View Full Version : Panic Regarding my stomach Anyone please help me

11-11-20, 07:48
Hello, all welcome to my first post. I'm so sad it has to be a cry for help as I'm going off my head.

It started maybe 18 months ago. I had just a mild stomach pain mainly just below my sternum and a lot of wind as in burping. This carried on until I went to see a doctor. Well, I say until it didn't help. I was tried on ranitidine (Before they were all recalled) and Omazerprole. Both of these never even touched it. I also had an ultrasound on my upper abdomen. which other than a slightly fatty liver. ( My doctor seemed to think it was normal for my age) Nothing showed up out the ordinary.

The discomfort continued and is still going on now. Mainly below my sternum but above my belly button. However, it does have a tendency to just appear anywhere it feels like in the adomin then as if by magic it can just disappear for an hour or so then back it comes. I have tried changing every single thing in my diet. But with no relief. I have tried fasting even only for 24 hours as I still like my food. It seems to get me most when I first wake up. Either that or it wakes me up. then after an hour or so seems to subside a little so it's bearable. But never really goes away.

I do some jogging a couple of days a week. only a couple of miles. That seems to ease it a little for a while. Mainly because I'm concentrating on something else but like a bad smell back it comes. As for the burping, it never seems to desist. I have NO acid reflux and the burps do not taste or as far as I know don't smell strange.

I considered it could be a hiatus hernia as it seems to appear in that area somewhat often.. just on or below my ribs. or H pylori. But I was tested for that and it came back negative. I was also tested for gluten intolerance and that to was negative.

I was going to go and see my doctor again then Bang. Covid 19 and my doctor became unseeable. Here they say the NHS is still open for business. Let me tell you this is not the case. I have not been able to see a doctor for 6 months, in fact, they even said Unless its an absolute emergency then do not bother them. I have always wondered how they defined Emergency?

I do not have any loss of appetite. No blood where it shouldn't be and I had a blood test as routine as I'm on HRT and it came back normal as a FBC was done. So I know I'm not anaemic. As for my toilet habits. It can be a little hard to get out sometimes and other times I can be a bit runny. But I have always been like that as far as going to the toilet is. Anyway,

I am starting to get a little scared that the spectre of Cancer could be looming. even if I don't have the telltale signs. Dr Google can be a really great tool or a proper negative experience. So every day I still have this mild stomach pain that on occasion does seem to ease when I sit but when I stand back up.. there it is.

I'm am not a person who can give up but its been at least 18 months now and all the scary stuff goes through my mind. I'm a 53-year-old female and there is no history of cancers in my family. well, not of that area anyway. Also no history of any stomach problems at all. Could anyone please help out and give me something to believe in? I just need a straw to clutch to stop me thinking that this is all i am going to have for what's left of my life

11-11-20, 08:02
It seems to get me most when I first wake up. Either that or it wakes me up. then after an hour or so seems to subside a little so it's bearable.

When you wake up with it, is there gas? Does a good fart help matters at all?

This all sounds very IBS - y to me. However, if IBS symptoms are new for you (especially at your age) I would be pushing your GP to refer you to the appropriate department. Apologies if you've said you have been tested but I struggle to read posts with no paragraphs - it's just too much for my brain all at once. :scared15:

If it helps, I'm having abdo woes at the mo. Two months I've been in pain now, and I've not seen the doctor once. They're going in blind and trying to push Omeprazole on me despite my issues being firmly in the colon area and I refuse to take drugs unless there is good cause. :unsure: I figure unless I happen to show up at A&E in agony (hopefully not) I'm not going to be having bum and throat cams this side of Christmas because the waiting list appears to be massive. :whistles:

I really don't think this is anything serious with you. I don't see any red flags in what you've written - which is a very good sign - but it's also a long time to be in pain and it needs to be sorted out as chronic pain affects quality of life.

11-11-20, 16:16
When you wake up with it, is there gas? Does a good fart help matters at all?

This all sounds very IBS - y to me. However, if IBS symptoms are new for you (especially at your age) I would be pushing your GP to refer you to the appropriate department. Apologies if you've said you have been tested but I struggle to read posts with no paragraphs - it's just too much for my brain all at once. :scared15:

Firstly i would just like to say Thank you for reaching out Nora.

I have put a little more stucture to it as when i typed it out i was in a state of deep concern/panic I have now taken a breath.

I would love to see a doctor But i would think they would just brush me off as a mild stomach upset to them is not an emergency. Plus I do not have the text book cancer symptoms. So I do believe i would be so far at the back of the que i may as well just wait outside. Plus In the current climate i feel i would be a very low prority. You cant get near my doctors and are not allowed to go and pay a personal visit. I Also know for a fact my local hospital is overwhelmed with Covid cases. So thats a whole new set of concerns.

In saying that. It may not seem an emergency to them and the world around in general. But it doesnt stop me putting 2 + 2 together and making 78.

I do thank you for giving me something to clutch onto. Its hard not to panic around these matters, I suppose the cancer senario is just my mind playing far to many worst cases.

To address your main context. No the Farting doesnt make a diffrence. I, like everyone can have a good toot in the morning but its more upper gastric then down below

yes it very much effects my quality of life. especially in the mornings. and overall during the day