View Full Version : Hospital Test - I REALLY CAN'T DO IT

Elly 2
29-10-07, 12:27
I'm so petrified, I've just opened my post and there is an appointment for me go for 2 tests, Oesophageal manometry where they put a tube down your throat to measure the pressure in the stomach and gullet and an Oesophageal 24 hour pH study where another tube goes down the throat and stays there for 24 hours to measure the amount of acid is produced. I CAN'T do it, I have a thing about my throat, I had an endoscopy some weeks ago and they had to sedate me cos I was so frightened but for these tests they don't sedate you cos you have to eat and drink whilst the test is going on. I can't do it, I just can't. I'm sat here in tears and have pains in my chest and I'm so frightened. I don't know what to do, if I don't go the specialist who recommended these tests will wash his hands of me. The endoscopy I had done was ok but he wants me to have these other tests done, oh god I just can't go. I also have to have an angiogram and I'm frightened of that but not as frightened as the stomach tests. Please HELP, PLEASE

29-10-07, 12:43
oh Elly , really you wont feel it , I have had a tube put down twice to check my osephocus (spelling ??).

They sprayed my throat so I couldnt feel it , it was weird but totally pain free and easy , the tube is so thin you can hardly see it.

just go and get it done and you will feel so much better :winks: .

29-10-07, 12:52

Awwww hun :hugs: . Please get in touch with the department that you are having these tests done at, explain JUST HOW SCARED YOU ARE, and see if there is any chance that they can offer you an alternative, it's worth a try!!

good luck with it

Love lisa

29-10-07, 13:24
Hi Elly I agree with Lisa contact the department and explain how you are feeling.They deal with nervouse people all the time.I know its scarey and I would be exactly the same as you,but it needs to be done.Im sure they all understand,contact them.
:bighug: :bighug: :bighug:

Elly 2
29-10-07, 13:32
Thankyou Mirry and Lisa, I've been in the chat room just now cos I can't stop crying and needed someone to talk to. I'm in a real state at the mo, chest so tight I feel like I'm having heart attack, I know it's stupid getting so worked up but the thought of having a tube down for 24 hours is freaking me out. Apparently I have to go day 1 to have the tube put down, then back again day 2 to have it removed. I'm just petrified. I had an endoscopy 2 weeks ago which was ok so the specialist said he would do these other tests to see how much acid I am producing. The other thing is I am waiting for an appt to have an angiogram, I have been in A & E more times than I care to remember (the last being Saturday just gone) and all the ECG's and bloods are normal so that is why they are doing angiogram to definitely rule out heart. I just want to feel alright again. My probs started 2 years ago, I was under a lot of stress at the time, and then a so called friend of mine told my husband I was having an affair which wasn't true, it turned out he and she were VERY friendly if you know what I mean but the group of friends I had were her friends as well and now don't have anything to do with me. I really do miss having people to talk to. My husband doesn't understand how I am feeling and thinks I should "pull myself together". Sorry to moan, I'm just having a really bad day having just got the letter about my hosp appt. Thanks for listening x

29-10-07, 13:35
Elly 2
I just want to add my support to what the others have said.
I really feel for you.
Do ring them and explain how you feel - let them know how terrified you are THERE IS NO SHAME OR BLAME in being afraid. Just some people can cope better than others. I am like you there is no logic I just crumble with the fear of the unknown.
But most of all however you cope do please have it done - it must be needed.
I am willing you all the support I can. Like the others BIG hugs
I shall watch for your red letter reply to say Yay I did it !!!!
Love June

29-10-07, 13:53
Hello Elly,

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Hope that you are feeling better. Take it slow hun, and do your breathing, and please let them know how upset you are, they will give you something. I too, hate hospitals and doctors, but this is something that you need to have done.

Remember we all are here for you.

Take Care
I Believe That We All Will Get Better!

29-10-07, 15:16
Sorry you are feeling so bad,they do spray your throat and you wont feel a thing. Please contact them and let tham know how scared you are, they deal with poeple like you all the time and i am sure they will be sympathetic.
I will be thinking of you.
Good luck.
Lesleyb:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

29-10-07, 22:53
Aww Elly :hugs: you know I'm with you all the way.
Don't be afraid to let the staff know how frightened you are, they deal with people like us all the time.
I know how scared you are but try to see the positive side to the tests, they may finally reveal the cause of all the pain you've been having (or in the case of the angiogram, rule out any major problems) and then at least something can be done about it.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Angie x

30-10-07, 19:09
Just think of me :blush: I'm having a camera in/up (?) :blush: my bowels in 3 weeks time... :ohmy: You know the pains are just panic :) and most of us round here have them or have had them I know how scary they are but tell yourself it's just panic.

I'm already starting to prepare myself for the hospital telling myself it will be over soon and I'll be back home etc. :flowers: