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07-11-20, 17:50
Sorry to bring this up now. I'm not American and im happy that Biden has won but im overly worried about just what crazy things Trump might do.

Could he just decide to press the nuclear button for the hell of it at this point?

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07-11-20, 18:09
I think you might have been watching too much fiction.

07-11-20, 18:47
Sorry to bring this up now. I'm not American and im happy that Biden has won but im overly worried about just what crazy things Trump might do.

Could he just decide to press the nuclear button for the hell of it at this point?

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

I very much doubt it, he'll be under far too much scrutiny.

At least today's historic result is one step towards restoring my faith in humanity, which up until recently it seemed like the lunatics were well and truly taking over the global asylum.

Had the Covid-19 pandemic not happened, the results might have been quite a bit different, probably with Trump and Co just hanging on by a whisker, but could have been wrong.

Nevertheless, I really hope this is a real turning point and a wake-up call to the rest of the world to take its head out of the sand and to stop being so complacent and blasé about politics in general and to look at the bigger picture.

Hopefully Mr Biden and Co might attempt to start addressing fake news and misinformation, which the world was only just starting to wake up to this time 4 years ago, but sadly the damage was already well done by then!!

Sorry all Trumpites!!

07-11-20, 19:24
In a word, no.

first off, he’d have to leave the golf course. Second, there are way, way to many people involved in that whole process. It’s not a one man show. I do think he will put up a fight, through lawsuits and the demand for recounts. I don’t think he will concede the presidency quite so easily. Hope I’m wrong but I don’t see it happening.

07-11-20, 19:24
I'm very happy to see the back of the preening narcissist.

07-11-20, 19:25
Sorry to bring this up now. I'm not American and im happy that Biden has won but im overly worried about just what crazy things Trump might do.

Could he just decide to press the nuclear button for the hell of it at this point?

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

That's what I've been thinking, but it's probably not going to be that easy.

07-11-20, 20:42
You do all know that he doesn't actually have a glowing red button right?

07-11-20, 21:08
Actually, yes! If I recall right, it actually takes four counter-signatures, two other co-keyholders, and ideally a Congressional release to launch a nuclear missile in the modern U.S.

08-11-20, 08:03
Trump's gone very quiet. I think they have him gaffer-taped to a chair in the back of a van somewhere...

Big relief that he's out and Biden's in. Mind you, he's not gone yet, and I don't think Trump is going to go gracefully...

We've got to remember that this was no landslide. It was that close that it could easily have gone Trump's way - which I personally find very alarming.

We've had 4 years to get to know the man, and he's so much of a loose cannon it's scary, but he still got the second highest vote in history, am I right?:unsure:

08-11-20, 10:32
Trump's gone very quiet. I think they have him gaffer-taped to a chair in the back of a van somewhere...

Big relief that he's out and Biden's in. Mind you, he's not gone yet, and I don't think Trump is going to go gracefully...

We've got to remember that this was no landslide. It was that close that it could easily have gone Trump's way - which I personally find very alarming.

We've had 4 years to get to know the man, and he's so much of a loose cannon it's scary, but he still got the second highest vote in history, am I right?:unsure:

Just demonstrates how divided both the USA and much of the rest of the world still is but at least Biden's victory (albeit fairly marginal) is still a step in the right direction IMO.

I just think Trump is really acting like a spoilt brat ATM by refusing to accept and acknowledge his defeat and inciting his supporters to riot. I can't comprehend why he just can't give himself up and leave the WH peacefully and orderly.

Pathetic man!!

08-11-20, 10:46
I can't comprehend why he just can't give himself up and leave the WH peacefully and orderly.

Pathetic man!!

If he acted like a spoilt brat on the way into the White House, then he's not going to be any different on his way out. :shrug:

08-11-20, 16:59
Its really not as close as the traditional state by state maps show, this is how it looks if a blue or red dots based on population are put in instead....... https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2020/11/640/320/Karim-Douieb-Jetpack-e1604849654178.jpg?ve=1&tl=1

08-11-20, 17:12
There's this good article about it.


08-11-20, 19:03
Don't worry.

He likes to make out he is some big tough guy, but he is all mouth and no trousers. Get him on his own, without all of his little minions around him doing his bidding and kissing his backside and like most bullies, he would be nothing but a total pussy. THAT I would lay money on.

He threatens this and threatens that, but that is all down to his enormously out of control ego. His problem is that he is your typical spoiled rich kid. He has never had to deal with the words 'You cannot have' or 'No'. He is used to having things HIS WAY, all bought and paid for by his money and power. Now that the American public have taken that power from him - and there is nothing he can do to change it - he is throwing his toys out of the playpen like a pathetic child.

He will have all eyes on him now, as everyone knows what a loon he is and how he cannot cope with this rejection.

He is frankly not worth wasting anxiety over, trust me.

08-11-20, 20:27
and there is nothing he can do to change it

Unless he overturns the vote in the courts somehow...

08-11-20, 21:05
Unless he overturns the vote in the courts somehow...

Ummmm... not gonna happen.

Positive thoughts

09-11-20, 00:08
Unless he overturns the vote in the courts somehow...

In the dying days of WWII in Europe Hitler pinned his hopes of rescue on Walther Wenck. The 'boy' general did far better than he was entitled to, but it was never going to happen.

Trump has Don Jnr, Eric...and Rudy Giuliani! :roflmao:

09-11-20, 05:58
Still not surprised how Trump's sycophants can't see how openly corrupt, ignorant, vile and evil the man is. It's never a good thing when the closest comparison to a president (i.e. Trump) is Hitler and before any Trump supporters try to label Hitler as a socialist/liberal etc, Hitler famously hated socialism and thought it was just as evil as communism.

09-11-20, 06:07
Still not surprised how Trump's sycophants can't see how openly corrupt, ignorant, vile and evil the man is. It's never a good thing when the closest comparison to a president (i.e. Trump) is Hitler and before any Trump supporters try to label Hitler as a socialist/liberal etc, Hitler famously hated socialism and thought it was just as evil as communism.

Theyre brainwashed by Fox News, Breitbart, OAN and Limbaugh. They all feed off each other.

09-11-20, 08:30
Its really not as close as the traditional state by state maps show, this is how it looks if a blue or red dots based on population are put in instead....... https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2020/11/640/320/Karim-Douieb-Jetpack-e1604849654178.jpg?ve=1&tl=1

Bloody hell, surely the candidate highlighted in white should be in...:whistles:

09-11-20, 08:32
Don't worry.

He likes to make out he is some big tough guy, but he is all mouth and no trousers. Get him on his own, without all of his little minions around him doing his bidding and kissing his backside and like most bullies, he would be nothing but a total pussy. THAT I would lay money on.

He threatens this and threatens that, but that is all down to his enormously out of control ego. His problem is that he is your typical spoiled rich kid. He has never had to deal with the words 'You cannot have' or 'No'. He is used to having things HIS WAY, all bought and paid for by his money and power. Now that the American public have taken that power from him - and there is nothing he can do to change it - he is throwing his toys out of the playpen like a pathetic child.

He will have all eyes on him now, as everyone knows what a loon he is and how he cannot cope with this rejection.

He is frankly not worth wasting anxiety over, trust me.

Sorry Debs but I had to stop when you put the thought in my head of Trump with no trousers on :emot-puke:

09-11-20, 11:49
Theyre brainwashed by Fox News, Breitbart, OAN and Limbaugh. They all feed off each other.

Those are the dangers of indoctrination and feedback loops for you, even if they claim to be smart. I believe it was the great James Randi that once said "even intelligent people can be fooled". Either way congrats on dumping Trump and fingers crossed he actually leaves.

