View Full Version : Found a tiny mass near tonsillar lymph node last night.

12-11-20, 16:53
Is there any chance this is anything other than cancer?

I have had swollen/shotty lymph nodes for years (since childhood), but this doesn't feel like those. It doesn't feel like a lymph node to me. It feels like a tiny pebble or seed or something that fell into a canal there. I would estimate it's about 1 millimeter in diameter.

Would doctors even be able to biopsy something that small?

When I first felt it, I was hoping it was a zit that was deep in the skin or something. But then I confirmed that it was under the skin. I have to slightly press to feel it.

What worries me is actually how small it is, and the different feel it has in comparison to my other palpable lymph nodes when I palpate it.

I have had numerous other symptoms over the last 10 years...you can look in my post history if you want to see most of them. I also started getting night sweats every night a few months ago to where I had to turn the temperature down in my apartment in order to not wake up with my face/head drenched in sweat. I didn't sweat when I kept the room temperature lower, so I don't know if that means the night sweats were not from illness, or it just means that it was cold enough to where it canceled out my body overheating from an illness. I have had night sweats on and off for years, but they would usually only last for a few weeks at most. This time they persist even to this day unless I keep my apartment below a certain temperature.

13-11-20, 08:13
Having looked at a few of your posts, I can say, with confidence, that you have a severe case of health anxiety..

13-11-20, 19:52
Sometimes I can feel the fat cells under my skin which feel like sesame seeds, maybe a little bigger. You could always get it checked at your doctor just for some peace of mind. :)

13-11-20, 21:54
Is there any chance this is anything other than cancer?

Better chance than hitting the lotto from my experience ;)

Positive thoughts

14-11-20, 02:59
Thing is, this is so small that they would have trouble feeling it, and I doubt they would even be able to biopsy it. I would have to wait for it to grow to get it biopsied.

It feels almost like a grain of sand is in the muscle bordering my jaw and neck or something. It's either cancer that is growing on a lymph node, because it's too small to be a lymph node itself, as even healthy lymph nodes are significantly over 1 millimeter (as far as I know), or it's cancer that is growing on the muscle or something.

15-11-20, 14:01
Why do you think that it has to be one of two kinds of cancer? There is definitely the option that it is NOT cancer. The body is full of lumps and bumps and even tiny little nodules. Just because you've felt it it doesn't mean that it has to be some kind of cancer. Most growths are benign as it is.
If you are worried about it go and see your doctor. There is absolutely no way the forum can help you feel better about this because you've already decided what it is. The only person who can change that is a professional.
The experts will decide whether it's worth worrying about or not. :)

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08-12-20, 13:04
Is there any chance this is anything other than cancer?

I have had swollen/shotty lymph nodes for years (since childhood), but this doesn't feel like those. It doesn't feel like a lymph node to me. It feels like a tiny pebble or seed or something that fell into a canal there. I would estimate it's about 1 millimeter in diameter.

Would doctors even be able to biopsy something that small?

When I first felt it, I was hoping it was a zit that was deep in the skin or something. But then I confirmed that it was under the skin. I have to slightly press to feel it.

What worries me is actually how small it is, and the different feel it has in comparison to my other palpable lymph nodes when I palpate it. And if you in difficult finance situation feel free to check out https://directloantransfer.com/instant-cash/

I have had numerous other symptoms over the last 10 years...you can look in my post history if you want to see most of them. I also started getting night sweats every night a few months ago to where I had to turn the temperature down in my apartment in order to not wake up with my face/head drenched in sweat. I didn't sweat when I kept the room temperature lower, so I don't know if that means the night sweats were not from illness, or it just means that it was cold enough to where it canceled out my body overheating from an illness. I have had night sweats on and off for years, but they would usually only last for a few weeks at most. This time they persist even to this day unless I keep my apartment below a certain temperature.

I believe that doctors could biopsy even mole on a insect so you do not have to worry about that
I also do not think it could be cancer, so do not worry and lets wait and see what the doctors have to say about that