View Full Version : Flashes of light in the outer corner of my eye

14-11-20, 10:25
Hi! For some time now I've been having split-second flashes of light in the outer corner of my eye. It usually happens in my left eye, but I ocasionally see in the right eye, but not at the same time. It happens at night or when it gets darker, when I'm watching the TV or when I'm in bed. I don't know when it first started because I didn't pay attention to it and I thought it was because of my shortsightedness. But one day I went on Google... And now I'm convinced I have brain tumor or eye tumor. At first I thought about retinal tear but I have not seen an increase in floaters, a shadow over my vision, or distorted vision. I'm extremely scared. I have to wait a few days for an appointment but I'm sure the doctor will find something seriously wrong :(

14-11-20, 17:27
Hi I don’t know if this is th3 sMe thing bu5 this has happen Ed t9 me 4 times%The first time I. Was in the kitchen and I can only describe what Was like a very bright kalaediscope if lights out of my right eye.It lasted about a minute. About 4 weeks later it happened again , but this time in both eyes%My sister in law who is an optometrist was not concerned at all and said the6 were eye migraines. She apparently has them but the light she sees is like a filament in a lightbulb. Apparently they are not uncommon- very bright light but no headache. I don’t know if yours are the sam3 but it sounds like the6 might be

14-11-20, 22:19
Iv had this - flashing of lights are due to ur vitreous jelly - perfectly normal.

14-11-20, 22:36
Yeah I get these flashes sometimes, and they've been happening for years. I also get little streaks of flashes, lasting milliseconds. Nothings been picked up at the opticians so I'm assuming there's nothing to worry about!

20-11-20, 22:44
I've seen an eye doctor and she said my eyes look great and I shouldn't worry about those flashes, they are probably due to my myopia... But she didn't event dilate my pupils, she just examined my eyes with some type of machine, bright lights and some sort of magnifying glass... I feel like she could easily miss something and I don't feel reassured. I have another appointment in 2 weeks with another doctor. I'm so scared of going blind :(

21-11-20, 08:01
I had this in my right eye back in may. It’s caused by the jelly in your eye shrinking and pulling on the retina. Mines left a small tear but luckily it’s not serious enough to worry about. I saw an optician and eye specialist. It happens to everyone as they get older just some people notice it more than others. The flash soon calms down as your brain learns to ignore it.

If you get a sudden onset of flashing, lots of floaters or a dark curtain across your vision get it looked at straight away.

Best of luck

21-11-20, 08:13
I'm only 28 so it can't be that...

21-11-20, 12:25
This is something, as the replies show, that is a normal visual anomaly. Just like other physical anomalies we as humans experience, they're harmless. As you've seen in other posts about this, its not serious and medical professionals affirm it. Your own sister, who is a medical professional, also concurs. The fact it only became a worry after you started focusing on it and Googled also affirms my point and shows this is more a mental issue than a physical one. Your eye doctor also confirmed what I'm saying.

Positive thoughts

21-11-20, 21:29
I'm only 28 so it can't be that...

I’m only 34......it happens

02-12-20, 14:01
I went to another appointment. The eye doctor dilated my eyes and examined them carefully and said everything looked great, I don't event have any degenerative changes in my retinas or thinned areas that are very common among shortsighted people... I have no idea why I'm seeing those flashes. I still see them every day. Maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me. Or it's something neurological...

02-12-20, 14:04
I also have no changes in my vitreous humor, she didn't even see any floaters, nothing. She had no idea why I'm seeing flashes.

02-12-20, 23:34
I also have no changes in my vitreous humor, she didn't even see any floaters, nothing. She had no idea why I'm seeing flashes.

This is something, as the replies show, that is a normal visual anomaly. Just like other physical anomalies we as humans experience, they're harmless. As you've seen in other posts about this, its not serious and medical professionals affirm it. Your own sister, who is a medical professional, also concurs. The fact it only became a worry after you started focusing on it and Googled also affirms my point and shows this is more a mental issue than a physical one. Your eye doctor also confirmed what I'm saying.

You're hyper aware and focusing on them, that's why.

