View Full Version : Not feeling good at all...

19-11-20, 18:33
Hi, if anyone would take the time to read this i would really appreciate it

For the past weeks i've been feeling really rough, like a constant mix of anxiety and depression. Before that i was at my parents place in Portugal with family and i felt great for a month straight. But now since i'm back in the netherlands at my own place, i feel horrible..

All i do is sleep, eat, and finish my graduation thesis paper. It's the same thing everyday... no excitement at all. Also i feel like the weather really effects my mood. In portugal it was sunny everyday, but here everyday is rain, gloomy and cold. I'm trying my hardest to be positive but every morning it feels like a struggle to get through the day, i just feel weird and out of it.. like i'm really in a rut

I'm taking 25mg sertraline which is a really low dose, maybe if i go up to 50mg that would help a little too.

Anyone have any advice?

19-11-20, 19:42
The weather can play a massive part in your mood.

Two things you could do immediately are start taking a good quality vitamin D3 supplement (I to 4000iu per day) and get out for some exercise every morning, when you're most sensitive to having some daylight elevate your hormones.

19-11-20, 22:15
I'd agree with Joe here Panda. There's nothing worse for my own mood than long dark nights and dull dreary days. Exercise can give you a sense of achievement too. What did your doctor say about your sertraline dose? Did he/she say you could increase it? 25mg is a low dose as you mentioned so you would likely benefit from an increase. Hope you feel better soon.