View Full Version : Hello new here

12-11-20, 20:05
Hello, I'm new on the forum and have been reading through several posts.
I am reassured that I am not alone in having health anxiety!
So far this year I have diagnosed myself with skin cancer, lymohoma, breast cancer, brain tumour..... the list goes on and on.
I've ruined weeks on end of my life stressing and stupidly checking google then worrying myself into a frenzy.
At the moment I'm fixated with a tiny mole on my hand that I keep checking - even though it's totally fine! In my head I know this deep down, but I can't stop the obsessive behaviour!
If my son is even the slightest bit unwell I think the worst and panic myself every time!
If you met me you would never know I am like this as I cover it up very well, always upbeat and smiling.
It's an exhausting, draining way to live but I'm trying to control it - and to stay away from Google!!!
There has been some wonderful advice posted on here and I'm going to take the advice on board as much as I can!
Thank you and it's good to know I'm not alone in going through this.

12-11-20, 21:23
Hello, I'm new on the forum and have been reading through several posts.
I am reassured that I am not alone in having health anxiety!
So far this year I have diagnosed myself with skin cancer, lymohoma, breast cancer, brain tumour..... the list goes on and on.
I've ruined weeks on end of my life stressing and stupidly checking google then worrying myself into a frenzy.
At the moment I'm fixated with a tiny mole on my hand that I keep checking - even though it's totally fine! In my head I know this deep down, but I can't stop the obsessive behaviour!
If my son is even the slightest bit unwell I think the worst and panic myself every time!
If you met me you would never know I am like this as I cover it up very well, always upbeat and smiling.
It's an exhausting, draining way to live but I'm trying to control it - and to stay away from Google!!!
There has been some wonderful advice posted on here and I'm going to take the advice on board as much as I can!
Thank you and it's good to know I'm not alone in going through this.

Hi Debsi, welcome to NMP you’re in good company here as so many of us suffer from health anxiety, its such an exhausting way to live your life & i know from personal experience as i seem to go through really bad bouts of it mainly focused on my throat, then suddenly it fades away & all is well until the next time. I can’t believe after all these years i let it dominate my life to the extent it does. I’m also like you in that nobody ever knows how i really feel as i manage to hide it so well.

Anyway welcome & keep away from google! Dr Google never tells us anything we want to hear.

12-11-20, 22:20
Hi Debsi77 glad you joined you will find lots of like minded people with good advice, l had to smile when you said all the illnesses you have diagnosed yourself with that's me too, health anxiety is sad it stops us enjoying life, l look forward to chatting with you take care xx

13-11-20, 03:02
Hi Debsi, I'm glad you found us. If you use these forums to get support and tips on treating your health anxiety you will learn a lot very quickly. There are some incredible people here that will support you through the tough times as you work towards better ones. I find the success stories board is very helpful when I'm feeling a bit down or starting to spiral.

All the best x

13-11-20, 07:50
Thank you to you all for your lovely welcome messages!
Looks like I've finally found a place where I can spill our my feelings and worries with good support.
We all want to get better and hopefully we can all help each other.

13-11-20, 08:05
Hi Debs, welcome and all that. X

13-11-20, 08:16
Hello Debsi and welcome!

You'll soon feel very comfortable and at home on here, I hope x