View Full Version : I’m back again with the same thing 😔

22-11-20, 18:31
Hi Guys

I am struggling again with panic attacks only minor ones thank god but they make me feel ill all the same

I’ve been feeling edgy for a couple of weeks and it’s all come to a head on Friday

It was the anniversary of my Mams death on 17th November that was a hard week I have found out the last couple of weeks I am at risk of redundancy due to my dept not opening again after the covid shut down

We are having group consultations and in the new year there will be individual ones and we will have to apply for any job we want

The thought of all this is filling me with dread I only work 12 hours a week because my son has Autism and I am his carer (he’s 19 now) it took such a lot for me to force myself to get this job 9 years ago

I’m petrified of covid one of my daughters is asthmatic and my son is too but only mild both me and my husband work in supermarkets so I worry he or me or both will get ill what will happen to my son

My youngest daughter is due to leave home any day now she has bought a house with her partner this makes me sad although I am happy for her

This is what I am currently feeling

Fed up
Can’t see anything to look forward to
Neck and upper back hurts
Chest hurts
Nervous stomach(all the time)
Ibs flare up
My right eye has been twitching for weeks
Mini panic attacks

I have a fear of doctors hospitals I have a good doctor who has helped me a lot and I feel I should probably speak to her but I get scared she will refer me for tests how would I cope with that?

My husband and kids are brilliant I have 3 grown up daughters but they have started arguing amongst themselves and blaming each other for my problems

I feel like I’m trapped and I’m not living a life at the minute just surviving this anxiety every day

I do have ibs I also have fibromyalgia and a under active thyroid my trapezius muscles are in constant spasm they make my chest hurt and affect my jaw which to me makes me think a heart attack is imminent which is what my mam does of suddenly at 62 sometimes I can just reassure myself and get on with it but it’s difficult right now going work is hard but if I don’t go how is that going to look when they decide who they are keeping on

I wish I could rid myself of this condition it makes life so hard sometimes

Sorry to go on 😔 Thanks for reading xx

22-11-20, 19:32
I don't suffer from HA. That said, the stress of the current situation is causing mental and physical ramifications. Aside from the side effects from cancer treatment, I have upper daily back and chest pain (easily a 5 out of 10), very inconsistent digestion and bowel issues as well as decreased appetite and a general uncertainty and anxiety about things. If its difficult for me as a non-sufferer, I can only imagine what's its like for real anxiety sufferers. I'm able to quell the mental loop the loop but I still feel and experience the physical results of the stress. I just make it a point to have some decompression time. I distract myself by listening and playing music among other distractions, and do my best to remain consistent in my routines of sleep and nutrition.

We all have to find our ways to cope. Hopefully you'll find yours.

Positive thoughts

22-11-20, 20:41
Wow that’s a lot to be dealing with, no wonder your anxiety is back!
this virus has also brought me back to this anxiety hell ��
im also someone who does go long periods of being pretty much ok and then into dark times where I struggle to do day to day stuff! My advice to re read whatever materials you read previously, for me Claire Weekes, remind yourself of how you’ve come out of this before! Smile! ��
it’s not easy as we already know but don’t let this win!

22-11-20, 21:51
Hi Fishmanpa & Mindful

Thank you so much for your responses

Fishmanpa...I’m so sorry you are battling cancer I feel awful coming on here moaning about this stuff when there are people like you out there really suffering I’m so sorry and my thoughts are with I hope you stay well xx

Mindful....Thank you you’re right I should remember how I beat this before it’s always there but when it’s in the background I can deal with it better I will certainly try what you have suggested

Thanks again both take care xx

22-11-20, 22:18
I’ve just gone back and read some of my old posts here LOL . I gave some pretty good advice so I must of been on the way out of my anxiety hell, sort of strange to re read but it’s given me a right kick up the backside, we need to remember that we are not strangers to this, we just need some reassurance, I guess that’s why we’ve arrived here again lol ... we can do this!

22-11-20, 22:53
Fishmanpa...I’m so sorry you are battling cancer I feel awful coming on here moaning about this stuff when there are people like you out there really suffering I’m so sorry and my thoughts are with I hope you stay well xx

I'm 7 years out from treatment and officially 'cured'. That said, the side effects, (swallowing issues, chronic pain, neuropathy etc.) are my new normal. I'm just saying that life's stressors have an impact on all of us, anxiety or not. Its how we handle it that counts.

"Life is 10% what happens to us, 90% on how we handle it" - Charles Swindoll

Positive thoughts

23-11-20, 06:17
"Life is 10% what happens to us, 90% on how we handle it" - Charles Swindoll


26-11-20, 15:39
Hi guys

I am not much better 😔 I spoke to my doctor today she’s lovely but it hasn’t helped me I don’t feel any better and I don’t know what to do 😥

I told her the symptoms I am currently dealing with all of them I have had before but everytime I get them it’s my heart in my head no matter what

I have upper back pain (trapezius muscles) I have a bad neck upper chest hurts I’m hoping it’s from my back muscles and neck issues nervous stomach sometimes I feel the muscles in my neck tense it goes all the way up to my jaw (I’ve read about how this can be a symptom of a heart attack in women) 😔

My ibs isn’t under control right now I am wondering if my fibromyalgia has flared up because we got a new bed about 3 weeks ago

I spoke to my doctor this morning told her my chest hurt she said what about palpitations? I said I wasn’t even sure what they are she said people describe them differently but it’s essentially feeling your heart beating in your chest I told her I get that when I have a panic attack or when I am about to but I manage to stop it but it scared me because I am wondering now if I had been really good at stopping a full blown panic attack or if there’s something else going on

As I am typing this my jaw feels tense my back and chest ache my stomach feels nervous I just can’t see the woods for the trees right now I really don’t want to feel like this anymore

I don’t know what to do I need to get some help for this before I go mad 😔

Sorry guys Thanks for reading

26-11-20, 21:08
Are you ready to accept that these are all common symptoms of an anxiety disorder though? I'm not fobbing you off. Living with chronic pain is tiring but add in a whole load of relentless anxiety and the pain becomes exaggerated and you imagine all sorts of worst case scenario diagnoses..

You've had all these symptoms before so they are quite routine for you. Don't let your GP enable the HA. Some can be pretty good at that.

I know you are a carer and so am I....Please don't jeopardise your mental health. Try to accept that anxiety can cause a whole raft of unpleasant symptoms which aren't sinister x

27-11-20, 09:11
Hi guys

Thank you so much for your replies

I’m really trying just so hard sometimes

😔 x

27-11-20, 15:56
Can you get a massage in the UK with the current COVID restrictions? If I were your doctor I'd prescribe a spa day! :yesyes:

28-11-20, 10:43

I can’t get on page 2 to see what someone commented it just takes me back to page 1 😬

Thanks for replying sorry I can’t answer