View Full Version : pnuemonia fear

14-11-20, 22:02
So I'm anxious now about pneumonia. I went into urgent care today after some iffy sensations when breathing. My temp at the time was 98.1 but the room was warm. The doctor listened to my lungs, my oximeter was 100 percent and sent me on my way. I am now home and it's about 49 degrees outside but my house isn't chilly or cold necessarily. My temperature has been teetering between 95.5 or 95.3 when im up and about. When Ive sat down and stayed with something to keep warm irgoes up to 97.7 and i do feel myself warming up but now I'm panicking. I read that pneumonia can cause low temperatures and I know my lungs sounded fine to the doctor but now Im kicking myself for not asking for xrays to be done to make sure everything was fine. My temperature just drastically drops to 96.0 or 95.5 when i get up to check if im staying warm but I do heat up a bit once im back under some blankets. My temperature is normally 96.8 or in the 97 range. I'm currently 89lbs or so if that matters. I also read bacterial infections can lower temperature.

14-11-20, 22:05
I absolutely guarantee that if your doctor heard something concerning when listening to your lungs, he would have sent you for X-rays. I know it’s hard especially with all the craziness in the world right now, but do try to trust your doctor.

14-11-20, 22:30
Stop reading about things you don't have.

Stop obsessively checking your temperature.

Also, don't watch horror movies before bed, etc.

14-11-20, 22:53
I absolutely guarantee that if your doctor heard something concerning when listening to your lungs, he would have sent you for X-rays. I know it’s hard especially with all the craziness in the world right now, but do try to trust your doctor.
Yes I am trying to reason with myself that if they heard anything off at all, they would of done further tests but after seeing my temperature sit low when I'm not huddled in blankets and even though the house isn't cold has set me into a frenzy. I don't know if anxiety can cause low temperatures. I've had it raise my temp when I'm anxious and stressed but I don't know how to calm myself down after seeing low temps are related to some terrifying stuff (pneumonia, meningitis, hypothermia)

14-11-20, 23:25
Stop reading about things you don't have.

Stop obsessively checking your temperature.

Also, don't watch horror movies before bed, etc.

Repeated for effect.

14-11-20, 23:50
Yes I am trying to reason with myself that if they heard anything off at all, they would of done further tests but after seeing my temperature sit low when I'm not huddled in blankets and even though the house isn't cold has set me into a frenzy. I don't know if anxiety can cause low temperatures. I've had it raise my temp when I'm anxious and stressed but I don't know how to calm myself down after seeing low temps are related to some terrifying stuff (pneumonia, meningitis, hypothermia)

My advice is to put away the thermometer. If you start developing uncontrollable chills and body aches, then that’s your body telling you that you may have a fever. Check it then. Otherwise, just don’t take your temp.

15-11-20, 12:57
Echoing everyone else here but you really don’t need to monitor your temperature. Your body will tell you for sure if there’s something to be concerned about. There’s no questioning it when there is something up. Plus you’re not actually being proactive in watching your temperature, is not telling you anything other than giving you something to worry about.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

16-11-20, 07:59
but now Im kicking myself for not asking for xrays to be done to make sure everything was fine.

The docs would have ordered X-rays if there was a need for them, and there clearly wasn't. Do you really want to blast your chest with radiation unnecessarily? :shrug:

Your lungs are clear and your oxygen is 100%. This would not be the case if you had pneumonia (a chest infection)

Ditch the thermometer. All this constant checking is feeding your HA.