View Full Version : Worried sick about my wife!

18-11-20, 23:04
I am incredibly worried about my wife’s health to the point where i am having breakdowns at work. She has this raised mole by her waste line that has been there here whole life, which has remained unchanged this whole time. Up until now, that is. Within a few days, or maybe a week it is raised even more. It’s very very raised, in fact and the quick amount of time that it’s happened in has me fearing the worst(melanoma). I convinced her to get it checked out, but she doesn’t go for another 8 days and I’m terrified that if it is melanoma it will metastasize by then, if it hasn’t already.

I am literally crying myself to sleep with my phone in my hand because I’m googling pictures of Typical and atypical moles. My wife is also worried, I can tell by her demeanor, which worries me more because she usually doesn’t worry at all.

I can’t shake these scenarios that keep manifesting in my mind where my wife dies and my kids and I are at her funeral and I’m trying to explain to them what has happened, but I can’t stop crying long enough to get the words out, so I just hug them and we cry together. I’ve never been this scared in my life, not even during my own health worries.

18-11-20, 23:13
I am incredibly worried about my wife’s health to the point where i am having breakdowns at work. She has this raised mole by her waste line that has been there here whole life, which has remained unchanged this whole time. Up until now, that is. Within a few days, or maybe a week it is raised even more. It’s very very raised, in fact and the quick amount of time that it’s happened in has me fearing the worst(melanoma). I convinced her to get it checked out, but she doesn’t go for another 8 days and I’m terrified that if it is melanoma it will metastasize by then, if it hasn’t already.

I am literally crying myself to sleep with my phone in my hand because I’m googling pictures of Typical and atypical moles. My wife is also worried, I can tell by her demeanor, which worries me more because she usually doesn’t worry at all.

I can’t shake these scenarios that keep manifesting in my mind where my wife dies and my kids and I are at her funeral and I’m trying to explain to them what has happened, but I can’t stop crying long enough to get the words out, so I just hug them and we cry together. I’ve never been this scared in my life, not even during my own health worries.

Well first of all, stop bloody Googling.

This is just one of those situations where you need to pull yourself together a bit and stop repeating self destructive behaviour. Stop looking for worst case scenario's. Stop putting your worry on your wife.

A few years back I had a mole literally explode into life on my face. It went from almost nothing to the size of a pea in about 10 days, and then start bleeding. Turned out to be nothing, and sometimes it just happens. It eventually fell off and now there's nothing there.

What you're doing now serves no purpose, and your wife will be seen in 8 days. You need to pull yourself together until then, and deal with a problem when you know it's an actual problem. Anxiety or not, we're all responsible for our reaction to a situation right?

18-11-20, 23:36
Thanks! I appreciate your comment, it was very reassuring, especially the bit about your experience. Your are absolutely right about my anxiety and I’ve been good for a while, but I got majorly triggered here. On a comical note, your comment reminded me of that classic scene in the movies where someone literally slaps the sense into someone else. Lol made me laugh out loud just picturing it.

18-11-20, 23:40
Nice one dude.

I just feel like sometimes we all need a bit of a reality check.

Of course we can do down the catastrophic route, but save that energy for IF something happens. It's very unlikely that it's anything serious, so don't go down that road beforehand.

I forgot to mention I had mine checked out by a private GP because the NHS here also wouldn't see me for over a week, I was worried too. I couldn't understand why they wouldn't give me an emergency appointment for a person with a bleeding mole on their face, but the private GP just said it's pretty common. It's also worth considering that a mole on the waistline is even more unlikely to be melanoma because it's so rarely exposed to the sun. It's more likely that its just irritated by clothing.


19-11-20, 00:10
Hmmm didn’t think of it being irritated. Good call, though it’s grown outward, almost straight upward like a skin tag, but it’s definitely a mole. Any who, I’ll try to button it up a bit. I definitely don’t want to cause my wife to worry more than she needs to.