View Full Version : Itching

21-11-20, 16:42
please does anyone get itching. It is everywhere and moves all the time from one spot to another. From scalp to toes. All tests fine checked out bloods scans. I am struggling and scared.

21-11-20, 20:12

I live in the States and have been itchy lately as well due to the weather changing. It’s probably just dry skin.

Also, anxiety can cause you to itch! You know how if you ever see a bunch of bugs on TV or on your phone and you feel itchy after? It’s the same thing. The brain is a very powerful thing and, most of the time, when us anxiety sufferers are experiencing symptoms, they’re not actually there. It’s simply just our subconscious being continuously worried that there’s something wrong with us.

I got itchy just writing this!

Do you have any other symptoms that are concerning? I’m assuming if you did, you would’ve written them in your post.

It’s probably dry skin, a simple allergy to soap, clothing, sheets, etc., or an anxiety-induced response. Like I said before, when we are particularly anxious, our body’s stress response can go crazy, causing sensory symptoms such as numbness, burning, or itching.

Please try to relax and recognize what you know to be true: all tests have come back inconclusive, thus, nothing is wrong with you.

21-11-20, 20:44
I have a spot on my back that's been itching since cancer treatment over 7 years ago. I keep a back scratcher next to my chair, bed, and one at work to help relieve it. It's just one of those normal physical anomalies associated with my treatment. It can happen to anyone regardless, and mental issues can and will exasperate it. The same thing can happen to anyone, treatment or not.

Positive thoughts