View Full Version : Swollen Thyroid?

20-11-20, 20:35
Got myself in another panic today.
I was curled up watching tv and, when scratching my neck, I noticed that the right side felt a little swollen. I tried to feel for a lump or anything (bad idea, I know) and the tissue (I’m assuming thyroid area, I can sort of wiggle it under my fingers) feels inflamed. I haven’t been sick or anything, but I do have a lot of sinus issues with the weather changing. It isn’t really visible when I look in the mirror, but it definitely feels asymmetrical.

I’m trying not to jump to the worst... I went to the ENT I think a month ago, and he said everything felt fine. I haven’t had bloodwork done since February, but hypothyroidism does run in my family. I guess, has anyone else noticed their neck feeling a little swollen due to sinuses/allergies? It doesn’t hurt or anything, just feels thicker.

22-11-20, 20:00
I think the fact you had bloods this year and have seen an ENT is reassuring. February isn’t actually that long ago so I’d take consolation if your levels were normal then, they probably are now.

Feel better

22-11-20, 20:43
I’d go get a blood test, that’s the only way you’ll know for sure, put your mind at rest!

22-11-20, 21:44
I went to the ENT I think a month ago, and he said everything felt fine.......It doesn’t hurt or anything, just feels thicker.

IMO... Perception vs. reality...

Positive thoughts

23-11-20, 04:50
:hugs:Thank you very much for the responses! I considered getting bloodwork done again, but I’m trying not to jump immediately to rushing to the doctor’s. I do like the peace of mind that comes with it, but I also have a bad habit of relying too heavily on going whenever my health anxiety gets to me. I’ve been pretty good about not prodding at it too much, as I know my poking inflamed it even more. My fiancé said it felt fine to him, too — I do think it’s the perception vs reality as well lol.

23-11-20, 04:59
I also just noticed the banned messages... I didn’t even see what was commented :scared15: