View Full Version : Head Pressure and dizziness for 5/6 weeks

07-11-20, 21:39
I am 29, a recovering agoraphobic who was housebound for over 8 years, I started going out more but then covid hit so I am now back inside and understandably rather anxious.

I have dealt with head pressure before as a result of anxiety or even during panic attacks, feeling as though someone is almost pressing down on my head.

However for the past 5/6 weeks I have had head pressure around my head and a heaviness feeling in my head accompanied with dizziness, the dizziness is not like vertigo where I sit still and feel everything spinning as I have dealt with that before. It is more so when I'm moving around and feel very unsteady on my feet and dizzy almost a drunk dizzy sort of feeling. I feel a bit weird in myself and in my head and feel quite tired. My vision isn't affected.

I suffer with TMJ disorder so my dr put me on string naproxen and Im taking my muscle relaxants in case it was tension headaches and TMJ pain due to that, however after nearly two weeks on that I have concluded it isn't due to my jaw.

I will of course go back to my dr for further investigation but wanted to know if anyone else has anyone dealt with head pressure and dizziness for a persistent length of time like this?

I worry myself as my mum had a brain tumour so as we all do with health anxiety, we jump to the worst conclusion.
I am trying to tell myself it is most probably anxiety and I have got myself into a viscous cycle of anxiety creating the symptoms, worrying about the symptoms creating more anxiety, which then continue creating the symptoms and so on. But the length of time it is going on is worrying me.

Would love to hear from anyone who has had similar symptoms for over a few weeks.

07-11-20, 21:54
Check out the threads at the bottom of the page.

Positive thoughts

07-11-20, 22:44
Hi Eevie,

I am experiencing exactly the same as you. Also a recovering agoraphobic. Your description is just how I feel. I'm hoping in time it will ease and I can get back on track to recovering.
I'm assuming it is the effects of high anxiety and being oversensitised. x

08-11-20, 14:49
Hi @carnation Thank you so much for replying. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this too. I feel very weird today the dizziness is horrible I feel so unsteady on my feet and off balance and out of it. Really hoping it’s anxiety!
I hope yours passes soon too!

08-11-20, 16:39
Eevie, I'm exactly the same. I've never experienced anxiety in this form before. And I've had about the same length of time as you. I've rested, I've kept occupied, meditated, exercised and still feel the same way.
At least we both have it so we can compare notes and console each other. x

08-11-20, 21:07
I’ve had head pressure before and dizziness but the dizziness was different to this, I’ve never had it like this for this length of time constantly either and I’ve had severe anxiety since I was 6. I really hope it is anxiety, I know that anxiety is definitely making it worse and I think when I move around the dizziness feels worse as I feel so unstable.

I have tried resting and occupying myself with my work at home etc too like you.

I think I’ll ring my dr again on Tuesday as they did say to after two weeks on the pain meds, so I’ll let you know if I get anywhere with that.

I’m here to talk when you need.

08-11-20, 21:34
Eevie, when you say dizziness, mine is more of a state of a woozy head giving me an off balance feeling,. Like a being drunk feeling. I have the feeling of walking on a boat or if you were to walk on a mattress. I even feel I'm swaying sometimes and definitely feel like I'm not grounded. My head also feels weird like it's swimming or heavy.
Is this the same with you?

08-11-20, 21:55
There are literally dozens of pages spanning a decade or more describing this very common symptom of anxiety. Its very unpleasant I'm sure but it is just that... a symptom of anxiety. Treat the root cause and you treat the symptoms associated with it. All the commonality and reassurance in the world won't make a difference unless you address the root cause.

Positive thoughts

08-11-20, 22:13
Thank you fishmanpa. Of course you are absolutely right, I can't disagree with your advice.
The root is sometimes so embedded or even unknown to the conscious mind.
That's why it's not so much of an open and shut case and is why we have so many people unfortunately suffering.

09-11-20, 13:10
Hi @Fishmanpa as I mentioned I’ve had the head pressure and dizziness separately on and off before and know they are common anxiety symptoms. However, never constantly for over 6 weeks and it feels rather different to the pressure and dizziness felt before.

