View Full Version : Hard time sleeping, feeling like my whole body is on vibrate mode

19-11-20, 08:25
I've had anxiety for all my life probably but lately life has just gotten so stressful and I'm really just going through a hard patch, that I'm aware of. What does scare me a little bit is what I've experienced these past few days maybe week or two. I'm 25 and I've just been going to sleep feeling like my chest and head are just vibrating like a phone would, not numb or anything painful, just constant tension. I've had weird sleep paralysis episodes or at least I hope they are, where I would turn positions and knock out into black and can't move my arms or body or even open my eyes yet I struggle to do so, underneath the weight of myself. At first I was scared since I've never had sleep paralysis, I've only heard of it from friends who do. Now I'm more used to it and don't really freak, I kind of just fall into it and think "oh boy this again, time to wait it out" and eventually I'm freed up. It's no big deal anymore but it scares me to think maybe it's not sleep paralysis since it happens so quick and it doesn't happen when I'm necessarily already asleep, I just fall into it, almost like a shut down and my head just falls onto the pillow motionless. I'm sure stress probably has something to do here. And this past morning is something I've truly felt so anxious about that I find it so hard to get some sleep now, worried it'll happen again. I woke up an hour before my alarm and heard my parents speaking outside before heading out to work and I was just laying here half asleep trying to go back, and at some moment I do fall back I guess and suddenly out of nowhere I "hear" this loud screech in my head like a woman's scream, so loud it felt like my ears were left vibrating. But it turned out that sound didn't happen at all. My parents were still outside just talking, nothing had changed. I can't describe it but it was ridiculously loud and frightening and I constantly worried all day what if I hear it again at any given point in the day. It was one loud buzz. This sort of thing has happened to me before with maybe waking up and hearing my dad call my name or maybe waking up and hearing a giant explosion or a car crash and finding out no such sounds was made. But they've never been screams so you can imagine that one stays with you more especially since I can't recall the last time this had happened. Here I am trying to sleep, every day feeling so tired and exhausting and feeling out of body at times, constantly aching here and there and my head constantly feeling fuzzy. I'm no stranger to anxiety but I can't say I've seen some of this before. Luckily tomorrow I have a usual check up with my neurologist coincidentally so I'll keep updated if anything. Thank you!