope it does for you.

Thank you so much for this. I’ve just read through your thread and it seems you had very similar fears to me. It really helps to know others have been convinced and proven wrong.

I too have read through a lot of cancer stories of people being diagnosed which has left me with so much fear a colonoscopy is the only way I can see myself getting out of this.

I’m glad yours all turned out fine, hopefully you will start to feel better now x

10-12-20, 09:06
I know this is gonna seem like, oh another symptom has appeared out of thin air, but for the past 5 weeks I have had on and off nausea. It just comes out of no where on a daily basis. I’ve not been sick but I just feel sicky. I also had mild burning in my throat.

When I was on a rampage I read every story on the ‘younger people with bowel cancer’ page on bowel cancer uk, and made a spreadsheet of the symptoms. (Yeah, I know what you’re thinking)

I remember one story that stuck out in my mind of a lady who’s only symptoms were random bouts of vomiting, which turned out to be because of aenemia from a tumour in the right side of her bowel, she ended up being diagnosed a year later with stage 4 bowel cancer. Obviously I’ve connected the dots and now am worried that’s what’s causing my nausea. Does anyone rational have any advice on what else could cause nausea? I’m struggling to find anything to make it go away.


10-12-20, 12:41
I’ve not been sick but I just feel sicky. I also had mild burning in my throat.

Acid stomach/reflux


10-12-20, 15:55
I know this is gonna seem like, oh another symptom has appeared out of thin air, but for the past 5 weeks I have had on and off nausea. It just comes out of no where on a daily basis. I’ve not been sick but I just feel sicky. I also had mild burning in my throat.

When I was on a rampage I read every story on the ‘younger people with bowel cancer’ page on bowel cancer uk, and made a spreadsheet of the symptoms. (Yeah, I know what you’re thinking)

I remember one story that stuck out in my mind of a lady who’s only symptoms were random bouts of vomiting, which turned out to be because of aenemia from a tumour in the right side of her bowel, she ended up being diagnosed a year later with stage 4 bowel cancer. Obviously I’ve connected the dots and now am worried that’s what’s causing my nausea. Does anyone rational have any advice on what else could cause nausea? I’m struggling to find anything to make it go away.


I read those same exact stories and I also thought I had a right sided tumour blocking my colon somehow.

Maybe you're feeling sick because your messing around with your poo? I know this can happen from personal experience. You need to stop reading that website. That's the same one that sent me far down the rabbit hole. Don't forget that just because someone talks about a symptom doesn't mean cancer was causing it.

Just focus on thinking about how relived you will be when this is done.

11-12-20, 14:24
I read those same exact stories and I also thought I had a right sided tumour blocking my colon somehow.

Maybe you're feeling sick because your messing around with your poo? I know this can happen from personal experience. You need to stop reading that website. That's the same one that sent me far down the rabbit hole. Don't forget that just because someone talks about a symptom doesn't mean cancer was causing it.

Just focus on thinking about how relived you will be when this is done.

That’s interesting it was the same stories that freaked you out! I struggle to rationalise that there are lots of stories you never hear about where they went to get tests for symptoms and it just turned out fine. I know this is true but it just isn’t helping me and I don’t know why!!

I have to stop myself every time I get excited about the idea of feeling relieved after my colonoscopy and enjoying Christmas, don’t want to get my hopes up :(

11-12-20, 15:41
I have to stop myself every time I get excited about the idea of feeling relieved after my colonoscopy and enjoying Christmas, don’t want to get my hopes up :(

Please don't do this! You have to allow yourself to live. Getting your "hopes up" is a fallacy. It either is or isn't and you're only wasting your energy by stopping yourself from living and enjoying your life. Read my signature.

Best Wishes

12-12-20, 17:00
This just gets worse and worse. The nausea won’t go away. I’m scared it’s bowel cancer that’s spread to my liver or stomach.

The nausea isn’t there in the morning when I wake up, it seems to happen an hour or so after eating, and is accompanied by burping (which is unusual for me, I’m not a very burpy person).

Any idea what could cause this? I’ve never suffered with nausea before. I’m VERY stressed and scared about my appointment on Tuesday, but I’ve been scared before and this hasn’t happened :(

12-12-20, 18:07
You're VERY stressed and are facing up to a colonoscopy procedure on Tuesday which isn't pleasant. You are feeling sick because you are terrified of what could be found according to Dr Google. You have forgotten what your gastroenterologist told you 4 weeks ago when he agreed to you having the private test for reassurance purposes.

12-12-20, 18:09
Adding to this thread rather than creating a new one for context.

Just had a phone consultation with a gastroenterologist. He said he thinks it’s IBS and if there is blood it’s most likely caused by little blood vessels in the colon but he wants to do a colonoscopy. He said it isn’t something he feels he has to do but that I won’t stop worrying unless he does... and now I’m worried!!! My brain is now thinking he clearly thinks there’s a chance I have Bowel cancer and he needs to check! I asked him directly how likely it is to be BC and he said minuscule like 0.something %.

He left the choice of the colonoscopy up to me, and said we could just try and tackle the IBS and see if that helps and that it’s up to me. Is this because it’s private? Do they just hand out colonoscopies? I’m freaking out!!!

It’s non urgent so have to wait 4-6 weeks.

Just to remind you..

13-12-20, 17:38
You're VERY stressed and are facing up to a colonoscopy procedure on Tuesday which isn't pleasant. You are feeling sick because you are terrified of what could be found according to Dr Google. You have forgotten what your gastroenterologist told you 4 weeks ago when he agreed to you having the private test for reassurance purposes.

