View Full Version : Is something biblical happening ATM?

13-11-20, 16:02
I know I might have stolen this thread title from a similar thread on Digital Spy that was started back in February this year when Covid was just starting to make waves in this country, and also following numerous other disasters around the world just prior to then, but this thread is a kind of antidote to that particular one on DS.

In the sense that karma might now be striking some of the evils of this world of late. Over the past week or so;

1. President Trump and Co given the heave-ho.

2. Good news about the Pfizer vaccine, which is likely to start being rolled out over the coming weeks, with others likely to follow in due course.

3. The death of serial killer Peter Sutcliffe, nicknamed the 'Yorkshire Ripper'.

4. That toerag (and 'phantom' PM) Dominic Cummings finally handing in his notice today, hard on the heels of his other oppo yesterday.

What do others on here think?

13-11-20, 16:50
Sutcliffe had been receiving karma via numerous violent attacks ever since he was imprisoned. Death will have been a release for that piece of scum.

Personally, I've had kept him going for as long as possible if it wasn't for the fact that his death has given his victims families closure.

13-11-20, 18:16
I like this thread Lenco :) You may well be right, though when I heard Sutcliffe had been finished off by covid, I couldn't help feeling that the virus is not so bad after all.

13-11-20, 19:44
Apparently he was terrified of getting Covid (daughter's research) so i hope his death was a long and painful one with every breath a monumental labour.

13-11-20, 19:47
Scotland have qualified for next Summer's Euros! Covid-permitting of course!

14-11-20, 04:59
Apparently he was terrified of getting Covid (daughter's research) so i hope his death was a long and painful one with every breath a monumental labour.

Didn't he refuse treatment?

14-11-20, 05:56
Didn't he refuse treatment?

I saw that reported earlier.

14-11-20, 06:05
I don't think so really. Each year has it's good & bad. And some of what you have written is political so it's subjective i.e. not too many Trump fans are thinking it's good.

Politics is swings & roundabouts.

New Labour shat all over uni students by allowing unis to charge up to x so they all went for the top amount. They kept on closing my local cottage hospital (long term Labour council too) despite a residents group fighting it after the Tories started it off. They took us into an illegal war. They gave us the gift that was ATOS assessments.

Forgetting Brown we then get Call Me Dave. He let IDS take a great big dump all over disabled people for years until he ran like a baby when his EU referendum gamble backfired on him. We had the coalition with the LibDems and Cable flogging off Royal Mail for bargain bucket prices to the rich.

Then comes May. Nuff said really. The most pointless PM probably in history. She resided over the Windrush scandal which was a disgrace.

Now we have bumbling Boris. Not doing too well with covid. Losing his hard-line support over Brexit as he keeps pushing back his deadlines with the EU.

Now someone can right an exact opposite to all of that telling us why those years were great. I could put some there myself (well, maybe not for May and little for Boris). Some of those years were all gravy to some, it just depends on your political leanings.

US members could do the same, surely? For a start we had the illegal war with Bush Jr.

Cummings is just a hate figure to some but won't he just be replaced with one of the many waiting in his wake? If the vote had gone the other way we would have had Milne, Murphy and Lansman (not forgetting Len). All as bad?

14-11-20, 09:45
I don't think so really. Each year has it's good & bad. And some of what you have written is political so it's subjective i.e. not too many Trump fans are thinking it's good.

Politics is swings & roundabouts.

New Labour shat all over uni students by allowing unis to charge up to x so they all went for the top amount. They kept on closing my local cottage hospital (long term Labour council too) despite a residents group fighting it after the Tories started it off. They took us into an illegal war. They gave us the gift that was ATOS assessments.

Forgetting Brown we then get Call Me Dave. He let IDS take a great big dump all over disabled people for years until he ran like a baby when his EU referendum gamble backfired on him. We had the coalition with the LibDems and Cable flogging off Royal Mail for bargain bucket prices to the rich.

Then comes May. Nuff said really. The most pointless PM probably in history. She resided over the Windrush scandal which was a disgrace.