If it is indeed anxiety, then yes of course, the route needs to be fixed however having dealt with anxiety for the majority of my life from the age of 6, 23 years of it and having every therapy under the sun, seeing some of the most renowned specialists, it’s not as I’m sure we are all aware that easy to treat the route.. I’ve come a long way being able to start leaving my home after being completely housebound first over 8 years and I’m happy that I have progressed with that, but the anxiety and panic attacks are very much so very prominent and almost a “norm” to my daily life.

I’m hoping as you say it is anxiety, and most probably it is, as I know these sensations are linked to anxiety. I am worried about how it’s been constant for 6 or so weeks.

09-11-20, 13:14
Hi again Carnation my dizziness is feeling very unstable on my feet, swaying also like you said and feeling like I’m going to fall forward or backwards and a sinking into the floor feeling, I keep stumbling around. Does feel like a drunk feeling, I don’t drink but that’s how I’d explain it. Like you, I feel heaviness in my head and lots of pressure, even a heaviness of my eyes and fatigue.

09-11-20, 15:26
Yep, that's exactly it.
So we need to convince ourselves it IS anxiety and not let our minds wander to anything more serious. x

10-11-20, 09:52
Hi Eevie, I posted this in another thread where someone was experiencing similar symptoms.

First and foremost, sorry you're going through this - headaches and head pains/aches can be very tiring.

Over the past two years, since my anxiety and stress went from being easily managable to almost debilitating, I've experienced two boughts of head issues. The first bought which hit me in the summer of last year left me with a headache for two to three weeks. Not only a headache, but also dizziness, this strange sensation of someone pressing against both sides of my head, and also what I can only describe as 'head rushes' (this was a really bizarre and an almost indescribable sensation - it felt like a rush of blood to my head, and also the feeling of the skin on my head being pulled tight! Bizarre I know). Nothing I did or took (paracetamol etc) helped, and the only time the sensations/pains subsided was when I lay down before bed, and slept.

That lasted around 2-3 weeks before disappearing completely. I can only assume the cause was anxiety and stress, but also panicking made the symptoms a lot worse. I had another mild episode start of this year, but nowhere near as bad as the one in summer last year.

I find with anxiety related physical symptoms, you just have to ride the wave until it passes.

10-11-20, 17:09
Hi there, I don't have any head pressure but I've been dealing with a type of dizziness for a few weeks myself, every day -feeling unsteady like you say or sometimes it's almost like I'm on a ship -like a rocking sensation -don't know if you get that? It's been such a stressful year for so many and I've had a real hit this year as well as there were issues with my daughter in the summer. I totally sympathise with the agoraphobia too, this is something I'm re-experiencing also! Really hope you feel better soon. It's a pain!

11-11-20, 00:01
Hi sorry to hear you are going through this. I suffer from an off balance dizzy feeling, woozy head, eyes feeling funny feel like I might collapse at any point, also head rush things at times. Iwill have had this on and off for 5 years coming February. I had tests and it was all out to anxiety, still trying to deal with. I can go through days when it's not too bad. Don't worry about worse case scenario it doesn't help. Easier said than done I know. All I know is anxiety can make me have symptoms for years before this it was my breathing before that my heart before that swallowing. The worrying always make it worse and brings it on I think x

11-11-20, 09:55
I've had this for months, i shuffle around the house because i feel like i might fall. Its really unnerving. I have a very stiff neck and shoulders and read this can contribute to the dizziness, but its hard not to think its something more serious. I Wake up every morning worrying how i am going to feel that day. I know im not helping myself worrying about it but it very hard not to.

13-11-20, 00:14
Hi everyone I'm so sorry for not responding sooner I've had a lot of work to do from home and I also managed to get to see my dr who thinks it's severe tension headaches, I have a lot of tension in my neck, bass of my skull and shoulders so that could be contributing. He did say to check back in 2 weeks if it persists.

I do know that anxiety definitely makes it worse as it exasperates the symptoms of dizziness and pressure! It is still here every day, but I am really trying as hard as I can to try to get on with some daily tasks at home and try diverting my attention in hope it all eases off, even though I still get those moments of panic.

Im sorry to hear that you've all dealt with similar things or are currently dealing with similar things.

