View Full Version : my eyes

29-10-07, 01:13
i am so worried about these aches and pains i have been getting in and around my eyes, i'm convinced it's a brain tumour. i have decided to book an eye test on tues, i'm terrified though as i know they will find something really serious. also i get itchy eyes a lot and i have a habit of itchy them with my fingernail.
please reply
Luv louise

29-10-07, 02:00
Hi Hun

Try to relax. Sounds like it could be some kind of eye strain or maybe allergy. Do you wear glasses? if not maybe the optician will just find some eye strain. Don't worry (easier said than done i know hun). Also my physio told me that neck problems which stem from anxiety and panic can affect the muscles around your eyes and top of the head so its a common sympton.

Try to relax and let us know how you go on at the opticians :hugs:

Take care


29-10-07, 15:05
Don't be afraid of the sight test, they can sort out the problem if it's eye strain. I don't think this is a symtem of brain tumor as I have been down that road myself. Go for the test and try not to worry( easier said than done I know). Hope all goes well.
Lesleyb:flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

29-10-07, 16:15
Hi Louise,

I agree with the above! but could also be coupled with anxiety. My eyes are the first to feel it when i am anxious.

Shall i tell you how my eyes feel then you can see if there are any similarities?

1. Feel like everything is hazy and distant.

2. They feel tired and sore at the corners.

2. Find it had to focus.

4. heavy eyelids

please don't worry that you have a brain tumour hun

Love Lisa

29-10-07, 18:03
having had various eye problems for the last four years,it sounds like maybe you have dry eye which certainly made my eyes very itchy (if it is and an optician can confirm this)its easily managed with eye drops. please don't scratch your eyes though you could damage your cornea.

29-10-07, 23:49
hi, my eyes do feel tired quite a lot but the main eye symptoms i'm getting are aches and pains in and around the eyes and itchyness and when i itch them they become quite sore. i'm really worried about the pains in my eyes though, well there not really pains since there not painfull its alomst like a flicker in my eye causing me to blink, not really sure what it is but it has to be a brain tumour or eye tumour as i have read about it.
Please reply
Luv louise