Now we have bumbling Boris. Not doing too well with covid. Losing his hard-line support over Brexit as he keeps pushing back his deadlines with the EU.

Now someone can right an exact opposite to all of that telling us why those years were great. I could put some there myself (well, maybe not for May and little for Boris). Some of those years were all gravy to some, it just depends on your political leanings.

US members could do the same, surely? For a start we had the illegal war with Bush Jr.

Cummings is just a hate figure to some but won't he just be replaced with one of the many waiting in his wake? If the vote had gone the other way we would have had Milne, Murphy and Lansman (not forgetting Len). All as bad?

You're right Terry, politics is swings and roundabouts, and it's probably only a matter of time before Biden and Co start getting it in the neck from all the 'know-it-alls' of this world.

Why don't we just reinstate John Major as PM? After all he presided over most of those good ol' days of the 90s and appears to be considered the least evil PM of the past 50 years!!

14-11-20, 22:13
When you say biblical are you referring to The Book of Revelations?

14-11-20, 22:33
When you say biblical are you referring to The Book of Revelations?


The Book Of Revelation


15-11-20, 02:45
You're right Terry, politics is swings and roundabouts, and it's probably only a matter of time before Biden and Co start getting it in the neck from all the 'know-it-alls' of this world.

Why don't we just reinstate John Major as PM? After all he presided over most of those good ol' days of the 90s and appears to be considered the least evil PM of the past 50 years!!

John Major helped greatly with NI but Maastricht should never have been signed without consent from the public. Recently he is applauded by hard line remain voters and reviled by hard-core leavers. For me, now a hypocrite over proroguing Parliament and his 'tyranny' speech was ridiculous.

I'm not sure which I would want back. But Major would cancel Brexit tomorrow, as would Blair, which would cause some serious problems for democracy, public outrage (remembering many remain voters see overriding a vote as worse) and Farage getting a lot of support.

I think perhaps some people on DS are just very happy about Trump going. I expect Trump supporters said the same when Obama left and Clinton failed to get in.

But look how close it was. Biden didn't have the expected landslide. They aren't all Trump supporters so they will likely back the next republican candidate. If Biden makes mistakes that support to switch again and it's quite tight.

Being in opposition is easy. You just sit there booing. Then you get in and it's all yours to lose.

Not sure about Biden. In his recent comments about NI, Scotland and the UK he has only shown himself to be another ignorant American politician. I wonder about his relationship with the EU. They aren't daft and Biden claims to be in favour of the EU but it was loaded with comments about us spying on then for the US. Obama said the same. But so is Merkel & co and France want of NATO.

15-11-20, 08:10

The Book Of Revelation


A very singular Book indeed...

15-11-20, 13:08

The Book Of Revelation



Although, the singular book contains multiple revelations :shades:

16-11-20, 18:48
John Major helped greatly with NI but Maastricht should never have been signed without consent from the public. Recently he is applauded by hard line remain voters and reviled by hard-core leavers. For me, now a hypocrite over proroguing Parliament and his 'tyranny' speech was ridiculous.

I'm not sure which I would want back. But Major would cancel Brexit tomorrow, as would Blair, which would cause some serious problems for democracy, public outrage (remembering many remain voters see overriding a vote as worse) and Farage getting a lot of support.

I think perhaps some people on DS are just very happy about Trump going. I expect Trump supporters said the same when Obama left and Clinton failed to get in.

But look how close it was. Biden didn't have the expected landslide. They aren't all Trump supporters so they will likely back the next republican candidate. If Biden makes mistakes that support to switch again and it's quite tight.

Being in opposition is easy. You just sit there booing. Then you get in and it's all yours to lose.

Not sure about Biden. In his recent comments about NI, Scotland and the UK he has only shown himself to be another ignorant American politician. I wonder about his relationship with the EU. They aren't daft and Biden claims to be in favour of the EU but it was loaded with comments about us spying on then for the US. Obama said the same. But so is Merkel & co and France want of NATO.

I think as far as Biden is concerned, only time will tell at this stage as to whether his presidency is a success, or a failure.

And what I said about Major was partly in jest, he, like pretty much all leaders, had his faults, but he strangely seems to be one of the least reviled leaders of the past 50 years or so, and the 5-year period between 1992 and 1997 is often looked back on (especially by much of my particular generation) generally as a 'golden' era, even though I beg to differ in some instances. And yes, I know he was already PM from late 1990 up until the 1992 GE, before anybody pipes up.

The 90s and early 2000s was probably a more innocent and carefree period in general, which seemed to end after about 2002 or so, but perhaps that could have been down to technological developments like the Internet becoming more advanced, the genesis of social media, and increased awareness of many hard-hitting issues, all mostly from around then onwards.

17-11-20, 05:22
Yes, we are in the last part of the last days as prophesied by Jesus Christ and apostle Paul - they are written in the Bible.

17-11-20, 11:24
Yes, we are in the last part of the last days as prophesied by Jesus Christ and apostle Paul - they are written in the Bible.

The thought has crossed my mind. A pastor talked about the mark of the beast 20 years ago and it stuck with me. On a similar note I'm Muslim and believe the book of revelation to be true, but throughout history has been mistranslated or purposely manipulated. I believe Abraham (PBUH), Adam (PBUH), Noah (PBUH), David (PBUH), Solomon (PBUH), Jesus (PBUH) etc. are prophets of Allah (God) and Islam to be a continuation. I believe Mohammad (PBUH) is the final prophet, and the Quran to be the unaltered word of God.

Back on topic. The only question is there have been years of war, scandal, abuse, sever weather etc. People may have thought it was the end times back then. Of course, there's no time scale to tell how long these catastrophic problems will last so we could be living in the build up to the end times.

18-11-20, 19:01
Another case of karma striking again today, one of the IRA nutjobs responsible for the 1974 Birmingham pub bombings was nicked in Belfast!!

Finally some 'Justice 4 The 21'!!

19-11-20, 01:32
I reckon the Planet is stuffed and over-populated and just maybe this is a way of wiping out several million.Plus Mother Earth has the shit’s with the human race. Just my effed up opinion.

19-11-20, 08:31
I reckon the Planet is stuffed and over-populated and just maybe this is a way of wiping out several million.Plus Mother Earth has the shit’s with the human race. Just my effed up opinion.

Thing is - you're right - and if things didn't happen to wipe a few million of us out, we would be in deepest poo-poo.

We are living longer than we should be thanks to advances in medical science - which is good for individuals, families, and doctors who are, after all, trained to save lives, but it's epically bad for the planet.

As hard as disasters and pandemics etc are there has to be a balance or the planet will go tits up.

It's on it's way as it is...:whistles:

With this in mind, I have a DNR wish. I don't want to be kept alive when my body has had enough. I don't want my heart to be shocked back into action under those circumstances. I want to go and make some room for somebody else.

19-11-20, 14:39
Another case of karma striking again today, one of the IRA nutjobs responsible for the 1974 Birmingham pub bombings was nicked in Belfast!!

Finally some 'Justice 4 The 21'!!

Wow, that is some good news. That's my hometown! My partners mom was in one of the IRA blasts. I'm not sure it was the Birmingham one. My great uncle owns the pub right next to the bullring as it happens. The one on the corner opposite the markets. For the life of me I can't recall the name of it now.

19-11-20, 14:43
I reckon the Planet is stuffed and over-populated and just maybe this is a way of wiping out several million.Plus Mother Earth has the shit’s with the human race. Just my effed up opinion.

Imagine if it's nature repairing itself and a lot of natural catastrophes is nature's natural immune response. The mind can wonder. I've often thought about this.

19-11-20, 14:44
Thing is - you're right - and if things didn't happen to wipe a few million of us out, we would be in deepest poo-poo.

We are living longer than we should be thanks to advances in medical science - which is good for individuals, families, and doctors who are, after all, trained to save lives, but it's epically bad for the planet.

As hard as disasters and pandemics etc are there has to be a balance or the planet will go tits up.

It's on it's way as it is...:whistles:

With this in mind, I have a DNR wish. I don't want to be kept alive when my body has had enough. I don't want my heart to be shocked back into action under those circumstances. I want to go and make some room for somebody else.

NoraB, you think like me. Or, should I say I think like you. I literally have those same feelings.

It feels quite odd that I survived cancer because of modern medicine. Sometimes I feel like I'm not actually meant to be here but I cheated the system (not in a depressive way).

19-11-20, 14:50
It feels quite odd that I survived cancer because of modern medicine. Sometimes I feel like I'm not actually meant to be here but I cheated the system (not in a depressive way).

You might not have had cancer in the absence of the modern lifestyles though, swings and roundabouts?

19-11-20, 14:57
You might not have had cancer in the absence of the modern lifestyles though, swings and roundabouts?

You know, I've never thought about it like that! Thanks Joe.

20-11-20, 08:33
NoraB, you think like me. Or, should I say I think like you. I literally have those same feelings.

It feels quite odd that I survived cancer because of modern medicine. Sometimes I feel like I'm not actually meant to be here but I cheated the system (not in a depressive way).

Keep your head down as Death seems to have forgotten about that. I've seen Final Destination https://yoursmiles.org/hsmile/mystic/h0510.gif:scared15:

20-11-20, 08:36
Imagine if it's nature repairing itself and a lot of natural catastrophes is nature's natural immune response. The mind can wonder. I've often thought about this.

Now I'm thinking about the Red Dwarf episode, Psy-Moon :ohmy:

Many a film has labelled humanity a virus. We seem to be doing a lot of the same to our home. Maybe we are just an annoying parasite and the last big asteroid was the universe having a scratch at the parasites of the time? Could we be a celestially transmitted disease? Mother Earth seems to have squeezed out the moon from some encounter....:biggrin:

20-11-20, 13:29
Keep your head down as Death seems to have forgotten about that. I've seen Final Destination https://yoursmiles.org/hsmile/mystic/h0510.gif:scared15:


I best stay zipped and not kick up the dirt.

Final Destinations are awesome! Along with Scream for some teenage nostalgia.

20-11-20, 13:31
Now I'm thinking about the Red Dwarf episode, Psy-Moon :ohmy:

Many a film has labelled humanity a virus. We seem to be doing a lot of the same to our home. Maybe we are just an annoying parasite and the last big asteroid was the universe having a scratch at the parasites of the time? Could we be a celestially transmitted disease? Mother Earth seems to have squeezed out the moon from some encounter....:biggrin:

Now I'm thinking about the Red Dwarf episode where everything is backwards :roflmao:

20-11-20, 15:11
Now I'm thinking about the Red Dwarf episode where everything is backwards :roflmao:

Santa Claus, what a b@stard. He sneaks down the chimney and steals all the kids toys :roflmao:

The bar fight was brilliant.

20-11-20, 15:14

I best stay zipped and not kick up the dirt.

Final Destinations are awesome! Along with Scream for some teenage nostalgia.

In FD it's as if Death has really got miffed by being cheated and gives them a far worse demise.

Great films. The spoof of Scream was good too. The slasher rapping after sharing the spliff/bong :roflmao:

20-11-20, 17:16
In FD it's as if Death has really got miffed by being cheated and gives them a far worse demise.

Great films. The spoof of Scream was good too. The slasher rapping after sharing the spliff/bong :roflmao:

Scary Movie :p I'm going to need to watch these again now. And while I'm at it American Pie. Stiffler's Mom.

20-11-20, 17:19
Ben Stiller is probably one of my favorite actors. He shares the spot with Joan Hill, and Seth Rogan.

21-11-20, 03:44
I love Ben Stiller too. He was lucky as he had some genes he could inherit. Lots of great films though. I saw The Watch recently :roflmao:

21-11-20, 06:00
Scary Movie :p I'm going to need to watch these again now. And while I'm at it American Pie. Stiffler's Mom.

I love the American Pie films. Stifler is hilarious.

Good soundtracks too!