View Full Version : Panic attacks happening at a moment's trigger..

17-11-20, 21:22
I've been struggling with crazy anxiety just lately and just this last week I've started having really intense panic attacks that will just happen the moment I get a bit nervous.. like walking somewhere is a trigger for me at the moment and as soon as I feel a bit of nervousness it will spiral into a huge adrenaline surge with my heart going like the clappers. The other day I just walked up the stairs and one came on. I can only think it was tension already there coupled with the feeling of exertion going up the stairs!
Also keep feeling too hot.. which I wonder if it is connected..
Has anyone else had these experiences and how did you get through it?

18-11-20, 08:54
At my worst with HA and GAD, I was being triggered by the slightest thing. A change in tempo in music would trigger a panic attacks and the sight of Mary Berry's weird fingers once brought on a massive attack!:huh:

Your body is over-stimulated cocker. The stress hormones are running feral in your body. You have to reduce the amount of stress hormones by deep breathing (which shuts off the stress response) and axing all stimulants - body and mind.

18-11-20, 11:46
At my worst with HA and GAD, I was being triggered by the slightest thing. A change in tempo in music would trigger a panic attacks and the sight of Mary Berry's weird fingers once brought on a massive attack!:huh:

Your body is over-stimulated cocker. The stress hormones are running feral in your body. You have to reduce the amount of stress hormones by deep breathing (which shuts off the stress response) and axing all stimulants - body and mind.

Haha, Mary Berry's fingers! Ok that makes me feel more legitimate! I felt as if the strong wind/rain I was in the other day brought one on!
Can I ask what you did to overcome that time? Did you take medication or were you able to get through it without? (as you say using techniques such as deep breathing.) I'm finding it so hard to overcome stress right now as we're in the middle of house hunting with a buyer on our flat, I homeschool our daughter and with the lockdown get no break whatsoever! And with other issues it's just been a more stressful year than most (as well as the pandemic!) I am considering going back on meds but I always believed there was a way through without, which I would rather do as I just don't want to rely on them.

Thank you so much for your advice and sharing your own experience.

19-11-20, 14:07
Haha, Mary Berry's fingers! Ok that makes me feel more legitimate! I felt as if the strong wind/rain I was in the other day brought one on!

Yep, weather did it with me too. Wind, rain - I'm no longer surprised at what can trigger a panic attack. Many of mine were nocturnal as well and my dreams were triggering panic attacks as well as someone closing a car door etc.

Can I ask what you did to overcome that time? Did you take medication or were you able to get through it without? (as you say using techniques such as deep breathing.)

I couldn't tolerate the side effects of the medication the doctors gave me (beta blockers - anti-depressants etc) so I had no choice but to find alternative methods to bring the anxiety down.

I am considering going back on meds but I always believed there was a way through without, which I would rather do as I just don't want to rely on them.

Meds have their place short-term, and if your body can tolerate them, why not give yourself that extra support? But it needs to be in combination with therapy or the problem won't successfully be resolved.