View Full Version : Incontinence, urgency to urinate and frequent weeing

06-11-20, 15:28
I couldn't find much on the above, especially incontinence. I am not referring to a permanent condition, but more being caught short or during high anxiety or panic.
I've experienced all three on and off and wondered if anyone else has.
I've also gone to the loo to wee and had to go back immediately to wee again. What's all that about?
The incontinence is not only embarrassing but fuelling my anxiety and is normally a small amount and not all the time.
I'd really like to hear from others on this subject.

06-11-20, 19:59
Have you considered overactive bladder syndrome, Carnation? It's very much connected with anxiety x

06-11-20, 20:49
Hi Carnation this happens to me, l have to go constantly and sometimes it's hard to make it to the loo, its definitely linked to my anxiety, but l don't know about you night time is worse for me l can go the toilet then get into bed instantly need to go again, l settle down again and l need to go again this happens nearly every night, l was thinking of sleeping on the loo 🤗 xx
Hope your well xx

06-11-20, 20:55
Me too!

I'm not looking forward to public loos being shut during lockdown either! I'm too old for bushes!:D

06-11-20, 21:51
Thanks Pulisa x
I think I'll more than likely have an overactive bladder, especially as everything else seems to be overactive. :blush:

Thank you Mrs S I'm plodding on still trying to desensitise. x
I'm exactly the same at night.
Go to the loo before going to bed. Not even ten minutes passes and I need to go again. Sleep for an hour or two and up again going to the loo. And sometimes even again about 2 or 4 hours later. :blush:

Another thing during the day is, excuse me for saying this, the dribbling when I sneeze or cough and on a rare occasion, laugh. :blush: I do those tightening exercises, but I think I'm beyond repair. :unsure:

Pulisa, I can't go anywhere if there isn't a loo to hand.
Come to think it, a good chunk of my day is spent loo visiting. :blush:

07-11-20, 11:08
I’ve had this during times of extreme anxiety and when I’ve had a UTI, C.

07-11-20, 11:12
Thanks Antsy. I do have extreme anxiety at the moment.

07-11-20, 11:17
That’s it, then. What triggered it?

07-11-20, 12:28
Well, the coronavirus and lock down and huge change to routine and lifestyle didn't help, but I had some personal problems and worries too. And there's the ol health anxiety issues. Oh, I could go on and on...
As you know anxiety is a roller-coaster ride anyway.

07-11-20, 14:39
I’m right there with you with the sneezing or coughing :wall: every time. I’ve noticed it’s worsened over the last several years. Maybe that area just gets weaker with age lol

07-11-20, 14:57
Hi glassgirlw, it's awful isn't it?
I suppose we gotta keep doing those pelvic exercises, but I have no idea if I'm doing them right, but they do make my face screw up, lol :wacko: