View Full Version : Anxiety and mucus in stools

13-11-20, 03:17
Hi everyone, it’s been a little while since I have been on here - yay as I’ve been doing pretty well.

Unfortunately this week I have been having a pretty stressful and anxious week.
I am feeling it in my chest and tummy etc so I know it’s there. As a result my bowel movements haven’t been as normal, more sloppy. Again I can make sense of this.

Today I have been rather anxious and have gone to the bathroom 3 times, on my fourth time it was mainly mucus that came out, followed by a bit of poo mixed mucus.
As I don’t refer to dr google I was hoping someone on here could shed some though on this. I am assuming it is normal for this to happen when feeling very anxious / stressed?

29-11-20, 10:48
Hi Lauz, I'm not a doctor, but I have had mucus on a few occasions when I wipe my bum after a bowel movement. I'm not sure if it's linked with anxiety, but I do know from reading some posts in this forum that it's linked with IBS, which is definitely linked with anxiety.

More importantly though, when I mentioned mucus to my GP, she said that as long as it doesn't happen all the time/a lot, then it's fine. However, she said I should come back to her if it persists and if the amount of mucus increases. So based on this, I'd say if you keep getting mucus in your stool/after your bowel movements, then make an appointment with your GP and perhaps get their opinion on addressing your anxiety as well. My GP has referred me to a psychologist and it's been helpful for me so far, so it might be something you can consider too if you haven't seen one/considered it already :)

08-12-20, 21:41
Thanks for this. Yes I know it can be common so that’s why I’m not getting myself too worked up over it.

I have had it a little bit again, mainly of the poos are strained and I’ve had to really try to get it out if that makes sense.
I am linking it to times when I am super anxious which was last time and at the moment as I had to go have a small procedure yesterday regarding some fertility stuff.

Anyhow I’m just going to keep an eye on it and check with my gp if I consistently get it which I’m not always .

Thank you, I have been in therapy all year to help deal with my panic attacks and health anxiety. I have come a long way. Something like the above would have sent me into a complete spiral and anxious state.

08-12-20, 22:38
Hi Lauz, yep I can definitely relate, the ones where I have to strain are generally the ones with mucus too. Although yesterday I had a bit of diarrhoea with mucus, I think it must have been something I ate. Glad to hear that you’ve been doing well at improving your health anxiety, I’m doing my best to conquer mine as well :) We’ll get through it!

09-12-20, 04:27
Same here. If I strain or have some diarrhea. Rational side of me is like, yep that makes total sense why there is mucus. Irrational / health anxiety me is like omg wtf is this, there is something definitely wrong!

Keep on going, this time last year I never would have imagined the improved way I am feeling this year. I was in such a state. I need to be kinder on myself and remind myself how far I have come. How something like the above isn’t a set back, especially with the way I manage it now.