Thank you for your reply @mrlurcher it can be reassuring to hear from other people even though your mind can still wonder to the worst scenario but I know I need to try to think positive and know it is most likely the tension and anxiety

@timetoturn I'm sorry to hear you're struggling too, the dizziness is horrible especially when it makes you feel so unstable like you say you are experiencing too.

Like you @heelenclaire I find myself waking up in the morning thinking is it gone, which of course then sets off your anxiety and makes you focus on your body and how it feels so much! I think we are so over sensitised to every body sensation when our anxiety is heightened and that can also really affect your symptoms. It's as if we feel every sensation so much more than those who don't deal with anxiety.

Like you @kenton it's always something with me too wether it's breathing, leg pain, stomach issues etc and I know that anxiety is usually at the core of it all, I usually wait a few weeks before trying to get too worried now and hope these things pass it's just so difficult when they persist!

13-11-20, 09:46
Hi Eevie, any improvement / change?
I've had a little respite, but it's still hanging around for me. x

14-11-20, 17:04
Unfortunately not @carnation
I’m sorry to hear yours is still hanging around too. I tried to do some housework today but it just made me feel more dizzy and weird

15-11-20, 00:18
Eevie and Carnation - does the dizziness feeling change at all based on the position of your head? The only reason I ask is I had a horrible bout with BPPV, which is when little calcium chunks near our eardrums break loose and rattle around in there. It’s a form of vertigo. I felt absolutely drunk when my BPPV was at its worst. Couldn’t walk straight, lots of pressure, constantly felt like I was going to trip over my own feet. It was awful.

there are some YouTube videos online for exercises that can help treat this condition. Might be worth looking into? Of course I have zero idea if this is what you might be dealing with, but they are very simple exercises that can be done from the comfort of your home. And they have helped me when I’ve had recurrences of this over the last few years.

I hope you all get over this soon. It’s definitely a miserable feeling!

15-11-20, 09:58
Hi glassgirlw :flowers:

Mine isn't like that at all although I can't speak for Eevie but I'm pretty sure we have the same thing.
I don't go dizzy or feel dizzy when I move my head or body.
It's more like a state of feeling, like being off balanced with the head feeling weird. Moments of feeling like you are leaning to the right, left and forward. With what I presume is lack of grounding with that walking on a boat feeling, feeling drunk, walking on a sponge.
It comes up as anxiety symptoms and as I have quite a collection of other symptoms too I'm putting my money on it being that.

Eevie, do you get moments where is disappears or are you like it all the time?
Do you have any other symptoms to go with this like twitching muscles or vibrating in the body? x

15-11-20, 16:14
Hey, there!

I've actually been suffering with something not dissimilar to this for the past two weeks or so! I'm fortunate in the fact that it seems to have subsided considerably (although there was always some fluctuation in its intensity) over the past few days, but for a week or so I was really worried. It started with what I'm pretty sure was a "legitimate" headache caused by eating leftover sweets on Halloween that aggravated a tooth which then became a self-perpetuating one I was causing by tensing my scalp, as if I was bracing against the original, "real" headache or something. It was accompanied by some changes in ear pressure (which happened mostly after exercise) so, of course, I began to worry that I had something seriously awry in my head. I had plenty of evidence to the contrary - I had been having ear things for months, including a build up of wax, and I had identified the way I was tensing my scalp and neck muscles and how it made my tension headache worse - but internalising this information was, as ever, the main obstacle.

And, because of my persistent worry, the symptoms definitely got worse. Until I started getting dizzy when I stood up and tried to move around. Really quite so, in fact, with the "rocking boat" sensation occurring at least once. This was around the height of my anxiety about the symptoms. Symptoms that scared me so much because, like some of the posters here, I'd lived with anxiety my whole life but never had it really affect my head at all. Isn't it amazing the physiological outlets our anxiety finds to express itself?

All of this was enough to get me back on my sertraline. I'd resisted because since lockdown I've been doing a really good job of losing weight I think was initially put on with the help of the medication and I didn't want to compromise that. But, if I'm honest, returning to the medication has helped me a lot in being able to internalise the truth of my symptoms: that they were/are mild in comparison that those I fear and that they disappear entirely when I'm distracted by exercise or work. Thus, it's another expression of anxiety.

Which isn't to say that because your symptoms are less transient that they are surely grave; had I not found a fix in the return to my medication, I'd still likely be curled up in bed obsessing over them, perpetuating them. I'm pretty sure our bodies are only too willing to play host to our anxiety and sometimes the symptoms are indefatigable and I was lucky that I had such an escape route.

I've not been terribly helpful here, I know! But what I would suggest is looking for any opening in the anxiety, meaning that you try to seize on any day, hour, minute or even second during which the symptoms are less severe and use that time to try to reflect. To try to internalise what you might already know but cannot fully believe: that your anxiety can find new ways to torture you and that it feeds on your obsession with it. That you can will the symptoms on just by being aware of them and that there is no specific amount of time anxiety is obligated to last. That mood follows action, and the wallowing really does allow for the further perpetuation of anxiety symptoms.

Which I kinda hate writing honestly - I'm not a "pull yourself up by your bootstraps!" kinda guy at all and I hate the lack of nuance in that kinda philosophy! But something I learned over the years is you can't as easily think your way out of a rut than you can think yourself into one, and that, however you manage to do it, you need to give yourself the opportunity to recognise and truly believe that the symptoms are ones caused by stress and anxiety. Do the symptoms fluctuate? Are they worse sometimes than others? Do they correlate with things that traditionally stress you out? Consider perhaps keeping an informal diary of your symptoms so you can reflect on patterns of it to give yourself written evidence that the root cause of this all is anxiety.

Sorry, this is a bit of a stream of consciousness post! I just really empathise because I just came out of something like this myself and I know how scary it is. Hell, I'm still sorta in the throes of it, I've just been able to get free of it enough to truly understand it to be tension caused by anxiety. If only we could give ourselves a break.

16-11-20, 14:56
I’ve been getting the same thing! I’ll wake up in the morning with this pressure feeling. And I thought I was the only one getting that unsteadiness. It’s not dizziness but it feels like nothing is right. Like my head is constantly moving really fast. It’s really strange.

I’m pretty sure mine have been caused by maybe an ear infection or just sinus pressure. This is because I’m mostly congested and when I wake up in the morning I hear this loud whooshing sound. It’s like there’s a washer in my head. But goes away after a few minutes.

18-11-20, 13:48

Am jumping onto this thread as I also am suffering from symptoms very similar and have been experiencing them for at least the past 3/4 years. It seems that when I am in certain environments with other people (especially workplace) I experience what I can describe as a tightness in the head with a foggy / fuzzy feeling which does make me feel slightly off balance and dizzy. This builds during the day (normally starts at 10:30am) like a fog in the head and is near unbearable by 17:00, with this it also feels like my neck is stiff - it's like a slow building vice like grip around the head.

Have seen doctors / had MRI scan - all back back clear. Been prescribed with various meds (currently Sertraline) however nothing seems to work, I notice that if I miss taking Sertraline for a couple of days I get these strange brain zap feeling when moving my head - very weird. By the time I return home the fog starts to slowly lift and after a couple of hours start to feel like myself again. Trying to explain this to other people is very difficult and they do not seem to understand, I am almost resigned to having to feel like this for the rest of my life unless there is some miracle cure.....

18-11-20, 15:17
You explained this well crispy.
I agree about stressful situations and places making the situation worse, even people.
Thinking back I had occasional moments of feeling like this but now it seems more of a regular state.
It's good to hear from others.
Also good to hear they got the all clear.

18-11-20, 15:35
Hi Carnation,

I initially thought there was some kind of physical problem, as at it's worst I was experiencing vertigo and (as a gym user) was having trouble placing my feet when running on a treadmill.

I then thought it was due to not liking the general environment and some of the people at my workplace, however I also noticed the head/neck tightening when in other social situations - I am a season ticket holder at my local football team but starting experiencing dizziness issues when going there around all the people. At a social meal out it became unbearable to the point where I couldn't wait to leave, I literally thought I was hearing things and although could still see ok - my vision was odd - like not being in reality and found it very difficult communicating with others.

At home or where I feel in control of the my environment and bingo - the problem eases....

18-11-20, 17:03
I wonder if it's connected to depersonalisation. I'm definitely oversensitised and have the vision issues too.
Not being grounded will also affect.
I do have it in my home, but not all the time.
It's certainly a strange feeling.
But as so many of us have it, it's got to be the affects of anxiety.

19-11-20, 09:46
Hi Carnation,

It is strange that you also experience this at home, this is one of the few safe places I have where I never have a problem, when I explained symptoms of strange eyesight to my Doctor he described it as 'derealisation' which I guess you are experiencing. I believe this is as a result of our nervous system pulling us 'virtually out' of a stressful situation.

Hope you have a 'brain fog' free day, after arriving back home from work I started to slowly feel normal again and after a jog felt even better still (I find exercise great at relieving tension, also coming home and seeing my pet dog who seems to have more humanity then some of the people surrounding me). At the moment feel normal ish, but expect this to change and go downhill, my colleague seems constantly stressed and sighs and makes general 'noises' which plays havoc with my nervous system.

Roll on home time and the weekend !

19-11-20, 18:41
Sorry I haven’t posted for a few days I’ve been feeling rubbish, symptoms are still the same. Ive not wanted to be online much

Mines at home too, I’ve not been out for months due to covid and doing my work from home also a recovering agoraphobic with health anxiety so just been inside since covid.

If you have times where its better when you feel in your safe space it is very much likely anxiety.

It’s just constant for me, head pressure, feeling unsteady and dizzy, head fullness and just generally feeling weird in myself. I do hope it’s anxiety but I’ve lost track of the weeks I’ve had it now must be 8 weeks or so. Just wish it’d stop now, had enough

Wishing you all the best. I hope everyone’s symptoms pass soon

20-11-20, 18:35
Hi Eevie, I'm much the same. Some days worse a, some days a little better, but it's just different degrees of feeling the same thing.
I still say it's all down to anxiety, became I've felt this way before, many times but never this intense and with so many symptoms.
I'm sorry you are still suffering too Eevie, I'm sick of it too and now I have a knee injury, so can't go fast even if I wanted to.
But Eevie, hang in there, it can't last forever. x

Sending virtual hugs and to everyone else on here. x

22-11-20, 17:04
Just wanted to put these here as I know we’ve had the head pressure and dizziness but saw some videos on bppv vertigo which who knows could be a contributing factor.

I’m willing to try anything I can to settle this dizziness and pressure, I tried the test and the room was spinning when I went to my left side, I have dealt with vertigo before and while every day my dizziness is more unsteady dizziness rather than the vertigo I’ve felt in the past...it could perhaps be underlying vertigo making it all worse.

I’m going to do the epley manoeuvre for a few days to see if there’s any change.

Here’s the test


And in the description for that video are the manoeuvres to try depending if you have spinning on the left or right side during the test mine was left so I did it for that side
(I was spinning lots when it came to the last part of the manoeuvre looking down)

As I said I’m not sure this will have anything to do with the pressure but seeing as I did have spinning when I did the test I did wonder if it could be causing the dizziness/off balance feeling

Give it a go for a few days we’ve got nothing to lose !

22-11-20, 23:19
That's really interesting info Eevie, thank you for posting that.
For me, I still think mine is anxiety related.
I've recently injured my knee and having to use a walking stick and have to say that my lightheadedness, unbalanced feeling and feeling like I'm walking on a boat have eased. Whether it's the support of the stick and walking much slower, I don't know and I don't know if the reduction will last, especially when I no longer need the stick. Whether it has given me confidence is another explanation. Slowing down, slowing the mind. I will have to see how it goes.

25-11-20, 11:05
Just wanted to put these here as I know we’ve had the head pressure and dizziness but saw some videos on bppv vertigo which who knows could be a contributing factor.

I’m willing to try anything I can to settle this dizziness and pressure, I tried the test and the room was spinning when I went to my left side, I have dealt with vertigo before and while every day my dizziness is more unsteady dizziness rather than the vertigo I’ve felt in the past...it could perhaps be underlying vertigo making it all worse.

I’m going to do the epley manoeuvre for a few days to see if there’s any change.

Here’s the test


And in the description for that video are the manoeuvres to try depending if you have spinning on the left or right side during the test mine was left so I did it for that side
(I was spinning lots when it came to the last part of the manoeuvre looking down)

As I said I’m not sure this will have anything to do with the pressure but seeing as I did have spinning when I did the test I did wonder if it could be causing the dizziness/off balance feeling

Give it a go for a few days we’ve got nothing to lose !

Let us know how it goes

25-11-20, 16:31
Last night I had probably the worst headache in my life and I deal with severe headaches due to tmj daily. It was a pounding headache at the back of my head throbbing not just when I moved but constantly even when lying down.

I then as a result had a severe panic attack, I was debating going to hospital it was that bad.
Today it’s still hurting but not half as bad, praying it doesn’t get worse over the day.

Just really worried now considering the constant pressure, headaches and dizziness to get a headache that severe.

Trying to stay calm about it but it’s so hard

Took two 2mg diazepam which didn’t help and kept waking up through the night once I got to sleep at about 5am.

I’ve got a colonoscopy coming up so can’t take painkillers prior to ease any pain either

25-11-20, 17:14
Oh Eevie, I'm so sorry you are suffering.
Do you think doing those exercises might have triggered the headache? I know it's really hard to to not overthink the symptoms. Would seeing GP help?
Also try sleeping with your pillows propped up, that might relieve the pressure. Sounds like you need a good night's sleep. x

25-11-20, 17:19
I don't think so as I only did them once about 3 days ago.

My brain and anxiety keeps saying the worst, brain tumour or something serious, but Im wondering if it could be migraines as a few of my family members have very bad migraines. Im going to ring my dr again it's just annoying I've got this colonoscopy in a few days, its been cancelled multiple times since the beginning of the year so really need it done. I need to get that out of the way and then I can hopefully figure out what is going on with my head, just slightly worried going for my colonoscopy when my heads this bad!

I have spent the day in bed with hot water bottles and hot neck bean bags, fingers crossed it feels better by the morning x

25-11-20, 20:16
I was going to mention that it could be a migraine Eevie, don't always think the worst.
Try not to stress about the colonoscopy, if you can't go you can't go simple as that. But I'm betting you'll be fine by then.
I was just wondering why you were doing these exercises every three days? I watched the the video and it does state you can feel dizzy for a while after doing them and it may well of caused the head pain.
The video shows a very abrupt turning of the head tilted back which no one would do under normal circumstances.
What I'm saying is maybe you should just take it easy for now.

25-11-20, 20:46
Hi OP. I cannot relate with the pain as such, but I do have a kind of pressure in my head. Very heady, almost like a head cold. I have this on and off, but recently it's come back and I'm anxious. I also have occasional tinnitus too, which really annoys me. All these symptoms lead to me not being able to sleep too well or worried to go to sleep, then I'm sure the lack of sleep is contributing to my worsened anxiety. Endless circle of frustration. I cannot give much advice, just to let you know I have something similar to your symptoms and can empathise. Anxiety is so horrible when it gets bad, i hate it.

25-11-20, 21:28
I didn’t end up doing the manoeuvre more than the first time and that was days ago when I posted about it carnation. I don’t plan on doing it or any other exercises any time soon either haha. The severe headache was last night so don’t think it has anything to do with trying the manoeuvre a few days before.

This headache was a very painful almost unbearable constant throbbing which terrified me. It’s still throbbing now but a lot less painful than last night.

I’ll see how I go over the next day or so regarding the colonoscopy hopefully I’m fine to go ahead!

Just taking it very easy trying not to panic myself too much!

25-11-20, 21:30
Hi OP. I cannot relate with the pain as such, but I do have a kind of pressure in my head. Very heady, almost like a head cold. I have this on and off, but recently it's come back and I'm anxious. I also have occasional tinnitus too, which really annoys me. All these symptoms lead to me not being able to sleep too well or worried to go to sleep, then I'm sure the lack of sleep is contributing to my worsened anxiety. Endless circle of frustration. I cannot give much advice, just to let you know I have something similar to your symptoms and can empathise. Anxiety is so horrible when it gets bad, i hate it.

Hi Mark I’m sorry to hear you are also dealing with pressure, anxiety can definitely be the cause often!
I’ve had head pressure a lot before as an anxiety symptom I think as mine has been going on for weeks and now I’ve had this severe head pounding headache last night I’ve sent myself into thinking the worst!

I hope your anxiety eases and in turn hopefully your pressure eases too!

