View Full Version : Lump in left side of abdomen please help

09-11-20, 12:48
Hello I am 21 and Female,
I have a lump in the lower left quadrant of my abdomen. I noticed a few weeks back. Sometimes I have to dig to find it sometimes I don’t. It’s like a tube about the size of a grape and it’s especially noticeable in the morning, when I have a lot of gas I feel it more. I am very skinny and maybe that is why I feel it. I am not sure what it is, whether it is a lymph node or my bowel maybe? As when there is gas and waste in my intestines it feels bigger. I can sort of move it under the skin. Sometimes it feels soft sometimes hard. It’s still there after a bowel movement but doesn’t feel as big. I just don’t understand why it’s more noticeable in the morning. Pls help I am really worried it’s cancer. Is it possible to feel my colon? Do you think I have tight muscle knots and when theres gas in my colon it’s more noticeable? It’s driving me insane pls help

09-11-20, 16:13
Anyone? :(

09-11-20, 16:49
It could be anything really and we are reluctant to suggest things as we are not doctor's.

Can't you call your doctor and see what they say?

09-11-20, 19:40
Contacting a dr tomorrow. Just wanted to see if anyone could relate

10-11-20, 07:13
I dunno cocker. we're not doctors. :shrug:

Hopefully your GP can put your mind at rest..

10-11-20, 21:26
Hope you got on okay and managed to speak to a doctor.

13-11-20, 19:48
I'm also very thin and I can feel my colon in my lower left abdomen. When I've had bowel problems before it's felt very lumpy and weird, specifically in the lower left side. If I were you I would go to my GP purely for peace of mind because it'll be the only thing to put you at ease properly, even if only for a day or two. When you come back with anxiety we can remind you that your doctor examined you and wasn't concerned :)