View Full Version : Leukocytes in urine

05-11-20, 20:54

So I've just done a urine test at home and it was (highly!) positive for leukocytes. But no nitrite, blood or protein. Can it still be a UTI even without nitrites? Or does the absence of nitrites point towards something more serious?!
I'm 29 and I've only ever had one UTI before, just after the birth of my second child 5 years ago. I also currently have a vaginal yeast infection, could that have caused the leukocytes in the urine? And if it actually is a UTI, which is unusual for me, could it be because I just started a new relationship - I've heard before that sex with a new partner can cause UTI and yeast infections...
Has anyone ever had leukocytes in urine without nitrites? And what did it mean? I'm trying not to Google... But it just seems strange.

05-11-20, 20:57
And I have been drinking plenty of water and my urine is light in colour... But still very highly positive for leukocytes...

05-11-20, 21:11
I also currently have a vaginal yeast infection

1+1 = ? ;)

Positive thoughts

06-11-20, 05:05
From my understanding those are white blood cells present when you have an infection. Since you have an established infection, they are likely caused by that. I think most hospitals will send your sample off to be cultured if anything shows up, in case you might also have a UTI.

08-11-20, 13:12
I currently have the same problem. No UTI but a severe yeast infection. Only had leukocytes on a strip urine test so gp sent it off for testing plus swabs. This confirmed a yeast infection. Ive also seen a gyne doctor as this is a recurrent problem for me. He said that a yeast infection often causes very similar symptoms to uti, this includes burning, difficulty peeing and abdo and back pain.