I know my mind is running away from me but I’ve never experienced this before. Could it be caused by amitriptyline?? I started taking it around when the nausea developed.. I would take it around 7-8pm end the nausea would kick in from around 4pmish. I was on 10mg for around 3weeks and stopped taking it last night in case it was that causing it. Today I’ve had worse nausea than ever all day.

13-12-20, 18:34
Okay so I’ve just been sick and it was just very acidic white foam.. what does this mean!?

13-12-20, 19:22
Okay so I’ve just been sick and it was just very acidic white foam.. what does this mean!?

What have you eaten today? Look, if you're really feeling that sick, see a doctor :shrug:

Positive thoughts

13-12-20, 21:05
What have you eaten today? Look, if you're really feeling that sick, see a doctor :shrug:

Positive thoughts

Just toast and very bland food ready for colonoscopy prep tomorrow.

Do you think it could be the amitriptyline? I tend to have negative effects to medication.

15-12-20, 14:08
So I’m back home after my colonoscopy and just wanted to update this thread.

They found nothing, consultant said my bowel looked really healthy! So feeling very relieved.

However I was surprised he took biopsy’s from my colon wall.. is this a standard thing they do? I asked him if that was a concern and he said absolutely not, he can tell me without a doubt that I don’t have bowel cancer, and that it is to test for ‘allergies’ or ‘microscopic inflammation’. Problem is I was still out of it from sedation so the conversation isn’t too clear in my mind!

Anyone who’s had colonoscopy before, have you had biopsies even when you have no polyps?

15-12-20, 14:37
Standard procedure. Hopefully now you can focus on your therapy and recovery. Use this thread as a reminder of a place you never want to go to again.

Positive thoughts

06-01-21, 16:57
I wanted to post an update to this thread as a final end to my irrational fears on bowel cancer that have consumed my life for the past 3 years.

Today I finally had a follow up with my consultant to let me know my biopsies were all ‘normal’, my colon is ‘healthy’ and I have IBS. (Which wouldn’t be a shock to any rational person reading this, but to me, I can’t quite believe it). I am finally breathing a huge sigh of relief.

Something I wish I could have told the terrified version of myself that wrote all these posts relating to my bowel movements and fears of bowel cancer, is to stop googling. I fully believe google on this matter sent me insane. It consumed me, every holiday, Christmas, special occasion, every week, probably almost every day. And all for what? There was never anything going on inside of me.

My behaviour has been beyond crazy, I’ve got about a million pictures of my poo on my phone, I downloaded colourblind apps to assess the colour of my BMs because I didn’t trust my own eyes, I sorted through every BM to look for blood, and when I found something red I kept it in a tissue to assess the colour of it over time to see if it behaved like blood. I kept a spreadsheet of every single story on bowel cancer uk documenting the symptoms they experienced to compare with my own. I spend hours searching through hashtags on Instagram of #bowelcancer, I was literally SEARCHING for news and stories that would make me worry. At times I must have spent 6-8 hours a day researching my symptoms.

I’m completely ashamed with how I behaved, and I’m writing this down because A) I am anonymous on this site and B) if it helps anyone out there to see what a waste of time this behaviour is then that’s a good thing.

I am working with a therapist to try and overcome this awful condition, and right now my brain is desperately searching for something else to fixate to. My therapist thinks the fact I can see this happening is a good sign and a step to recovery, I hope she is right. All I know is it has been my identity to worry for so long, that when I’m not worrying about a health issue I don’t feel like myself, and that’s a very sad realisation.

Thank you so much to anyone who spent time listening to my worries and tried to help me, there was nothing anyone could say to pull me off the path I was on but it did give me momentary comfort and reassurance (something I need to try and stop seeking!!).

Hopefully if I’m back with anything else, it won’t start with ‘I’ve googled my symptoms and...’

Olive x

06-01-21, 17:20
Great post and so pleased you are ok and nothing bad found.

It would really help if you would copy and paste this to anyone else you see worrying about such things. It could really help them.

06-01-21, 17:55
What an amazing post, thank you very much for sharing. Glad you’re ok xx

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-01-21, 17:57
Olive, that's an incredibly brave and honest post and I agree wholeheartedly with Nic's suggestion.

Don't worry..We won't let you "forget" this post if you happen to fall foul to Dr Google's "charms" in the future and you could well do because there will be a big "void" in your life now that your worst fears have been proved groundless and you'll need another issue to fill the gap after so long under the HA cosh.

But your post is inspirational and so very helpful and I'm so pleased that you are ok.

06-01-21, 18:40
WorriedOlive, thank you for posting that update :)

As someone who's done what you have done on more than one occasion, it has served to help me as that fear wanes here.

06-01-21, 19:04
Thank you for posting the update. Great to see you recognizing the real issue and working toward recovery :yesyes: It's interesting how you used the phrase "terrified version of myself" as it shows you recognize it and that's a huge step in the right direction. As I and others have said, use that as a reminder should you hit a bump in the road and also to help others in a similar situation.

Positive thoughts

07-01-21, 00:22
What an excellent post!!! Do pop in from time to time to share your recovery and how it is going.

Best Wishes

08-01-21, 05:49
Glad you are doing better! I can relate a lot to what you’ve described. Like you may have me beat on some of those things but not too far behind you in the crazy behavior some days. Thanks for a post to remind people to recognize what they are doing.