View Full Version : Sore tongue on and off for weeks

11-11-20, 18:27
Does anyone else get this?
A few weeks ago the left side of my tongue was a bit sore, went away after a few days. But it's come back and gone away several times since then.
It's sore again today. I don't want to look at it because it will freak me out. Before today it was fine for about 5 days or so.
It's in more or less the same place every time it's sore. I'm trying so hard not to let this snowball in my head but I'm finding it more difficult every time it happens.
Why does this keep happening? Can medication or stress cause things like this?

11-11-20, 21:32
Does anyone else get this?
A few weeks ago the left side of my tongue was a bit sore, went away after a few days. But it's come back and gone away several times since then.
It's sore again today. I don't want to look at it because it will freak me out. Before today it was fine for about 5 days or so.
It's in more or less the same place every time it's sore. I'm trying so hard not to let this snowball in my head but I'm finding it more difficult every time it happens.
Why does this keep happening? Can medication or stress cause things like this?

Hi BrokenGirl, this was the exact same thing i was going through a few weeks back, had it almost constantly for 3 weeks, all done the right side of my tongue. Just felt so sore but when i looked at it nothing there. I started thinking all sorts, really built it up into something really bad. I got some ointment from Superdrug to treat mouth ulcers & basically just kept putting that on 4 times a day it seemed to really help & now its gone altogether.

To be honest i think if it was anything bad it wouldn’t disappear for days at a time, it would be with you all the time. I think when you suffer from H A as we do the slightest thing tends to manifest itself into epic problems. Hope you feel better soon & take care.

11-11-20, 22:34
Last year I suffered from a really bad dry mouth for a couple of weeks, and my tongue was sore as well.

I started using like an antiseptic mouth wash and drank regularly to keep my mouth hydrated, it got better after a while.

I don't know what caused the dry mouth, possibly stress / anxiety? I will never know though.

Are you noticing it happening after eating something? Since my teens I get a reaction sometimes to foods - pineapples, tomatoes mainly, where it 'burns' my tongue and it's sore for a few days. A doctor diagnosed it as 'geographic tongue', which is a completely benign and nothing to worry about.

12-11-20, 00:03
Thank you both for replying. It's somewhat reassuring to know that you have both had something similar.
I am also hoping that it's a good sign that it comes and goes.
I did have a look at it last week when it happened and I could see what looked like a little white spot on my tongue. It just seems strange how it would come and go like this.

And I haven't noticed it happening after I eat or drink anything in particular. I don't know if medication could cause it, I'm on a small dose of amitriptyline and also on lyrica atm. I don't see how they could cause it but meds can have very strange side effects at times.

How do I stop my mind going to bad places over it? Are things like this just normal to non HA sufferers?

12-11-20, 00:31
Could it be you're subconsciously grinding your teeth and catching your tongue. Especially since you notice a white spot and it most certainly can be a reaction to a food or drink.

Positive thoughts

13-11-20, 10:22
Could it be you're subconsciously grinding your teeth and catching your tongue. Especially since you notice a white spot and it most certainly can be a reaction to a food or drink.

Positive thoughts
I definitely wouldn't say I'm grinding my teeth when I'm awake - whether I'm doing it in my sleep is another thing. How do you even find out if you do this?
I can still feel the soreness today. I had a quick look at it and I can't see anything obvious.
And I don't remember eating or drinking anything out of the ordinary lately that might have caused it.
It's getting so annoying at this stage. If I rub my tongue gently against my lip it feels as if there's a bump / lump there. But yet I can't see anything.

Trying so hard to not let myself slip into that dark place I'm so familiar with....

16-11-20, 19:00
It's been a few days now and the left side of my tongue is still sore.
I got a fright the other day when I looked at it again in the mirror and could see something there. When I felt it with my finger there's definitely some sort of a bump there. At a quick glance it looks fine but to look at it properly there's definitely something there.
I don't know what to make of it and I'm starting to spiral down the tongue cancer route, especially after hearing a few months ago about a woman in her mid 40's who died from tongue cancer. I didn't know her personally but I went for a job interview last year and she was the person who interviewed me.
The only thing I'm wondering is if that side of my tongue would be a bit different to the other side because I do most of my chewing on the left side of my mouth. Nearly everything I bite and chew goes to the left. Do other people have one side of their mouth they do most of their eating with?

17-11-20, 08:11
Hi there can u ask if you've made an appointment to see you dentist?
I work in dentistry and I think a visit will get rid of your fears and worry, a sore tongue can be sooooo many things, most of them easily fixed.
Make an appointment and I'm pretty sure he/she will be able to put your mind at rest x

17-11-20, 17:06
Hi there can u ask if you've made an appointment to see you dentist?
I work in dentistry and I think a visit will get rid of your fears and worry, a sore tongue can be sooooo many things, most of them easily fixed.
Make an appointment and I'm pretty sure he/she will be able to put your mind at rest x
No I haven't made an appointment to see the dentist. To be honest I don't even know how easy it is to get in to see a dentist these days.
I'm actually going to see my doctor tomorrow about something else. I'll mention it to her and hopefully she will know enough about the inside of the mouth to put my mind at ease.
I don't care what it is as long as it's not something serious.
Do doctors know much about our mouths or is it likely I will have to see a dentist?

17-11-20, 19:33
No I haven't made an appointment to see the dentist. To be honest I don't even know how easy it is to get in to see a dentist these days.
I'm actually going to see my doctor tomorrow about something else. I'll mention it to her and hopefully she will know enough about the inside of the mouth to put my mind at ease.
I don't care what it is as long as it's not something serious.
Do doctors know much about our mouths or is it likely I will have to see a dentist?
Well that's good you are seeing your doctor tomorrow and definitely worth asking them.
They will probably tell you to visit your dentist it's worth giving them a wee phone just to see if you can get an appointment, I know it's so restricted now and different from country to country with what they can and can't do right now.
Let me know how you get on and don't worry to much I'm pretty sure it's nothing serious x

17-11-20, 21:08
No I haven't made an appointment to see the dentist. To be honest I don't even know how easy it is to get in to see a dentist these days.
I'm actually going to see my doctor tomorrow about something else. I'll mention it to her and hopefully she will know enough about the inside of the mouth to put my mind at ease.
I don't care what it is as long as it's not something serious.
Do doctors know much about our mouths or is it likely I will have to see a dentist?

Hi Brokengirl, sorry to hear you’re still suffering, just wanted to say good luck for tomorrow, hope you get some answers i’m sure there will be a simple explanation. Let us know how you get on if you can. Take care.

18-11-20, 18:20
Just a quick update on this. My doctor looked at my tongue today and said everything looked fine.
She said the bump thing that I could see is just a ridge on my tongue. One of them is probably just sticking out more than the rest.
I told her I eat everything on the left side of my mouth and she said that might effect it - try to even it out she said.
But she reassured me that everything looked fine and I've nothing to worry about.

And to be honest I know this has happened to me in the past. Might be a few years ago now since it last happened. It might be just one of those things that happens to me every now and then, who knows!!
But I can cross this one of the list of worries for now :)