View Full Version : Blood in poop and blood clot

15-11-20, 18:29
Hi guys, I really need help. I cannot find answer, so if even one person responds to this I would be so grateful!
So here is the situation; I am a 20 year old female. I have been diagnosed with IBS-C and SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). Both of these have caused me lots of problems over the years, but these conditions shouldn't be causing bleeding (according to doctor google!). But I have been getting blood in my poop for a while now. I have gotten it for nearly 2 or 3 years. I always worried but I usually got over it quickly. But last night was the straw that broke the camel's back... last night I was having a bowel movement. It was quite painful and I basically felt my skin tearing, so an anal fissure. I was expecting blood of course, because I was in so much pain, however when I wiped there was quite a lot of bright red blood but also a blood clot! It wasn't huge, maybe the size of a large pea. I made the mistake of going to GOOGLE and I read it often means cancer. I had a sigmoidoscopy last month as well as 3 biopsies; all clear. I have had stool samples done and I have been to doctors who have told me it's nothing. I only got a sigmoidoscopy (only looks at the end of my colon) but I thought that was all I needed considering I have only ever had bright red blood.

I have an appointment with my specialist soon. Does anyone have any ideas of what I could say to her? Is there anything else I should ask for? Some please help me; I don't know what to do. :sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad:

16-11-20, 06:24
last night I was having a bowel movement. It was quite painful and I basically felt my skin tearing, so an anal fissure. I was expecting blood of course, because I was in so much pain, however when I wiped there was quite a lot of bright red blood but also a blood clot!It wasn't huge, maybe the size of a large pea. I made the mistake of going to GOOGLE and I read it often means cancer. I had a sigmoidoscopy last month as well as 3 biopsies; all clear. I have had stool samples done and I have been to doctors who have told me it's nothing. I only got a sigmoidoscopy (only looks at the end of my colon) but I thought that was all I needed considering I have only ever had bright red blood.

Firstly, are you absolutely sure it was a blood clot and not undigested food? Pea fibre - tomato skin - anything like that which is coated in blood from a fissure/pile etc could easily pass for a clot?

So, what have you been eating over the last few days?

This screams of fissure to me.

Recent scopes and 3 clear biopsies? :shrug:

You don't need the full scope because this is fresh blood. The higher up in the colon you go - the darker the blood will be because it's older.

The scope looked at your lower colon and found nothing, so I don't see there is anything to worry about.