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28-10-07, 22:49
Hello every one.
My name is Sarah, I am 25 I have been a painc attack suffer for 3 years. It has got really bad right now and I am sure I have depression caused by my anixety and panic attacks. I am unable now to go on ANy form of public transport, and as I live 20 miles away from my family it can make me feel very isolated as I am unable to just jump on the train to see friends. I am a ACUTE Clostraphobic, I can not go in to public toilets in any small rooms, as soon as I am unable to get out if I want to the PANIC SETS IN.
I am frightened to take tablets as I am un sure what they r going to do to me, I have had a perscription for citalopram for about 8 months, but I am to frightened to take it.
I have now became so with drawen I dont really see any one during the week, and on the weekend when I do see people I drink so much alchol I just sit crying crying or get very angry with my self.
I feel the whole world is against me and take things very personal. I read in to every thing, If some ones says for example are you ok, I think straight away why would they think I am not ok, I have 2 small babies age 5 and 2 and my mood swings during the day sees us spending lots of time with them sitting watching cartoons and me sitting on the computer. this makes me feel even more guilty. I have started sleeping lots. I also see the danger in EVERYTHING, and if I have to much time to think about any thing I will not be able to do it.
Example, I went to Chessington with my family and spent the whole day standing out side all the rides holding all the coats, I did not even go in the 4d cinema, I was so frightened. I feel like a failure and not sure what to do. Please Please dont tell me to tackle my problems head on as just the thought alone makes me start getting stomach cramps.
Thanks for reading about me.
Im not sure if I am alone or loosing control of my mind but I am very frightened.

28-10-07, 22:57
Hi Sarah


You are not alone - have a good read of the forums and website pages for help and reassurance.

Have you asked the GP for CBT at all?

28-10-07, 23:10
Hello Sarah And Welcome To The Site.....linda

28-10-07, 23:24
No I haev not asked my Gp got CBT, but reading alot of success stories with it I think I am going to.

Sarah Lou
29-10-07, 00:04
Hi Sarah

You sound like your having a dreadful time hun, but please be reassured that there are answers out there. I have suffered depression/anxiety for a long time and a couple of years ago I plucked up the courage to see a councillor who taught me CBT. It was the best thing I've ever leant and I still apply it now when I'm having a bad time. I also read self help books which are a great aid when you don't want to see people, and they can put your mind at rest when you need answers late at night. I've also taken medication and that helped me too(although it took me a long time to agree to the medication as I was worried like you are)
Ask your doc about all the things that worry you with medication to put your mind at rest but don't feel pressured into taking anything if you don't want to. You could even google the medication and get details that way (I've done that too - anything to put my mind at rest! :) )
I hope you find something that will make you feel better soon.
Take care :hugs:
Sarah Lou x

29-10-07, 02:58

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

29-10-07, 17:56
Thank you every one for your replys, they have been very helpful.
Thank u. x

29-10-07, 19:17
Hi Sarah

Also try EFT (emotional freedom technique). It not generally known by doctors but as long as you see a qualified practitioner they can really help. One session got rid of my spider 'problem' and after 2 sessions I became a lot calmer. It's something that you only need around 5 sessions with a proffessional and then you can carry on the technique yourself.
Definately talk to your doctor. I spoke to mine earlier today for the first time about self harming. He was gentle and caring. And like you I also have been given perscriptions for things and i've never taken them.

When I went to CBT they told me you have to accept the feelings of panic not run from them... this is terribly hard but I try to imagine the panic washing through me and out the other side. It helps me, maybe you can try it?
maybe there is a mother and toddler group you could join?

take care

29-10-07, 19:41
Hi Sarah

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get lots of good advice, support and make new friends too.:)


29-10-07, 19:42
Hi Sarah and welcome to nmp

29-10-07, 19:54
A BIG BIG :welcome: to you.

you'll find your not alone with your worries and we're all here to help and support you, we are a friendly but also helpful bunch:winks:

Granny Primark
29-10-07, 20:50
Hi and welcome.
First let me send you some hugs cus its obvious your in dire need of some.
Just knowing that theres people on here that fully understand what your going through will be a major help to you Im sure.
The friendship, support and advice is truly a godsend.
Your never alone now youve joined this site. There will always be someone here for you if you want a moan, advice or even a laugh in the chatroom.
Loads of best wishes

Take care

29-10-07, 21:06
Hi Sarah and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

29-10-07, 21:13
Hello Sarah:welcome:to you!

You are not a failure, you are not losing control of your mind - and I can understand that you're very frightened.

Know now that you're not alone and that we are all here for you, you'll find plenty of help and support here.

Pleased to meet you!


29-10-07, 23:23
Hi Sarah,

Welcome to NMP. I can understand how scared you must be feeling but now that you are here you are no longer alone. I agree you need to contact someone regarding CBT or some type of therapy to cope either with or without medication. Anxiety and/or depression are difficult but much easier when you know you are not alone. The support you will find here is amazing as well as the information.



30-10-07, 17:57
Hi and welcome

Sorry to hear what you are going through, all things I have felt at some stage or another.

if you ever need a chat, just holla :)

30-10-07, 21:33

This is my first time on this site too.

I have suffered from panic attacks and anxiety since 2004.

CBT has helped me, have you asked your Doctor about it?

Whatever you do, hang on in there, like the rollercoasters at Chessington, I'm sure you will be going up again very soon.

Best wishes.