View Full Version : FATIGUE

29-10-07, 11:56
Hi everyone,

I seem to be always tierd lately and slipping in and out of depression ,
all I want to do is sleep whichisnt a option , Ive upped my vitamins ,
and dont know what else i can do ? I am getting plently of sleep.
Think my a/d pills are making me tired too .
My body aches alot , shoulders,ribs, spine,ankles and wrist, and my monthly is due, feeling crap
will it pass ? starting to think ive got ME or something. :wacko:

Elly 2
29-10-07, 12:32
Hi Mirry, I know how you feel, I wonder if we want to sleep to get away from feeling so low. I know that the only escape from my panic is to sleep. Hope you feel better soon but if your body is telling you to rest then you should, it isn't good to ignore what it is saying to you. Oh if only I listened to my own advice lol

29-10-07, 12:40

29-10-07, 15:10
Hi Mirry. ad can make you tired I walk around yawning all the time drives my husband mad. Prehaps you need a change of meds could you go to see your gp about this.
Take care

29-10-07, 17:36
hi mirry
i too feel the same. i wonder wether its any thing to do with the weather?i don,t know about you but when the darker evenings come around and the winter days i never feel as though i have much energy!!!
i,m anaemic so i,m putting it down to that!have you had a blood test recently?maybe you too could be a little anaemic?(if you get heavy periods)
hope you feel better soon:)
also youe meds may be making you feel a little tired, i suppose they slow your system down in a way

30-10-07, 09:55
hi mirry, i am constantly tired too, as soon as i wake up in the morning my first thought is how i cant wait for it to be time to go to bed again. I feel like i spend all my life just craving sleep :mad: I do think it is very much linked with depression, when i'm feeling depressed i just want to sleep to get away from my thoughts, but then feeling tired all the time makes me feel depressed too, so its a bit of a vicious circle. Do you ever take a nap? :shrug: I quite often nap in the afternoon, and feel like it does me a lot of good. I know a lot of people think its lazy but as it gives me more energy for later i always take the chance to sleep if i can.

Getting out the house does help me cos it seems to wake me up, and i don't have the lure of my bed or sofa at the back of my mind.

sorry, that wasnt much help, but you're definitely not on your own with this one :hugs:

mag :flowers:

30-10-07, 12:40
thanks for the replys ,

I dont think Im anemic but then ago I dont know :shrug: , many years ago I was borderline anemic , so wonder if should get a test or just take some iron pills . I never take a nap cos my husband tells me its the worst thing to do, cos i sometimes cant sleep at night.
maybe its just being a woman :wacko: .

sorry you feel the same :hugs: .

30-10-07, 13:42
Tiredness is a very well known symptom of depression. It comes about because sufferers tend to follow a cycle of behaviour. They often don't get enough rem sleep, so they wake and have not been refreshed. Because they are still tired, they find it hard to become motivated to do anything and just want to sleep. By the time it's bed time they are worrying about not getting to sleep or their heads start to chatter to themselves about all and everything, from worrying about what they should have done and didn't to how much worse things are because they didn't get things done and then projecting that worry to include other issues.

You need to break the cycle, perhaps by deciding to do one thing every day to give yourself a sense of achievement and feel better. The biggest factor is that only a depressive can change their lives, no one else can do it for them. It means deciding what's important to you and setting goals, one small step at a time.

30-10-07, 17:01
I also suffer with fatigue on a regular basis so I can empathise with how you are feeling Mirry.

I do think that depression and/or anxiety can both cause fatigue and I wouldn't be at all surprised if meds play a part too.

I haven't had a full nights sleep for over 5yrs and find I just have to nap during the afternoon just so that I am able to cook dinner and get through the rest of the day.

I've been to the GP so many times about tiredness and had a full blood count, thyroid check and other tests and all came back normal :ohmy:

I wish I knew what the answer was. I'm not sure how old you are Mirry but I found that once I became menopausal all these symptoms of fatigue got much worse.