View Full Version : Cold, Flu, or Covid. I’m Spiraling

10-11-20, 00:17
Hello, I haven’t been on here for awhile but I’m having a rough time and my therapist isn’t available and I just need to get it out of my mind and maybe have someone else rationalize what’s really happening. Friday night I came down very quickly with body aches, chills, the shakes, a fever, and a headache. My throat started bothering me yesterday morning. Just scratchy but it’s fine today. No more headache. My fever broke Friday morning around 4am. My body aches have finally left this morning too. I’ve been sneezing today and hacking up dark yellow mucus. Blowing my nose a lot. I talked to my doctor and he just said that it could be flu, cold, Covid, or a number of other viruses out there and said if I wanted a test he could order me one. I feel more anxious after that. I can still smell and taste things.

The evidence is obviously there that I’m improving but for some reason, anxiety, I’m panicked that out of nowhere I’ll take a turn for the worse and it’ll go down hill.

10-11-20, 01:24
Hi there, it’s completely understandable that you’re in a bit of a panic at the moment and I don’t think anyone can blame you for that. Unfortunately I think a lot of us- even those of us who aren’t necessarily always so prone to anxiety, will now worry far more when they have any kind of symptom that could relate to Corona Virus. The Covid virus is in the same family as the cold and the flu, so some symptoms are going to be similar. It does seem though that Covid symptoms are a little more specific in so far as you have a continuous dry cough and fever coupled with the loss of smell and taste. It sounds to me just from what you’ve described that you have more of a seasonal cold, which would completely normal this time of year and something very, very common. The trouble is, people aren’t going to stop getting the ordinary flu and cold just because Covid is around, but it makes differentiating a bit of a problem, especially where our minds are all fixated on Covid. You’ve done the right thing by consulting a doctor and the doctor has offered you a covid test to rule out a possible infection- if you did have it, you’d have to of course make sure you didn’t pass it on, so I think the test suggestion was a good idea in this case- if nothing else for your peace of mind. Just remember, it’s highly likely to be all fine and the suggestion of the test was made just to be air on the side of caution. Good luck with the test and I hope you don’t have to wait too lomg to have it. In the meantime, please try not to worry too much. I’m sure you’ll feel much better again soon, but I do understand why this has brought up feelings of anxiety and stress for you. Admittedly, I’d probably be exactly the same, but sometimes we just need to hear it from someone else to rationalise. You take care and feel better soon.

10-11-20, 01:38
I’ve spent the entire day alone after being with my husband all weekend while I was feeling the worst of it. Your reply has brought me to tears. Thank you for being so kind and understanding and rational. I really, really appreciate it. I’m going to take some Sudafed and have a cup of tea and put a movie on with him when he gets home. But your reply makes me feel like I’m not crazy, I’m not alone, and I’m going to be okay. Thank you

10-11-20, 02:07
Oh, not at all. There’s no need to thank-we’re here to support euch other on this forum and I’m sorry for the tears (unless they were good tears, but even still... ��). Being alone when you’re feeling rough isn’t nice and often makes symptoms worse, so I’m glad your husband is back soon and you can spend some quality time together chilling out. I’m sure it will do you a lot of good. Like I said, always better to be safe in these situations and the thought of the test shouldn’t scare you, but should offer reassurance. It’s the right thing to do, but shouldn’t have you spiralling. Have a lovely evening with your husband and enjoy the movie. Feel better soon! ��