25-11-20, 21:50
Hi Mark I’m sorry to hear you are also dealing with pressure, anxiety can definitely be the cause often!
I’ve had head pressure a lot before as an anxiety symptom I think as mine has been going on for weeks and now I’ve had this severe head pounding headache last night I’ve sent myself into thinking the worst!

I hope your anxiety eases and in turn hopefully your pressure eases too!

That sucks. How is your sleep? Are you sleeping okay or struggling? Yeah I know what you mean about thinking the worse. I worry about my health constantly too and fear other things, but getting into that hole is never a good idea. It is so easy to say not to worry too much and relax, but I know first hand it isn't simple. It only takes a specific symptom to come about and kick my worries off again. It is a bit of a nightmare. It has helped me massively not to google symptoms. I feel so much better not doing so.

26-11-20, 18:17
My sleep is ok, I have bad sleep patterns anyway and find it hard to sleep at night anyway but once I'm asleep I've not been waking up too much, only when I had the severe headache I couldn't sleep.

Ye I have worried about my health from a very young age as my dad had cancer when I was very young and my mum had a brain tumour so I think somehow being an anxious child that fear of health and death was installed very early on.

I really worry about brain tumours especially as I am always having headaches and now that I've had constant pressure and dizziness, the severe headache just threw me completely and I thought I was going to die there and then, I've still got the throbbing pain but only when I'm moving around opposed to constantly.

I know what you mean about googling I really try not to slip into that abyss but I find it so hard, it's so silly.

I hope your symptoms are easing slightly!

27-11-20, 10:45
Hi There,

Just checking into this thread to see how my fellow head pressure sufferers are coping. This week for me has seemed to be easier than previous week, last Friday at work when walking down the stairs I though I was going to fall down as felt a massive head rush (does anyone else get this - it's like when you are in a car or lift which drops suddenly) however am feeling a little cloudy in the head as this morning is progressing and the neck is starting to stiff. I do not know whether my problem is just caused by the environment at my workplace or just people in general. Am looking forward to Xmas just to have a week of no head pressure.......

27-11-20, 15:29
Hi Crispy,

Yes I get those head rushes and scary they are too.
But seeing as I've had them on and for years I'm assuming they are not dangerous. Many members on here have them too.
People definitely have an affect on me.
As they say, "it's not the people, it's the place".

Eevie, good to hear your head pressure has eased.
Strange but I had banging head too yesterday.
I wondered whether it could be lack of fresh air and with the central heating pumping out constantly. What do you think? I also meant to ask you if you suffered with any sinus issues? Question also to the others on this thread.

02-12-20, 15:08
Hi Crispy,

Yes I get those head rushes and scary they are too.
But seeing as I've had them on and for years I'm assuming they are not dangerous. Many members on here have them too.
People definitely have an affect on me.
As they say, "it's not the people, it's the place".

Eevie, good to hear your head pressure has eased.
Strange but I had banging head too yesterday.
I wondered whether it could be lack of fresh air and with the central heating pumping out constantly. What do you think? I also meant to ask you if you suffered with any sinus issues? Question also to the others on this thread.

I am still not back to normal. I'd been getting headaches and vertigo for a while, dr put me on amitryptaline which is helping, my head feels a lot better.

I am now getting horrible shakiness/vibrating/tingling feeling over my entire body, its got me so stressed out. i don't know what is causing it.

Hope you guys are all doing ok.

16-12-20, 21:14
Sorry to hear your still bad,

I’m still the same too. The dizziness and pressure seemed to ease for a couple of days but it didn’t last long, it’s just as bad now.

I’ve been on amitriptyline for a few years for ibs but it’s not eased the head symptoms I’ve had recently

Ps. I’ve had shakiness, vibrating and tingling all over my body before which lasted quite some time but eventually eased, I get it with anxiety a lot

29-12-20, 19:09
How are you both feeling now ? I get this I feel like I’m walking on water and have to hold onto things , I notice it more around time of the month when my anxiety is high and if I’ve been stressed it’s like a delayed reaction of stress

30-12-20, 01:10
I have all the same symptoms. I see a neurologist who has diagnosed vestibular migraines, which is essentially being unbalanced, swaying, rocking, feeling like walking on a boat, dizzy, head pressure, sometimes pain and a whole host of weird head symptoms that are hard to describe. So, something worth looking into is vestibular migraines. Anxiety makes it worse, and also if you're around the time of menopause/perimenopause, it can be a trigger. There are heaps of different meds to try, which can take away all the symptoms x

