View Full Version : Need For A Freind

29-10-07, 13:20
thanks in advance for any adivce given.
My friend who lives on her own with two children. her mum died when she was 16. She doesnt have any family. Her ex partner still live in the same village.
she has been suffering anxiety and panic attacks for 6 months now. this week it has been half term week and she has not been able to get out,
she has been perscribed a AD but no taken it yet. she has had councelling seesion but nothing seems to be helping. i would like to help her but dont know how!
is there any cds for relaxtion which i can buy for her? i really want to help her

29-10-07, 13:41
Hi Waymouth30,

First of all, your friend is very lucky to have you. If your friend has only had one counselling session than i'm afraid that's not enough, these things take far longer. I would suggest that your frieng gives the AD's a go, even for a few months just to see if they make a difference. Does you friend have access to a computer? if so than you could maybe persuade them to come on line and have a good read through the forum but preferable come into the chat room where we could offer help and advice either as a group on one to one if they prefer.

hope this helps


29-10-07, 13:42

Yes there are loads of cd's out there, do a search for them.I have found that music of my own liking works best. Here is a book that I would hight recomend that you buy for her. Dr. Claire Weeks : Self Help For Nervers. It's a great book.
Also does she do breathing exercises or relaxation?

Also have her join the site, there loads of people here and loads of great advice. Check on the section to the left. There's lots of advice there.Self Help section is great, you can even get some information there that will help you, help her.

The one thing I can tell you from a ex-suffer myself,just be there for her and let her do the talking, even if you don't understand it, she needs to get it out.She needs to know that somebody is there for her.

You are doing a great job, keep it up!!!! An let her know she isn't alone in this fight. We all here know what she is going through each day.

Take Care

I Believe That We All Will Get Better!!!!

Big Bird
30-10-07, 09:21
thanks in advance for any adivce given.
My friend who lives on her own with two children. her mum died when she was 16. She doesnt have any family. Her ex partner still live in the same village.
she has been suffering anxiety and panic attacks for 6 months now. this week it has been half term week and she has not been able to get out,
she has been perscribed a AD but no taken it yet. she has had councelling seesion but nothing seems to be helping. i would like to help her but dont know how!
is there any cds for relaxtion which i can buy for her? i really want to help her

Well she has a friend and a good one in you:yesyes:
Not only this, you have opened up a route to many others through the medium of this wonderful forum. Even if she has no available way of communicating via this site, you do and you must feel free to transfer all the relevant material as you seem fit as it is of so much help.
As stated below, listen to your friend, be there for her and never doubt her. Give her confidence in herself and you too will be amazed how much better you feel for doing so. She will get better; we all will, but it takes time, belief in what we are doing and sharing each and every thought rather than trying to cope alone.
I have always been a person of supreme self confidence until my own trauma in July much to the detriment of my own self. I have learnt to respect and love myself and others through this debilitating condition and in the space of four months, my life has turned around for the better in every way although my journey is still only in its infancy. With your help and her willpower she can turn this around and make her an even better person than she already undoubtedly is.Stick in there, it's worth it, we are all with you.