09-11-20, 12:32
I had to stop when you put the thought in my head of Trump with no trousers on

Now I'm visualising Trump wandering around the White House wearing saggy-arse Y fronts with skid marks down the back..:emot-puke:

*frantically Googles topless shots of Tom Hardy*

09-11-20, 12:34
I had to stop when you put the thought in my head of Trump with no trousers on

Now I'm visualising Trump wandering around the White House wearing saggy-arsed Y fronts with skid-marks down the back! :ohmy:

*frantically Googles topless shots of Tom Hardy*

10-11-20, 18:18
I don't think we've seen the last of this man. There's already a report that he's considering running in 2024.

10-11-20, 20:42
Yeah, right now Trump is trying to keep brainwashing his supporters into believing there was voter fraud. None of it has been substantiated. His sons were even posting videos that were declared hoaxes by election officials. He is definitely going to try to hang on for as long as possible. But what else can you expect from a narcissist?

10-11-20, 21:49
Has Barr's recent announcement given any more power to Trump's campaign? I just have a foreboding feeling that one way or another, Trump will end up back in the White House in January. That the corruption is too far gone.

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10-11-20, 22:36
If our attempts to sway the electoral college didn't work in 2016, they won't work now. Besides, he can just run again in '24 and make up for lost time.

11-11-20, 01:12
This is just plain stupid at this point. Its obvious Biden won and and clearly as obvious, Trump is responsible! Aside from his character, by sewing doubt into mail in ballots, undermining the USPS and encouraging his followers to vote on Nov. 3rd in person, he shot himself in the foot!

Read your history! Mail in/absentee balloting has been happening since the Civil War and the election of Lincoln. There are many states where people have been primarily voting by mail for decades. This is nothing new. We have a system and its worked. This time around, it was overwhelmed and if anything, it shows that we need to look into the efficiency of the system and have contingencies in place to avoid being hindered by a natural disaster or say for example... a pandemic!

So, by sewing that doubt, people sent their ballots in way ahead of the deadlines and many, like my wife and myself, voted early in person within days of the polls opening. There was literally one other voter in the room aside from us and the poll workers. Easy peasy and I know it got counted. The same goes for mail in ballots. Go to the White House website and look up the voter fraud documents posted there. There have been 1071 proven voter fraud cases in the last few decades and they're all listed there. I don't doubt, they'll find some fraudulent ballots on both sides if they look, but there's one truth I think we can all can agree upon, and that is, people are stupid!

I was right though.... Things are going to get crazier than ever!

Trying to keep...

Positive thoughts

11-11-20, 01:48
What scares me most is what these last four years have highlighted to me...that we as Americans seem to have no agreement on what our core values and beliefs are... 70 million some people still voted for Trump. That means either they agree with his white supremacy, bigotry, hate and anger enough to vote or him, or they can at least ignore it enough to do so. Trump got those people to vote for him through fear and anger. How can we get those people to share in the vision of multiculturalism and peace that the other half of us have?

11-11-20, 02:07
Has Barr's recent announcement given any more power to Trump's campaign? I just have a foreboding feeling that one way or another, Trump will end up back in the White House in January. That the corruption is too far gone.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

I would imagine Biden can easily push it through the courts to get a ruling on whether they are stepping in against normal policy. But I'll leave it to our American friends on here to explain whether he would prefer to avoid the Supreme Court given it's politically loaded as opposed to how ours works.

11-11-20, 02:09
Now I'm visualising Trump wandering around the White House wearing saggy-arsed Y fronts with skid-marks down the back! :ohmy:

*frantically Googles topless shots of Tom Hardy*

This might not be the shot you intended :whistles:


11-11-20, 02:18
I'm interested to know how our relations will go considering we are into discussing a trade deal. I don't buy the doom & gloom we are hearing because under Obama the US wanted TTIP and Trump also pulled the plug of TTP. Since we are looking at joining the update of TTP will the US look to rejoin?

11-11-20, 09:22
This might not be the shot you intended :whistles:


Does it for me cocker. :dribble:

11-11-20, 11:03
What scares me most is what these last four years have highlighted to me...that we as Americans seem to have no agreement on what our core values and beliefs are... 70 million some people still voted for Trump. That means either they agree with his white supremacy, bigotry, hate and anger enough to vote or him, or they can at least ignore it enough to do so. Trump got those people to vote for him through fear and anger. How can we get those people to share in the vision of multiculturalism and peace that the other half of us have?

We can't, not without starting a war.

11-11-20, 18:36
Well, that's the wrong kind of thinking, Frank. If the rest of us go into this already assuming the worst and being close-minded, then how will anything get accomplished?

12-11-20, 05:41
We can't, not without starting a war.

Are you forgetting that's what the other side are saying too? But remember there are plenty of moderates, swing voters and those who don't vote for either main party.

You only get anywhere by listening. Too much arguing and finger pointing goes on so you just end up in a screech fest. I remember my complaints training many years ago saying never rise to it because they will just screech louder then.

12-11-20, 20:34

I needed something better to look at on this thread :p

13-11-20, 03:08

I needed something better to look at on this thread :p

thank god for that. Much improved. :roflmao:

13-11-20, 05:45

Needed one more....just to be safe.

13-11-20, 08:47

13-11-20, 11:15
I thought women liked real men so where are all the hairy backs? :roflmao:

13-11-20, 12:44
I thought women liked real men so where are all the hairy backs? :roflmao:

Mr Batty has more hair on his lower back than he has on his chest.:unsure:

He also has something distinctly 'Dennis Healy' going on with his eyebrows. :ohmy:

He also has suspiciously grey-free hair considering he's almost 50 and has lived with me for 12 years. I think he's using Just For Men on the sly...:lac:

13-11-20, 20:33

Thank you, Lola :D

13-11-20, 20:37
I thought women liked real men so where are all the hairy backs? :roflmao:

Hey, I'm not complaining about hair. Look at this specimen I found the other day. He's hairy. I'd still hit that.


18-11-20, 07:58
Hey, I'm not complaining about hair. Look at this specimen I found the other day. He's hairy. I'd still hit that.


Well if it's hairy legs you're after...


18-11-20, 10:37

02-12-20, 18:57
Theyre brainwashed by Fox News, Breitbart, OAN and Limbaugh. They all feed off each other.

and the people like you with Trump Derangement Syndrome have been brainwashed by CNN, Huffington Post and The NY Times.

02-12-20, 19:48
That leaves the people in the centre.

02-12-20, 20:51
and the people like you with Trump Derangement Syndrome have been brainwashed by CNN, Huffington Post and The NY Times.

Nope, sorry, I'm not fans of those either.

03-12-20, 04:14
Hi Vee :DSounds like our friend :winks:
Hope you are well x

03-12-20, 07:45
Hey Lola :hugs:

05-01-21, 21:51
Ok, I'm now conivinced the missiles will start flying on Inauguration Day. I've heard nothing to prove that can't happen. And there's this, too: https://eu.dispatch.com/story/opinion/columns/2021/01/03/column-trumps-final-weeks-dangerous-time/4087368001/

06-01-21, 01:00
Ok, I'm now conivinced the missiles will start flying on Inauguration Day.

Ok then :wacko:


06-01-21, 01:02
Whoa, I didn't know Frank had acquired missiles?? Frank buddy! You're holding out on me?!?

06-01-21, 01:15
Hi Vee:D
I went out to the mailbox and trod in a missile the neighbours dog was out:roflmao:
Hope you are staying safe and well.xx

06-01-21, 08:16
Ok, I'm now conivinced the missiles will start flying on Inauguration Day. I've heard nothing to prove that can't happen. And there's this, too: https://eu.dispatch.com/story/opinion/columns/2021/01/03/column-trumps-final-weeks-dangerous-time/4087368001/

So what would this "proof"consist of, Frank? What you be relieved to read?

Remember your triggers and how you tend to catastrophise when overdoing the "research" on subjects which frighten you?

06-01-21, 12:19
So what would this "proof"consist of, Frank? What you be relieved to read?

Remember your triggers and how you tend to catastrophise when overdoing the "research" on subjects which frighten you?

I don't know, all I can think of is he probably still has the nuclear football. Pretty soon his options will run out, and then God only knows what next.

06-01-21, 12:29
Is this genuinely worrying you?

06-01-21, 13:01
Yes! I had a massive panic attack over it last night!

06-01-21, 13:18
You have to remember that's it's not like it is in films, where they have a big red button on their desk. For him to resort to military action, he has to go through loads of protocol and the action has to be approved by far more reasonable people. He can't just lose his temper one day and start launching missiles, it just doesn't work like that... especially now that his power has been diminished.
He probably couldn't take military action now even if he wanted to. You really have nothing to worry about in that regard, it won't (and probably can't) happen.

06-01-21, 18:41
I know... I said it myself, there's failsafes... but I get the feeling he'll find a way.

06-01-21, 18:47
No Frank, he's finished.

There were rumours afoot he was going to come to Scotland to play golf at Turnberry on the day of Biden's inauguration; myself, I like the idea of his plane being escorted out of UK airspace by the RAF :roflmao:

06-01-21, 18:49
I know... I said it myself, there's failsafes... but I get the feeling he'll find a way.
I can guarantee you he won't.

06-01-21, 18:50
No Frank, he's finished.

There were rumours afoot he was going to come to Scotland to play golf at Turnberry on the day of Biden's inauguration; myself, I like the idea of his plane being escorted out of UK airspace by the RAF :roflmao:
I prefer the image of Nicola Sturgeon walking on to the 4th green and taking his putter off him. 🤣

06-01-21, 19:17
I prefer the image of Nicola Sturgeon walking on to the 4th green and taking his putter off him. 🤣
Only if she subsequently ****s him round the nut with it; but as an ex-president, he's entitled to a full US secret service protection squad.

06-01-21, 20:09
Lots of social distancing going on in Washington at the moment....

06-01-21, 20:16
Lots of social distancing going on in Washington at the moment....
Guns have been drawn inside the US senate chamber. Bloody idiots.

06-01-21, 20:41
If those protestors were black they'd all have been dead by now.

06-01-21, 20:45
These idiots charging into the capitol building are hypocrites. They called for "law and order" when BLM was protesting, but it's okay if they break in now. They're trying to make a coup just because the Vice President wouldn't break the law for them.

06-01-21, 20:46
It's not so bad in the UK..

06-01-21, 20:57
Oh God, now the missiles really will start flying...

06-01-21, 21:02
Oh God, now the missiles really will start flying...

I don't think so, Frank. That's a bit over the top and more like a cheap movie

06-01-21, 21:09
Who are we going to blow up Frank? The Trump supporters are against the rest of us here in the US.

06-01-21, 21:12
Then we can expect a civil war.

06-01-21, 21:16
Who's "we" here? Last time I checked, you lived in the UK.

Yes, there is another crazy group of white guys who want to start a civil war 156 years later....but I'm hoping the rest of us won't let that happen.

06-01-21, 21:26
Please help me. My anxiety is going nuts. I'm not even American but how is this going to end? This is unprecedented. What if Trump goes wild? What if Russia or China decide to take advantage? Is this the end of the world???

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

06-01-21, 21:32
I think Russia and China would want to stay out of this, if possible.

06-01-21, 22:48
They’re breaking up the rioters now. The national guard is pushing back the protesters and securing the White House. Nothing to be overly concerned about other than we still have a couple more weeks of the moron-in-charge being in office. That being said, he’s literally just a moron. Not in charge of much. Especially after today’s embarrassing display at the capitol, he won’t have many elected officials still on his side. Even members of his own party today were emphasizing that he needed to get on the air and condemn the protests, and call off the protestors. So he doesn’t have many supporters left (other than the psycho individuals protesting).

06-01-21, 22:52
Well we all know that won't happen, so the only option is to invoke the 25th Amendment.

06-01-21, 22:53
This is INSANE!


06-01-21, 23:09
This is INSANE!


Yes, we haven't lost control of our capitol building since 1812. This is what happens with another group of crazy racist white guys want to start another civil war. We can't give it to them. We are stronger than the crap.

06-01-21, 23:24
Guns have been drawn inside the US senate chamber. Bloody idiots.

Crikey! Even the Italian Parliament usually stick to hitting each other with chairs :winks:

06-01-21, 23:27
Well we all know that won't happen, so the only option is to invoke the 25th Amendment.

Wouldn't that just pour petrol on it and give these idiots more of an excuse? Just let legal process deal with it otherwise it will be martyr territory...

06-01-21, 23:32
Well we all know that won't happen, so the only option is to invoke the 25th Amendment.

Yeah, that’s just not going to happen either.

06-01-21, 23:56
Yeah, that’s just not going to happen either.

Then the only option is to nuke us all.

07-01-21, 00:05
Then the only option is to nuke us all.

Ohhh please Frank....


07-01-21, 00:20
Yeah, that’s just not going to happen either.

CNN's political analyst has suggested that there are serious moves now being made to remove him under the 25th.

07-01-21, 00:46
CNN's political analyst has suggested that there are serious moves now being made to remove him under the 25th.

Dont get me wrong - I’m all for it. Should he be impeached and charged, he would become ineligible to run again for president in 4 years. And I think that would benefit us all greatly!!

07-01-21, 01:04
Dont get me wrong - I’m all for it. Should he be impeached and charged, he would become ineligible to run again for president in 4 years. And I think that would benefit us all greatly!!

Wouldn't stop Eric or Ivanka though...

07-01-21, 01:08
Wouldn't stop Eric or Ivanka though...

Im still holding out a thin shred of hope that they’ll all be charged with tax evasion lol.

On a bright note, Twitter finally locked Trumps account. :roflmao:

07-01-21, 02:00
Finally, some Republicans are finally finding their balls and speaking up to Trump. I hope this teaches both parties, that you can't sell your soul to a devil just to keep your party in the majority.

07-01-21, 02:02
CNN's political analyst has suggested that there are serious moves now being made to remove him under the 25th.

I hope they do remove him under the 25th...but by the time they could get it done, it might already be Jan 20th anyway. It would be a nice symbolic move though.

07-01-21, 02:12
Please help me. My anxiety is going nuts. I'm not even American but how is this going to end? This is unprecedented. What if Trump goes wild? What if Russia or China decide to take advantage? Is this the end of the world???

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

Why would the world come crashing down because a small group grab a building? Is the whole defence of a massive nation dependent on one place? If so terrorists would have brought the US down years ago, and they know what they are doing.

Even if a nation makes a move the rest will know about it and moves are made.

Is a group of plonkers storming a building more significant than the many things that have happened in the last 50 or so years?

07-01-21, 02:18
Then the only option is to nuke us all.

What do you base that on? The person doing the nuking would be instantly poor like everyone else. And in the Mad Max world the rich are food...

07-01-21, 02:31
Why would the world come crashing down because a small group grab a building? Is the whole defence of a massive nation dependent on one place? If so terrorists would have brought the US down years ago, and they know what they are doing.

Even if a nation makes a move the rest will know about it and moves are made.

Is a group of plonkers storming a building more significant than the many things that have happened in the last 50 or so years?

Well, it's a lot more significant than a group of crazies "grabbing a building"...but just because there is some chaos, doesn't mean it will extend to military action between other countries. We've seen no indications of that.

Right now, as Congress reconvenes, failed "insurrection" or failed coup, as I called it other, seems be unifying more people against Trump. I'm hopeful maybe this is what we finally needed to get Trump to shut up and some of his supporters to realize how brainwashed they've become.

07-01-21, 03:14
Well, it's a lot more significant than a group of crazies "grabbing a building"...but just because there is some chaos, doesn't mean it will extend to military action between other countries. We've seen no indications of that.

Right now, as Congress reconvenes, failed "insurrection" or failed coup, as I called it other, seems be unifying more people against Trump. I'm hopeful maybe this is what we finally needed to get Trump to shut up and some of his supporters to realize how brainwashed they've become.

Just makes me think of a bunch of idiots invading the Palace of Westminster or Buckingham Palace. Big woo followed by a bunch of arrests and then everything back to BAU the next day. What have they achieved? Have they gained power or just been a nuisance for a day?

Edit: poor example since bunches of idiots are frequently found in the Palace of Westminster :whistles: (auto correct changed that to benches :roflmao:)

07-01-21, 07:55
I read (on the Washington Post site) that impeaching him could be done and dusted in a day, rather than by using the 25th against him.

That sorts him out; but what about his supporters?

07-01-21, 08:07
Why would the world come crashing down because a small group grab a building? Is the whole defence of a massive nation dependent on one place? If so terrorists would have brought the US down years ago, and they know what they are doing.

Even if a nation makes a move the rest will know about it and moves are made.

Is a group of plonkers storming a building more significant than the many things that have happened in the last 50 or so years?

You make a very good point there.
I agree with Vee that it is significantly more than some idiots grabbing a building, especially taking into account the violence directed towards the elected representatives, but I think you're right about the building itself not being the be all and end all and the ultimately farcical nature of the whole thing. The October Revolution or Pride's Purge it was not - yes they did occupy the palace of government but did not even come close to taking charge of the institutions themselves.
Still, it is certainly a very shocking and disturbing situation, one which must serve as a wake up call.

07-01-21, 08:15
He's certainly got the "finale" he wanted

07-01-21, 09:39
The spun nut hasn’t finished he still has 2 weeks left,I am surprised someone hasn’t popped the wanna be dictator.

07-01-21, 11:25
What do you base that on? The person doing the nuking would be instantly poor like everyone else. And in the Mad Max world the rich are food...

There's my second problem - this man obviously doesn't care about a world beyond his lifespan outside of having a lasting legacy. I think if his legacy will be absolutely negative (base turns on him and he's going to jail for life), then he might give the GO order.

07-01-21, 11:56
He can't give the 'GO order'.

He's President on paper only now.

07-01-21, 19:46
I read (on the Washington Post site) that impeaching him could be done and dusted in a day, rather than by using the 25th against him.

That sorts him out; but what about his supporters?

I personally think it’s a pipe dream that he could be impeached in that short amount of time. Think back to Nixon. That was pretty cut and dry with both parties calling for impeachment, but it still took awhile. If they think they can get it done, more power to them; I’d say go for it.

In order to sort out his supporters, the Republican Party and the US government as a whole needs to prove that his election fraud claims are baseless and that what his did was wrong. It starts there. Will all of them lose their indoctrination and join the side of reality? No. Quite a few of these people already believed that the federal government is out to get them or that people of color are just waiting to start a race war here. They believed that before Trump came along and picked up their support. Until Trump, we’ve never had a mainstream candidate willing to endorse or at least ignore any of that crap.

07-01-21, 19:48
There's my second problem - this man obviously doesn't care about a world beyond his lifespan outside of having a lasting legacy. I think if his legacy will be absolutely negative (base turns on him and he's going to jail for life), then he might give the GO order.

Frank, none of us like Trump and he makes all of us uneasy. But to go straight to nuclear war is pushing it. Why do you always go straight there to the nuclear option? Is that your biggest GAD fear? Do you stay up too late at night watching Terminator?

07-01-21, 21:30
Frank, none of us like Trump and he makes all of us uneasy. But to go straight to nuclear war is pushing it. Why do you always go straight there to the nuclear option? Is that your biggest GAD fear? Do you stay up too late at night watching Terminator?

No, it's just that everyone believes he's crazy enough to do it.

07-01-21, 21:35

07-01-21, 21:36
But not everyone believes that. That's what you gotta understand. You gotta fight back against that thought process.

07-01-21, 21:43
"Everyone" means you, Frank. Your fears are making you think that but they are just fears not actual fact. He's not wrestling people out of the way to reach that glowing red button. that's pure fiction.

07-01-21, 21:58
What film was it where the President had two big red buttons, close together? One marked 'Nukes' and the other 'Coffee'.

07-01-21, 22:06

07-01-21, 22:09
There's my second problem - this man obviously doesn't care about a world beyond his lifespan outside of having a lasting legacy. I think if his legacy will be absolutely negative (base turns on him and he's going to jail for life), then he might give the GO order.

He's had 4 years where he was expected to nuke us all. Nothing happened.

He's not going to jail for life. Why would he blow up all his wealth for a great reset? He would be poor...something his type would hate more than prison.

07-01-21, 22:52
Even if he doesn't, he won't be leaving the White House willingly. I can imagine a massive hostage situation taking place there on Inauguration Day.

07-01-21, 23:07
Even if he doesn't, he won't be leaving the White House willingly. I can imagine a massive hostage situation taking place there on Inauguration Day.

:roflmao: I know everyone has their anxiety triggers and irrational thoughts but yours are truly different and somewhat amusing.


07-01-21, 23:09
The way Frank's worries go...I don't know whether to chuckle or be worried he's planning something the rest of us don't know about! :wacko:

07-01-21, 23:11
Times are worrying they have banned many users off Twitter of late and Talk radio was even banned from YouTube for talking about lockdown?

07-01-21, 23:15
Times are worrying they have banned many users off Twitter of late and Talk radio was even banned from YouTube for talking about lockdown?

Is this a question? :huh: Because I don't have a clue :shrug:


07-01-21, 23:48
You know else is going to have to step up: Fox News. I just watched some of their coverage of this...they're still walking the fence too much. They haven't condemned idiots like Josh Hawley from MO who exited the Capitol today with his fist pumped and are still asking for donations to "fight the fraud". Sickening...

Fox News, Breitbart, OAN and Limbaugh indoctrinate just as much as Trump does. In order to get some democracy back, they're also going to need to accept the results of the election and tell their viewers/listeners to accept them as well.

08-01-21, 00:12
:roflmao: I know everyone has their anxiety triggers and irrational thoughts but yours are truly different and somewhat amusing.


Now is probably not a good time to start underestimating these people.

08-01-21, 00:17
Frank, I know, they're very scary. But what is the point of fear-mongering on here? The more you do that, the more power you give them.

08-01-21, 00:44
Times are worrying they have banned many users off Twitter of late and Talk radio was even banned from YouTube for talking about lockdown?

The latter for about three hours. Like any other organisation - you play by their rules or you get chucked off. From The Guardian:

On Tuesday evening, the streaming platform broke its silence and reinstated TalkRadio’s account. “TalkRadio’s YouTube channel was briefly suspended, but upon further review, has now been reinstated,” a YouTube spokesperson said. “We quickly remove flagged content that violate our Community Guidelines, including Covid-19 content that explicitly contradict expert consensus from local health authorities or the World Health Organization. We make exceptions for material posted with an educational, documentary, scientific or artistic purpose, as was deemed in this case.”

08-01-21, 01:05
Even if he doesn't, he won't be leaving the White House willingly. I can imagine a massive hostage situation taking place there on Inauguration Day.

But Frank we are talking about an overweight elderly man. They have big well trained real men with guns who protect them all. You think Trump is going to take on these men when he would poo himself if confronted with many an angry average man in the street?

Will our Lord Adonis lead a revolution from HQ House of Lords with Lord Major with his AK47? We better rejoining the EU pretty damn quick then.

08-01-21, 01:10
Will our Lord Adonis lead a revolution from HQ House of Lords with Lord Major with his AK47? .

LMAO :roflmao:

08-01-21, 01:12
You make a very good point there.
I agree with Vee that it is significantly more than some idiots grabbing a building, especially taking into account the violence directed towards the elected representatives, but I think you're right about the building itself not being the be all and end all and the ultimately farcical nature of the whole thing. The October Revolution or Pride's Purge it was not - yes they did occupy the palace of government but did not even come close to taking charge of the institutions themselves.
Still, it is certainly a very shocking and disturbing situation, one which must serve as a wake up call.

Peter, whilst it's a big event if you're American should the rest of the world be so bothered? It's not a genuine coup, it's a failed police containment. So it becomes symbolic to Americans but to me it received nothing beyond column inches, backslapping and a kick up the backside for the police.

You and Vee are right, it is more, but I was replying to a person in the UK, where nothing has happened, who has turned a lump on the body into a metastised cancer. Some media saying it's only the second time this has happened and trumping them up into a terrorist event is Daily Mail HAer territory to me.

Please help me. My anxiety is going nuts. I'm not even American but how is this going to end? This is unprecedented. What if Trump goes wild? What if Russia or China decide to take advantage? Is this the end of the world???

Like you point out it's nothing compared to other events. Recent history has much bigger events yet no panicking over the end of the world with some of them. My money is on only the anxious, outside of the US, spending mental energy on it (well, aside from those who live politics).

08-01-21, 02:43
But Frank we are talking about an overweight elderly man. They have big well trained real men with guns who protect them all. You think Trump is going to take on these men when he would poo himself if confronted with many an angry average man in the street?

Will our Lord Adonis lead a revolution from HQ House of Lords with Lord Major with his AK47? We better rejoining the EU pretty damn quick then.

Oops just promoted John Major. Oh well, i was trying to think of a suitable couple of pointless bags of wind we could do without (and save money on). :doh:

08-01-21, 03:14
Even if he doesn't, he won't be leaving the White House willingly. I can imagine a massive hostage situation taking place there on Inauguration Day.

From this guy?



08-01-21, 09:59
Ba!HaHaHa! The big pussy:roflmao:

08-01-21, 11:47
Like you point out it's nothing compared to other events. Recent history has much bigger events yet no panicking over the end of the world with some of them. My money is on only the anxious, outside of the US, spending mental energy on it (well, aside from those who live politics).

Well yes, but we're talking about someone who has exhibited a volatile disposition over the last five years. How that plays out in a life-or-death situation is one thing, but in the face of losing power is another.

08-01-21, 12:35
Well yes, but

I find it ironic that Trump's rallying cry has been MAGA. During his tenure, the American people got to see who and what the GOP and their supporters are. That 'accomplishment' gave America a Democratic president and the first woman (and woman of color) VP and control of the House and Senate. So you can actually say that Trump really did Make America Great Again ;)

Things came to a very unfortunate head and the US is suffering because of it, but he gave as close to a concession speech as we'll get and he's gone in 12 days. At this point its over Frank. No 'buts' about it. He's all but been banned from social media so he can't spread the lies and hate. The repercussions of his tenure are another thing but I have faith things will be handled. Think about this... The state of Georgia elected a black man and a Jew to represent them in the Senate. Who in their lifetime would have thought they'd see that happen? That's reason for hope. So if you want to allow your fears to permeate and create doomsday scenarios, that's totally on you.


08-01-21, 15:14
Whilst this whole Capitol riot saga in Washington DC is most certainly a cause for concern and wake-up call to the world as a whole, I can't believe a lot of the overblown hysteria that's been doing the rounds since all this unfolded on Wednesday, both on here and elsewhere, and people conjuring up all kinds of scenarios, real or imaginary.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trivialising those tumultuous events in any way and I do completely understand many people's heightened anxieties at present, coupled with the seemingly endless Covid pandemic situation.

Sometimes I long for the days before the existence of social media and sometimes even the Internet as a whole, where a lot of international events that we panic about today would in most cases barely have registered outside of their country/place of origin, unless they were extremely serious of course.

But then again, like I've said before, we wouldn't be discussing stuff on here right now if it wasn't for the Internet.

08-01-21, 18:35
I don't think the possible situations we're talking about are that far fetched considering Nancy Pelosi has discussed the possibility of Trump launching Nukes with the chiefs of staff. Now I'm panicking.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

08-01-21, 19:06
I don't think the possible situations we're talking about are that far fetched considering Nancy Pelosi has discussed the possibility of Trump launching Nukes with the chiefs of staff. Now I'm panicking.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

Hasn't Trump already agreed to concede today?

I reckon both yourself and Frank probably must have been reading into too much gossip and misinformation doing the rounds on social media.

Facebook and Twitter have now finally gone from previously having a no-holds-barred, anything goes attitude to terminating Trump's accounts, especially now they've realised his true colours.

08-01-21, 19:07
No this is front page news.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

08-01-21, 19:20
No this is front page news.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

The only button Trump will be pressing is your panic button..

08-01-21, 19:29
I don't think the possible situations we're talking about are that far fetched considering Nancy Pelosi has discussed the possibility of Trump launching Nukes with the chiefs of staff. Now I'm panicking.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

One way of sending Covid packing I suppose...

08-01-21, 19:51
It would be extremely hard for him to do though, right?

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

08-01-21, 20:00
[QUOTE=Confusion;1983463]It would be extremely hard for him to do though, right?

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk[/QUOT

Fortunately it's not just a question of tapping in a pin code

08-01-21, 20:01
I don't think the possible situations we're talking about are that far fetched considering Nancy Pelosi has discussed the possibility of Trump launching Nukes with the chiefs of staff. Now I'm panicking.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

Then she is just scaremongering too. I saw the headlines for this and I'm not going to waste time reading such nonsense. She's mad as a box of frogs...

08-01-21, 20:05
I do feel that the comment about Trump "knowing the nuclear codes" was an unfortunate one to make which will trigger many anxious people. It's a throwaway comment though and sensationalist in the extreme.

08-01-21, 20:21
You all, Nancy Pelosi is trying to say whatever it takes to try to get Trump impeached. Why? That way he won't run for re-election in four years and none of us will have to go through this bullsh1t with him again. While I do not agree with fear-mongering, I do see why she's doing it.

08-01-21, 20:24
Vee, her comments on the Good Friday Agreement over here were also unhelpful. She blundered into an issue she had no clue about backing ROI and forgetting there are unionists too.

She's as bad to me. Making inflammatory statements was one reason Trump was criticised.

08-01-21, 20:41
Vee, her comments on the Good Friday Agreement over here were also unhelpful. She blundered into an issue she had no clue about backing ROI and forgetting there are unionists too.

She's as bad to me. Making inflammatory statements was one reason Trump was criticised.

I don't disagree with you, Terry. I'm just saying I understand the comments to persuade for impeachment.

08-01-21, 20:46
I don't disagree with you, Terry. I'm just saying I understand the comments to persuade for impeachment.

There's a couple of aspects to this. If... and that's a big if... they're able to draft the impeachment papers and pass them and Twittler stays the course and is impeached, it would mean he can't run again in four years. The other scenario is a repeat of Nixon. He resigns and is pardoned by Pence and still, no chance to run again.

Bottom line, its over in 12 days.


08-01-21, 21:37
Their job is to cover all possibilities, no matter how unlikely, and prevent them from happening.

08-01-21, 23:41
Twittler has been banned from Twitter!


09-01-21, 00:06
Twittler has been banned from Twitter!


Next stop: Parler?

09-01-21, 01:07
Next stop: Parler?

Also banned from Facebook, Instagram and Reddit too! I think he'd be safe on Parler but I don't think he has an account yet and Apple is threatening to remove it from their app store.

Positive thoughts

09-01-21, 03:47
Their job is to cover all possibilities, no matter how unlikely, and prevent them from happening.

Which they do everyday without you knowing or you would be living in far more fear e.g. the number of terrorist attacks they head off every week. Thankfully they choose to do the job without causing public panic, something best left to point scoring politicians.

09-01-21, 08:03
Next stop: Parler?

MySpace? Bebo?

