View Full Version : When does it get better?

09-11-20, 23:03
Exactly what the title says, like how long am i gonna switch up on illnesses what im gonna die from? I get over one and another one pops up.. its crazy cos i know in my head its not real, i try and tell myself its ok these feelings/thoughts will pass and what happens.. another symptom sends me spiralling out of control into a huge panic attack and although im ok still after it brings on more fear and anxious thoughts.. like when does this end.. when will i feel happy again when will i love life again, cos as it stands i hate waking up everyday to this bullshit, i just wanna wake up happy and actually take my son for a walk and not worry if im alone or if ill panic or if ill drop down dead. This isnt what i want anymore.. i want to be better but wanting to and actually being better is another. Im tired and not the sleepy kind of tired either. When us enough enough? Sorry for going on but i have nobody else to talk to.

10-11-20, 01:52
Hi, First of all, I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way, because i know it’s not a pleasant feeling to have. And you shouldn’t apologise for airing your thoughts here-that’s why the forum is here, so people can try and lend some support. I know how you feel, because I too went through a phase in my life where I would just exchange one problem for another-especially with health related matters. I’m not sure what kick started it, but I do remember paying attention to every little thing, googling this, that and the other, sometimes getting myself into a right state convincing myself of the worst! And it is very draining, yes. But I think the very fact you’ve noticed that you’re getting fed up with these thoughts signals that actually you know that it’s a little bit irrational and you want it to change. And that’s good. I think it’s just about trying to remain rational and recognising when these thoughts creep in and then stopping them before they take top much hold. What kind of things do you enjoy? Do you have any hobbies? I think it’s important to make time for focussing on things you like doing, as this helps distract yourself from these vicious circle thoughts. You certainly should be able to enjoy time with your son and not have to be plagued by these worries all the time. And you can. �� Maybe make some plans for the day and then just focus sticking to them and as soon as you feel any kind of negative thought crippling in, block it out and tell yourself “Ok, I’m not going to let this get to me now. Now I’m doing this.” Easier said than done, but I think it does train the brain after a while. You shouldn’t have to one day regret that you spent so much time on worrying about things that weren’t really there. So, promise yourself, you will wake up happy and start a new leaf. What do you have to lose? �� It’s just a case of breaking the cycle and actually allowing yourself to enjoy the good things in life, which you have every right to. Wishing you all the best and remember always be kind to yourself.

10-11-20, 05:39
Exactly what the title says, like how long am i gonna switch up on illnesses what im gonna die from? I get over one and another one pops up.. its crazy cos i know in my head its not real, i try and tell myself its ok these feelings/thoughts will pass and what happens.. another symptom sends me spiralling out of control into a huge panic attack and although im ok still after it brings on more fear and anxious thoughts..

It ends when you successfully address your health anxiety.

It ends when you accept that you may become ill one day and you are definitely going to die one day, but that day probably isn't today; today is for living - regardless of challenges.

like when does this end..

When you've had enough of HA controlling you and you do something about it - and keep going until you're better.

when will i feel happy again when will i love life again,

If you wait to be free of HA, or to feel 'well' or be rich, thin, liked by all - whatever - in order to be happy, you'll be waiting forever.

The trick to life is to find your happiness regardless of how shit life is. You start with all the small things (thank you Blink 182) and you go from there.

This isnt what i want anymore..

Odd thing to say re HA? I never, ever, wanted this mental health condition (or any of the others which I still have)

i want to be better but wanting to and actually being better is another.

In-between wanting to be better and being better is effort and determination. You're not going to wake up one morning and you're back to normal. That's just not going to happen.

So, what have you done to address your HA so far?

When us enough enough?

For me, it the day before a colonoscopy. I accepted my fate - whatever that was going to be - and I slept well that night (after I'd stopped shitting, that is) I had my colonoscopy and, surprise surprise, it was clear. Far from me being riddled with bowel cancer - as I had graphically imagined - seems I had the best colon in Manchester! :huh:

Over my years with HA, my son (who is 11 now) has had to come to A&E and he's seen me wired up to heart monitors and me breaking down every time I was told there was nothing wrong. Too right enough is enough! I was damaging one of the most precious things in my life!

Thing with HA is that it's not just us who suffer, it's also those we love.

Stands to reason that I understand HA. I get it. It took me to a nervous breakdown, but I'm also someone who was determined to get control back, and I did, but only after a LOT of effort.

If you want to get better, you must be prepared to work for it. If not, this is going to be your life.