View Full Version : Sore skin on inner thighs

23-11-20, 14:39
I was diagnosed with shingles a few days ago, the rash is on my upper back on the right side. I'm on antivirals. Since yesterday I've had some odd sore skin on my inner thighs close to the knees. It feels sort of sensitive and tender to touch and like I've had chafing there but it looks normal. I've got pain with the shingles but that is on one side where the rash is, I wouldn't have thought I would get sore skin on both legs because of shingles. Is it a side effect of the meds? It isn't listed though. And I had skinny jeans on yesterday but that was yesterday and there's no redness or anything. Please help I'm so worried now and googling a lot 😟

23-11-20, 16:13
Can I ask why you are worried and what are you googling for ? cancer ?

Why can't it be related to the shingles or just a irritation that will soon go?

23-11-20, 16:52
It's not the shingles because that is strictly on one side of the body and affects one nerve. Googling throws up things like fibromyalgia, MS. I'm very scared of symptoms I don't understand, sometimes because there's an internet diagnosis that fits but other times simply because I don't understand, I can't relax. I'm in quite a state about it.

23-11-20, 16:56
But it will probably settle once the shingles goes. It can't be a coincidence you have this now.

I would see what happens.

23-11-20, 20:52
This is actually subsiding already. I wish I would learn my lesson every time this happens.

23-11-20, 21:21
There you go - great news.

It is because you have anxiety so everything is magnified and your whole system is on red alert.

Glad you feel better anyway.