09-01-21, 10:39
Never mind banning him from Twitter. Trump wants banning from the planet. Let's get a rocket sorted and bugger the tangerine 5* A Hole off into space! :lac:

I still have to pinch myself hard on the face to make sure I'm not actually in a coma and that this lunatic has actually been President of the United States for the last 4 years..

I bet he takes a dump on every rug in every room of the White House before he leaves!

09-01-21, 12:17
Well despite all the constant turmoil right now at the start of 2021 with both this Trump saga and the ongoing Covid pandemic, I still feel a sense of longer term optimism and hope as the year wears on.

I personally feel that the world is now already a far more enlightened place now in 2021 than five years ago in 2016 when political and social complacency seemed to rule on both sides of the Atlantic, and misinformation was seemingly at its pinnacle, which no doubt led to Trump's victory back then and of course our votes for Brexit all on a whim without knowing the full facts.

And the social media giants now terminating the accounts of one of the world's most powerful individuals (Trump) IMO means that hopefully they may be finally taking their heads out of the sand and realising that their 'anything goes' attitudes have up until now been doing more harm than good, especially with the fake news epidemic of the past decade or more.

Ironically I also believe had this pandemic not happened, Trump and Co might still have managed to hang on by a whisker in the recent USA election.

09-01-21, 19:51
I really need somebody to convince me everything is ok. All of the news outlets are saying there's nothing anybody can do to stop Trump from launching Nukes but apparently Pelosi has stated she's had assurances from the Pentagon???

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

09-01-21, 20:39
"All of the news outlets"?

Do you think that Trump is free to launch nuclear missiles if he feels like it? He's been blocked by his beloved social media platforms so to get his own back he'll press that red button just to show us that he's still Boss of the World? Just like that?

09-01-21, 20:49
Of course, we're assuming he WANTS or DESIRES a nuclear apocalypse, for whatever reason. He's not exactly going to do something that would result in his own death.

09-01-21, 20:57
Of course, we're assuming he WANTS or DESIRES a nuclear apocalypse, for whatever reason. He's not exactly going to do something that would result in his own death.

1st rational thing you've said about this. KUDOS! :yesyes:

Positive thoughts

09-01-21, 21:01
Of course, we're assuming he WANTS or DESIRES a nuclear apocalypse, for whatever reason. He's not exactly going to do something that would result in his own death.

Hardly...He's got roadshows on the horizon and golf to play once he "retires" from office

09-01-21, 21:12
Of course, that's what they say in those war movies, so even I can't be sure...

09-01-21, 21:33
The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. What does Trump enjoy about being president? Large rallies of people paying attention to him. TV coverage of himself. Nuking people won't make that happen. After he's moved on from this, as he'll probably escape prison time through a pardon from Pence, he'll find some other outrageous thing to do to get people to pay attention to him. Remember, before he was running for president, he was spouting that crap about Obama being born in Africa.

09-01-21, 22:26
Well, they caught the Trump buffalo guy...


09-01-21, 23:11
Suprised Trump has never been snippered! Still you/we can all live knowing that he'll be forever looking over his shoulder!

09-01-21, 23:27
Suprised Trump has never been snippered! Still you/we can all live knowing that he'll be forever looking over his shoulder!

Nah, he won't be that attractive in the showers to the other inmates nowadays...:whistles:

09-01-21, 23:31
Of course, that's what they say in those war movies, so even I can't be sure...

You were doing well in the last response to someone in an irrational panic over your shared fear. Keep challenging the doubts.

He's had 4 years to nuke the world. They said he would do it 4 years ago. Nothing happened. Blaze of glory is for the films, real life has consequences.

09-01-21, 23:38
I personally feel that the world is now already a far more enlightened place now in 2021 than five years ago in 2016 when political and social complacency seemed to rule on both sides of the Atlantic, and misinformation was seemingly at its pinnacle, which no doubt led to Trump's victory back then and of course our votes for Brexit all on a whim without knowing the full facts.

We all did learn more, and we still voted to Leave the EU. A helpful period dispelling BS peddled by both sides of the argument, where we were shown how the Commission really felt about us and how all those polls saying we had changed our minds were nonsense as shown in later related votes.

But it hasn't changed the BS peddling. :biggrin:

10-01-21, 00:03
Well, they caught the Trump buffalo guy...


Well done to the police. That guy could so easily have melted back into the background being so nondescript :winks:

10-01-21, 07:56
Well done to the police. That guy could so easily have melted back into the background being so nondescript :winks:

What stupid people..and so easily lead.

10-01-21, 08:06
I really need somebody to convince me everything is ok. All of the news outlets are saying there's nothing anybody can do to stop Trump from launching Nukes but apparently Pelosi has stated she's had assurances from the Pentagon???

I'd find it hard to believe that in this age of electronic wizardry they can't remotely change the nuke codes so that the tangerine twonk (or any other President) can't kick things off in a moment of insanity? :huh:

But the likelihood is that you would have to be madder than a frog on a roller-coaster to want to kill your own family, yourself, millions of people, the country you love, and everything you've ever worked for. Trump has major flaws but I can't see this being the case. I think he will leave office with zero grace and making as much noise as he can make, but I think the nukes are safe.

10-01-21, 15:05
I'd find it hard to believe that in this age of electronic wizardry they can't remotely change the nuke codes so that the tangerine twonk (or any other President) can't kick things off in a moment of insanity? :huh:

But the likelihood is that you would have to be madder than a frog on a roller-coaster to want to kill your own family, yourself, millions of people, the country you love, and everything you've ever worked for. Trump has major flaws but I can't see this being the case. I think he will leave office with zero grace and making as much noise as he can make, but I think the nukes are safe.

I think if the red button was to be pressed it would have already been pressed well before now.

I clearly remember this time last year, following the assassination of one of the main guys in Iran by one of Trump's alleged hitmen, the media was rife with speculation about full-on nuclear warfare/World War Three, especially the Daily Depress!!

Never happened and now mostly forgotten about, apart from the Covid pandemic of course, but that's a completely different thing altogether.

There were similar panics back in 2017-18 over North Korea, Iran (again), Syria, etc, and even Russia at one point.

Again, nothing happened.

10-01-21, 16:06
I clearly remember this time last year, following the assassination of one of the main guys in Iran by one of Trump's alleged hitmen, the media was rife with speculation about full-on nuclear warfare/World War Three, especially the Daily Depress!!

Of course, that last time the circumstances weren't so dissimilar.

10-01-21, 17:23
Of course, that last time the circumstances weren't so dissimilar.

Remember that pretty much every move the orange baffoon is making is now under much tighter scrutiny than ever before and surely the likes of NATO, the UN, etc will be keeping him in full check over the coming days, weeks, or even months.

They simply won't allow anyone to just start an unlawful war willy-nilly, there are lots of in-depth protocols and rigmaroles to go through in order to make such things feasible.

11-01-21, 03:40
I bet he takes a dump on every rug in every room of the White House before he leaves!


Like the plumber who wees in all your sinks :winks:

Although not the first trouser dropping in the Oval Office :whistles:

Check under the table I bet it says "Melania woz ere 2017" https://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/sex/t1534.gif:ohmy::blush:

11-01-21, 06:54
Check under the table I bet it says "Melania woz ere 2017" https://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/sex/t1534.gif:ohmy::blush:

And 'I'll be back - Don (2021)' scrawled underneath it in crayon. :roflmao:

11-01-21, 07:33
Ugh, Terry. No one wants that visual, you perv :lac::doh:

11-01-21, 14:19
So the Trumps are now graffitists then?

12-01-21, 02:14
Very sad. RIP. Condolences to their families:


12-01-21, 07:31
So the Trumps are now graffitists then?

Trump had a cameo in Home Alone 2 so anything is possible. :yesyes:

13-01-21, 22:09
Looks like Trump's been impeached again. We're now as close to WW3 as we have been in years. He'll probably need a distraction from his impeachment and fire off a missile or two, and then God help us all! :scared15:

13-01-21, 22:32
Looks like Trump's been impeached again. We're now as close to WW3 as we have been in years. He'll probably need a distraction from his impeachment and fire off a missile or two, and then God help us all! :scared15:

Nahhhh... he would have to post it on social media first and he's been banned so.... :lac: Besides, Pelosi got assurances from the Pentagon that wouldn't happen.


13-01-21, 22:36
Well how do they know?

13-01-21, 22:39
Well how do they know?

Because its more than just him needed to push the button :winks:


13-01-21, 22:44
So what, he only has to give the order, nobody can dispute it or anything.

13-01-21, 22:55
So what, he only has to give the order, nobody can dispute it or anything.

Ok Frank... Thanks for playing :wacko:


14-01-21, 00:27
Very sad. RIP. Condolences to their families:


Wow, that's sad :/

14-01-21, 00:28
I think Frank needs a group hug :hugs:

14-01-21, 06:42
I think Frank needs a group hug :hugs:

Here's the bigliest one I could arrange...



14-01-21, 06:47
So, he's been impeached...again. What now? Do they send him a letter telling him "he's been a vewy, vewy naughty president and not to do it again" or does something real actually happen this time? :shrug:

14-01-21, 07:23
So, he's been impeached...again. What now? Do they send him a letter telling him "he's been a vewy, vewy naughty president and not to do it again" or does something real actually happen this time? :shrug:

I would like to see him dragged across the front lawn of the White House (in his underpants) and let the people at him with manky fruit and veg. As it is, I don't think that anything 'real' will happen except for the notoriety of being the only President to be impeached twice - and I can't help but think that this plays to his ego even more. :shrug: The guy wants to be remembered, and he will be, for sure.

14-01-21, 07:30
I agree, Nora. He'll love all the attention. What a way to go and what a great Finale to Season One.

14-01-21, 07:53
There's a photo of a moving truck being loaded in front of the White House so that's a positive :)

The reality is that the Senate won't convene to vote on this until at best a day before ByeDon is sworn in and the chances of him being convicted by the Senate are slim to none. That said, he could be tried afterwards as a citizen and if he is, I hope Rudy Giuliani is his lawyer. It would make for some hilarious reality TV and we could watch Trump lose and Rudy sweat hair dye! :)

This has been an unbelievable political roller coaster ride unlike anything in history. It makes Nixon and Clinton look like child's play. But I will give Trump this... MAGA was his rallying cry. In four years Trump has managed to turn the Presidency, House and Senate blue. He actually fulfilled his main campaign promise and really did Make America Great Again!


14-01-21, 08:54
It would make for some hilarious reality TV and we could watch Trump lose and Rudy sweat hair dye! :)

Don't forget the fake tan. :yesyes:

14-01-21, 10:46
So what, he only has to give the order, nobody can dispute it or anything.

Are you serious?

Everyone (including Trump himself) now knows full well his game's up and would no longer take his orders seriously, especially if they had half a brain!

Just to reiterate, pretty much every move he and his mob of violent protesters make are now under the heaviest scrutiny, and security in Washington DC is now really being beefed up big time and the Capitol building has now become fortified with a massive perimeter fence erected around it.

I seriously wonder what might have happened had it been, say, leftists or BLM protesters attempting to storm the site last week?

14-01-21, 15:38
If it had been BLM, there would have been a lot more deaths and arrests. I wonder, like many, if some of the protesters were let into places in the Capitol.

14-01-21, 16:09
If it had been BLM, there would have been a lot more deaths and arrests. I wonder, like many, if some of the protesters were let into places in the Capitol.

They're investigating some GOP House members that were giving reconnaissance tours on the 5th.


14-01-21, 16:34
I seriously wonder what might have happened had it been, say, leftists or BLM protesters attempting to storm the site last week?

Probably the same, only the charge would be civil rights abuse.

14-01-21, 17:47
Probably the same, only the charge would be civil rights abuse.

Or shot on sight, resulting in further tumultuous protests across the country.

14-01-21, 18:18
They're investigating some GOP House members that were giving reconnaissance tours on the 5th.


And aren't they now finding that some members of the DCPD may have been involved too?

14-01-21, 18:58
And aren't they now finding that some members of the DCPD may have been involved too?

Yes, and two members of Virginia police forces have been identified and fired.


15-01-21, 03:42
I seriously wonder what might have happened had it been, say, leftists or BLM protesters attempting to storm the site last week?

Celebs & politicians worldwide taking the knee? :winks:

Now they are finding coppers involved in this the rioting might start. I hope not. I was thinking God help Americans if they find coppers involved.

15-01-21, 03:45
I would like to see him dragged across the front lawn of the White House (in his underpants) and let the people at him with manky fruit and veg. As it is, I don't think that anything 'real' will happen except for the notoriety of being the only President to be impeached twice - and I can't help but think that this plays to his ego even more. :shrug: The guy wants to be remembered, and he will be, for sure.

Well, we all have our fantasies :ohmy::blush:

Yep, he will love the attention & notoriety. Long before he ran he was hated by so many so I can't see it bothering him. His wallet getting hit or his profile greatly reducing will in my opinion.

All publicity is good publicity. Look how many celebs get convicted and launch a new career off the back of it.

15-01-21, 08:32
I agree, Terry. "Losing" the election will have been compensated for by the mega media coverage he has enjoyed over the past week or so. He'll see himself as a President in Exile now.

Good to see his golf courses being shunned by the PGA though. Hopefully his inevitable future roadshows will be ignored by the media.

15-01-21, 17:21
Celebs & politicians worldwide taking the knee? :winks:

Now they are finding coppers involved in this the rioting might start. I hope not. I was thinking God help Americans if they find coppers involved.

Well so far no talk of any copycat violence here in the UK, mainland Europe, nor Australia.

16-01-21, 01:41
Well so far no talk of any copycat violence here in the UK, mainland Europe, nor Australia.

Why would there be? Despite some trying to link up across the pond we are very different to the US. For a start, we aren't paranoid about federal overreach since we've been centralised for hundreds of years quite successfully. We ditched our guns long ago.

Although devolution might divide us.

16-01-21, 02:25
There has been violence for months and months that the media ignored as "righteous" violence. (Burning buildings, throwing bottles at police, looting, rioting, deaths.) So, it didn't surprise me that we had an apex event like this over here.

Both sides look past their own side's violence and rhetoric to point the finger at the other. No one holds themselves or their side accountable. Just because a cause is just... doesn't mean violence is justified, ever.

The Capitol riots are no exception, nor was the last year of violence and clashes.

16-01-21, 02:30
There has been violence for months and months that the media ignored as "righteous" violence. (Burning buildings, throwing bottles at police, looting, rioting, deaths.) So, it didn't surprise me that we had an apex event like this over here.

Both sides look past their own side's violence and rhetoric to point the finger at the other. No one holds themselves or their side accountable. Just because a cause is just... doesn't mean violence is justified, ever.

The Capitol riots are no exception, nor was the last year of violence and clashes.

Absolutely spot on!

16-01-21, 15:31
Written in 1973, Zappa released "The Slime" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnAVdtxzoe4&ab_channel=UtilityProductionsLLC) on the album "Overnight Sensation". That song came to mind watching the craziness we've been seeing and hearing the last 4 years. I went and looked it up on Youtube and apparently someone else was thinking the same thing ;)


16-01-21, 16:45
Written in 1973, Zappa released "The Slime" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnAVdtxzoe4&ab_channel=UtilityProductionsLLC) on the album "Overnight Sensation". That song came to mind watching the craziness we've been seeing and hearing the last 4 years. I went and looked it up on Youtube and apparently someone else was thinking the same thing ;)



16-01-21, 17:17

:roflmao: Those are some audacious editing skills!


16-01-21, 17:54
Why would there be? Despite some trying to link up across the pond we are very different to the US. .

:lac:That's it, Terry! Last straw! We're breaking up! :P

17-01-21, 06:17
:lac:That's it, Terry! Last straw! We're breaking up! :P

Does this mean I'm no longer welcome in the VeeStar? https://yoursmiles.org/hsmile/starwars/h15060.gif That's the spa days gone then. And it will be hard to find someone so able to get right down in there with massage like Dark Helmet https://yoursmiles.org/hsmile/starwars/h15033.gif

17-01-21, 11:30
Why would there be? Despite some trying to link up across the pond we are very different to the US. For a start, we aren't paranoid about federal overreach since we've been centralised for hundreds of years quite successfully. We ditched our guns long ago.

Although devolution might divide us.

Well we had our BLM protests last year (and also in 2016) that not only spread here but also to mainland Europe and Australia.

Plus we had our own riots nationwide back in August 2011, originally sparked off by a Black person (Mark Duggan) being killed by the police in London, but sadly got infiltrated and hijacked by the heathen masses in many of England's big cities, who were already itching for big scraps for well over 4-5 years previous, and with mostly Whites involved by then!

That's one of the biggest evils of social media IMO, where impressionable people can be led on and start acting irrationally, especially with last year's toilet roll stampedes being a typical example!

17-01-21, 12:32
True, but none of those were attacks on democracy.

17-01-21, 14:08
True, but none of those were attacks on democracy.

No they weren't, but the English city riots of August 2011 were still people behaving irrationally on the spur of the moment, led on by nutjobs on (earlier) social media platforms, with many innocent, law-abiding people losing their livelihoods in the affected cities whilst the local 'low-lifes' had their pointless fix of wanton violence and destruction, just over the sake of one incident in a North London borough, which went from a local protest against perceived racial injustice to nationwide looting, arson, vandalism and brawling between the so-called 'chavs'!!

For some reason, I'm rather dreading the forthcoming summer months in the UK, in case something happens that causes 'da yoof' to flare up. And not just owing to the global events of the past 12 months, but also unresolved existing issues like austerity, gang culture and not forgetting the knife crime epidemic of the past few years, all of which has provided us with the perfect storm for riots to break out in this country, even well before the Covid pandemic and the BLM thing.

Sorry for being such a pessimist, but it does seem like people tend use any old excuse to kick off these days, whether truly justified or not, and social media seems to be one of the biggest catalysts IMO.

17-01-21, 20:34
Well we had our BLM protests last year (and also in 2016) that not only spread here but also to mainland Europe and Australia.

Plus we had our own riots nationwide back in August 2011, originally sparked off by a Black person (Mark Duggan) being killed by the police in London, but sadly got infiltrated and hijacked by the heathen masses in many of England's big cities, who were already itching for big scraps for well over 4-5 years previous, and with mostly Whites involved by then!

That's one of the biggest evils of social media IMO, where impressionable people can be led on and start acting irrationally, especially with last year's toilet roll stampedes being a typical example!

And look how fast our BLM marches vanished. Hardly the same as the US. I was expected riots outsude the courtroom of those who tore down a statue, but nothing.

Perhaps the fact our politicians are more against such actions? I don't know about the US but moving to violence normally turns politicians against or causes some to go quiet.

Also our BLM seems less about minority riots and more an extension of other left wing movements. Is it the same in the US? Once you get into messages of anarchy like refund the police people see through it.

Duggan. Great poster boy, eh?

17-01-21, 20:37
True, but none of those were attacks on democracy.

The last nearly 5 years have been a closer debate on democracy. Brexit, Corbynism, etc. Thankfully some didn't get their way or we might have seen more protest over Parliamentary overreach.

20-01-21, 15:07
Well no reports of any major incidents so far today across the pond on the BBC website.

20-01-21, 16:00
There's like 30,000 guards in Washington alone - what can they do?

20-01-21, 16:34
There's like 30,000 guards in Washington alone - what can they do?

Basically making a statement.

'No aggro tolerated'!

20-01-21, 17:07
Lady GaGa was good..

20-01-21, 17:11
After today does this shite disappear from my television?

20-01-21, 18:33
After today does this shite disappear from my television?

No - there'll be a "Biden: the first hundred days" or some other crap from the BBC.

As I type this, I'm listening to Biden's speech on PBS. I'd forgotten what an eloquent President, who can speak full and coherent sentences with modulation and inflexion, sounded like.

And his speech was about America: not about him.

20-01-21, 18:35
After today does this shite disappear from my television?

Well I certainly hope it's the start of more sensible politics in the Western world from now onwards, less complacency and blasé-ness, and taking more hard-line stands against misinformation/fake news, and a lot of the other issues that have seemingly polarised Western societies over the past decade or so, and persistently brushed under the carpet.

20-01-21, 18:38
Lady GaGa was good..

Yeah, I agree - not the best of singers but a really gifted performer who gets the audience on side with the emotions she projects

20-01-21, 18:48
Well I certainly hope it's the start of more sensible politics in the Western world from now onwards

We need to boot out a few European populists now: Johnson and Orban to name but two.

20-01-21, 18:54
We need to boot out a few European populists now: Johnson and Orban to name but two.


20-01-21, 19:00
We need to boot out a few European populists now: Johnson .
Patronising, aristocratic, populist, pr*ck!

20-01-21, 19:20
It may be years before we even have the opportunity.

20-01-21, 19:22
No - there'll be a "Biden: the first hundred days" or some other crap from the BBC.

As I type this, I'm listening to Biden's speech on PBS. I'd forgotten what an eloquent President, who can speak full and coherent sentences with modulation and inflexion, sounded like.

And his speech was about America: not about him.

definitely a nice change of pace.

he has big plans for his first couple months in office. I hope the political parties can come together as one instead of being so divided as they’ve been.

20-01-21, 19:41
Yeah, I agree - not the best of singers but a really gifted performer who gets the audience on side with the emotions she projects

I've seen her live and think she's very talented. She's certainly a character!

20-01-21, 19:55
I bet that was a fabulous performance, lucky you. She comes across as very likeable and moral too. I really like her.

20-01-21, 20:22
Are you feeling better after this morning, Frank?

20-01-21, 20:50

20-01-21, 20:52

YAY :yahoo::hugs:

20-01-21, 21:35
I think most of us feel better :yesyes:

20-01-21, 22:40
I think most of us feel better :yesyes:

I know I sure do.

Getting the orange twit out of office wasn’t a miracle cure... but I’m cautiously optimistic about the future now. It was almost as if a weight had been lifted and we can see hope on the horizon again. We’ll see what comes of it all now.

21-01-21, 00:16
but I’m cautiously optimistic about the future now. It was almost as if a weight had been lifted and we can see hope on the horizon again.

^^^This exactly. I was telling PM, it was nice to hear a speech today from a president that didn't want to make me want to slit my wrists or form an angry mob afterwards LOL

21-01-21, 01:21
After today does this shite disappear from my television?

Yep, same old nonsense. US leader of the free world shoite so we get it too when most of us won't care who is in...

21-01-21, 07:42
Watching the tangerine one fly off into the sky was the highlight of my day!:yahoo:

Didn't he leave all his shit in the White House to delay Biden moving in? I'd have chucked the lot on the front lawn and bonfired it!

Did he really have Frank Sinatra's ' My Way' playing as he flew off? Or was I trippin' on my codeine? :huh:

21-01-21, 08:27
The irony is that Sinatra loathed Trump according to Mia Farrow!

21-01-21, 08:40
The irony is that Sinatra loathed Trump according to Mia Farrow!

Oh that's what that spinning noise was? I thought it was the aeroplane but it must have been Ol' Blue Eyes spinning in his grave! :roflmao:

21-01-21, 15:31

Definitely no signs of a World War Three/Nuclear Armageddon so far then!