View Full Version : Wound from cat scatch... sepsis?

08-11-20, 20:36
I have 2 kittens and one scatched me pretty bad while playing.
It punctured the skin in between my finger nail and skin.

It's swollen (kinda like a blister), red and painful since a few days. I've just been washing it with soap and water...
I'm worried about sepsis or something... am i worried over nothing or should i be concerned?

08-11-20, 21:44
I've had a cat (Socrates) for ten years. I can't tell you how many times I've been scratched or nipped and it drew some blood. Its just the norm when you have a cat. Just like any wound, keep it clean and it'll heal.

Positive thoughts

08-11-20, 23:39
Like Fish said, I would have been a gonner long before adulthood if that was at all likely. I had many an injury that broke the skin from a whole host of small mammalian creatures.

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09-11-20, 06:48
I've had a cat (Socrates) for ten years.

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure ruined Socrates for me. Can't say Soh-kruh-teeze anymore - it's So-crates. :yesyes:

10-11-20, 09:43
Just to throw in my two cents, I've been scratched and nipped (play mouthing) by dogs numerous times over the years, and I'm still here. My daughter was also nipped by my dog while playing with the dog's ball (not testicle btw!).

I just clean them out well, and slap on some anti-bacterial cream for a few days. I get worse reactions of damn fly bites!