View Full Version : Possibly my dumbest HA fear yet – earrings

16-11-20, 12:11
So I'm at the point in my HA journey where I'm surprising even myself at what I can come up with to scare myself.

Yesterday I was at my parents house and decided to take some of my mum's jewellery. She died 3 years ago from a terrible lung disease. She had a huge collection of costume jewellery, some of it up to 30 years old. There's some classic 80's pieces there. Anyway, I grabbed some earrings and brought them home. I've had my ears pierced for 40 years.

This morning I was running late for work and grabbed a pair silver hoops off the dresser on my way out the door. A few hours later I suddenly realised I hadn't cleaned them before I put them in.

I don't know how old these earrings are. At least 20 years I suspect and it would have to be 5 years, probably 10 or more, since mum wore them.

A person without HA probably wouldn't give this a second thought or perhaps they'd keep an eye out for infection just in case. But no, I immediately get a surge of panic that I will get the lung disease she had from her earrings. Then I gave myself a big reality check, did my CBT exercises and moved on.

I have no idea how or why I made this obscure connection, but at this point, nothing surprises me. I guess it's one more thing to talk to my therapist about :wacko: What's the weirdest thing you've worried about?

17-11-20, 11:59
:wacko: What's the weirdest thing you've worried about?

Well done for handling this 'blip' so well. Be proud of yourself (and also wear your lovely mum's earrings)

Weirdest thing I've ever worried about? How long have you got? :roflmao:

Ok though, this is apt seeing as the evil old git has just carked it but I once convinced myself that my brother was the Yorkshire Ripper because he grew a beard. :shrug:

17-11-20, 17:33
I've got a good one for you. Me and my best friend did the whole "blood sisters" thing in high school. Fast forward to 4 years later and she ends up getting diagnosed with leukemia. I spend a few days in full panic wondering if I will get it too 😂. Thankfully she made a full recovery and has been cancer free for several years now. She still makes fun of me for that though.