Positive thoughts

bin tenn
03-12-20, 05:24
I also get these from time to time. I remember experiencing them when I was little, too. /shrug

03-12-20, 08:40
Two eye doctor appointments is enough, things happen, flashes happen, I've had them for years too with nothing wrong.

14-12-20, 20:45
I'm still concerned and I'm still getting those flashes daily! There clearly must be something wrong with my brain! :( I'm so worried.

15-01-21, 13:10
I'm still freaking out about this :weep: It's been two months now, and I still see those flashes sometimes when I turn over in bed, yawn, turn my head, bend over, or when I walk from dark to light and the other way around. It's driving me insane! I've scheduled an MRI but it's not in three months!

28-01-21, 12:18
I'm having a brain MRI in a week and I'm completely freaking out. I'm so petrified, I can't stop shaking and crying. I know they're going to find something in there. I have uneven pupils, I see weird flashes in corners of my eyes, there's something in my brain, I know it. The fear is completely ruining my life. Is it a tumor, aneurysm, MS...

28-01-21, 12:40

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

28-01-21, 14:06
Did a doctor tell you that you had uneven pupils. or did you measure them yourself?

28-01-21, 16:30
Every one sees they're uneven, my husband, my parents. I can see it on the photos. They are the same in bright light, but when it getts dimmer one dilates more than the other.. I didn't imagine that.

28-01-21, 16:42
So you've had medical professionals give you the all clear and booked a private MRI? :huh:


28-01-21, 16:53
No, I got a referral from a neurologist.

28-01-21, 17:02
No, I got a referral from a neurologist.

So you saw a neurologist and were referred? I saw you got an appointment for the MRI, I just didn't see that you saw a neurologist mentioned anywhere. Your post said you scheduled one.


28-01-21, 17:28
I've scheduled the MRI based on a referral from the neurologist. My mother knows this neurologist and managed to get it sooner, the first date was in April. In my country you receive a referral and schedule all tests on your own.

28-01-21, 17:31
Oh, and I did see the neurologist a month ago. She did all the basic tests for reflexes, etc. and said she didn't see anything abnormal. But I didn't tell her anything about the pupils, because I didn't notice it back then. She gave me the referral.

28-01-21, 17:43
I got ya... Sounds like she did it for your reassurance TBH. Again, based on what you've shared, it really does appear that this is just a normal body anomaly for you. Let us know how you make out.

Positive thoughts

03-02-21, 15:27
I had the MRI today. I don't have a tumor or MS but I do have something. An arachnoid cyst in the back of my head... I don't even know what to do now. I feel numb...

03-02-21, 16:10
Ahhh... the joys of incidental findings. When I had cancer, they found several nodules on my lungs. Nothing dramatic but they keep an eye on them for changes and as of last check, nothing's changed.

An arachnoid cyst. Interesting. Never heard of it. From what I just read (thanks Dr Google) they're usually congenital (from birth) and could be the cause of the symptoms. Also very treatable if need be. Wait and see what the doctor recommends.

Positive thoughts

05-02-21, 08:09
It says on the report that it doesn't compress any brain structures so it probably doesn't cause any problems. But it is in the back of my head where the vision center is so I feel like it might be connected to my symptoms. I don't know.

05-02-21, 13:22
It says on the report that it doesn't compress any brain structures so it probably doesn't cause any problems. But it is in the back of my head where the vision center is so I feel like it might be connected to my symptoms. I don't know.

Let the doctor determine that. From what I read, if they need to do anything at all, the procedure to drain it is pretty simple and non invasive. Most people have no idea they even have this and if it does cause problems, they occur in early childhood. Thing is, the flashing light symptom you described is a pretty standard visual anomaly. Heck, I get them as well as a host of others and niggles. Our bodies are just noisy buggers. I just ignore it and move on.

Positive thoughts

07-02-21, 19:16
I know it's benign and I've probably had it from birth but I'm still terrified. What if they made a mistake and it's actually a tumor? Is it possible? What if it continues to grow and damages my brain.. I'm scared of all the 'what ifs'..