15-01-21, 13:25
Hi All,
if anyone else is still tuned into this post I’d love some reassurance. I’ve had dreadful head pressure for about two weeks now, but to start with it came on after I had done something for a while in the bent over position. Same symptoms as all of you, head pressure and that weird walking on a mattress feeling along with depersonalisation. However it has got worse and worse in terms of frequency and it is now with me all the time.
I am really scared!! Has anyone else’s been made worse by bending down for a period of time? I think I’m going mad with anxiety. I’ve pestered my GP and he’s put me on blood pressure tablets which have side effects similar to the symptoms and on it goes......aaaah������

06-02-21, 11:10
Hey, I realise this is a little late and you may not see this reply -but I've been having a very similar thing to what you describe. How are you doing now? I can totally relate to feeling unsteady on your feet and a heavy head feeling - particularly if I move my head to look up or right down. Anyway I hope and pray for all of us it's 'just anxiety'!

08-02-21, 19:12
Hey, I realise this is a little late and you may not see this reply -but I've been having a very similar thing to what you describe. How are you doing now? I can totally relate to feeling unsteady on your feet and a heavy head feeling - particularly if I move my head to look up or right down. Anyway I hope and pray for all of us it's 'just anxiety'!

I get this too the more I focus on it the more it happens

08-02-21, 20:37
I have had this for over a week since one very stressful event and today it became a huge panic attack and then I realized it's an anxiety symptom. My head suddenly feels heavy and dizzy especially in the back of the head and today it was the worst. It is an awful feeling and I am worried that it won't stop.

18-02-21, 17:51
A bit late to this thread but wanted to share for anybody who might find this helpful.

I had chronic head pressure and dizziness along with feelings of fullness in my ears, heaviness in my head, and unsteadiness with any motion ...even moving my eyes set it off! After lots of nerve conduction tests and MRI's, it turned out to be neck tension caused by me being a bit too hypermobile. It can happen in people without hypermobility too, and anxiety is an absolute culprit for creating neck tension. All of the muscles back there can mess with your senses when they're out of sync, or overtight. Even mild underlying anxiety can make your muscles really tense up. Neck muscles can even mess with your inner ears.

In my case, my neck is too bendy so my muscles overwork themselves and get way too tense, and the result is the same as chronic neck tension. You could try some neck exercises and posture improvement to gently work out tight muscles and see if it brings improvement. I found that taking really regular breaks from screen work or my phone and making sure I was moving around a lot more during the day really helped. I still get the symptoms from time to time, usually when I've spent a few days being lazy or having my neck in silly positions.

29-07-21, 19:17
A bit late to this thread but wanted to share for anybody who might find this helpful.

I had chronic head pressure and dizziness along with feelings of fullness in my ears, heaviness in my head, and unsteadiness with any motion ...even moving my eyes set it off! After lots of nerve conduction tests and MRI's, it turned out to be neck tension caused by me being a bit too hypermobile. It can happen in people without hypermobility too, and anxiety is an absolute culprit for creating neck tension. All of the muscles back there can mess with your senses when they're out of sync, or overtight. Even mild underlying anxiety can make your muscles really tense up. Neck muscles can even mess with your inner ears.

In my case, my neck is too bendy so my muscles overwork themselves and get way too tense, and the result is the same as chronic neck tension. You could try some neck exercises and posture improvement to gently work out tight muscles and see if it brings improvement. I found that taking really regular breaks from screen work or my phone and making sure I was moving around a lot more during the day really helped. I still get the symptoms from time to time, usually when I've spent a few days being lazy or having my neck in silly positions.

Thank you so much for this! Sorry I didn’t see it sooner! My dizziness and head pressure is back with a vengeance at the moment I feel like I’m on a boat! It’s making me feel so anxious and nauseous especially with the head pressure. I do get lots of neck tension and jaw tension as I have bad tmj disorder so that would make sense!
Obviously I’m jumping to the worst conclusions and think it’s something like a brain tumour, I think my mum having one when I was a teen has put the fear into me.

I’ll try some neck exercises and see if it eases!
Thank you again