View Full Version : Heart anxiety! - left arm pain

10-11-20, 06:11
So i’m back here again because once again i’m experiencing symptoms and don’t know how to explain them. I haven’t really been feeling VERY anxious lately but i keep getting random pains in my chest and my left arm. Like sharp pains they last about a second and go away and it happens randomly throughout the day. it doesn’t necessarily always happen when i’m actually feeling anxious. I have recently gone back to school which was a bit stressful but it honestly isn’t something that’s on my mind all the time and i’m not stressed at school, so i would blame this on anxiety but how ?? This is what is currently making me most anxious, and because of this anxiety i also feel very low at the moment, sad for no reason and don’t get enough sleep because of it. i just want to feel okay so if anyone could help me i’d appreciate it.!

10-11-20, 07:16
I take it you've seen a doctor and you've been given the all clear re your heart?

If not, that's your first port of call with chest pain if it's new for you.

This isn't to scare you. It's just common sense.

It all sounds like good old anxiety to me, but these things should always be checked out and once you know it isn't an actual heart issue - you can work on the anxiety.

10-11-20, 17:04
I had these exact symptoms. They came on out of nowhere and caused a very bad spiral into 6 months of horrible anxiety. I was living like I had a terminal disease and would drop dead any day. It was awful. The worse my anxiety got the worse the pain got and it was all I thought about every waking hour. I finally saw the doctor and had a clear ekg and my blood pressure was fine. It was just anxiety. Since learning that my anxiety has improved tremendously. I still get the occasional chest pain or arm pain but I am able to brush it off now. Definitely see your doctor if this is new like Nora said. If you have and they have given you the all clear please believe them. I'm speaking from experience when I say this will ruin your life if you let it.

11-12-20, 04:13
first of all sorry for the late reply but also thank you !!! it’s not exactly new it’s been going on for quite some time now and i’ve noticed that when i have stress free days it doesn’t happen, it’s actually been happening less lately, i can’t even remember the last time i felt it. and i know this is a long time ago but i had an ambulance come about 3 years ago because i was experiencing really bad anxiety, so they checked everything then and told me i was completely fine. 3 years is a long time i guess but i had similar symptoms back then to now. but it’s been ok lately, and once again thank you !

11-12-20, 18:06
I’ve had this. It’s nerve pain, those sharp arm pains. And sharp pain can also be due to trapped air in the chest area. All caused by anxiety/stress. I had the left arm and chest pain at the same time ages ago, pretty bad and I freaked out. Paramedics suggested hospital just to be safe. Countless tests later, nothing was found, they put it down to stress/anxiety. Yours sounds like mine xx

11-12-20, 18:19
I've had two heart attacks, triple bypass and stents. What you describe is not heart related.

Positive thoughts